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JESUS Christ Mental Teleportation Of Distant Objects.

JESUS Christ Mental Teleportation Of Distant Objects, Transfiguring, With Matter Energy Converting for the greater Good Highest Purpose is found throughout the Christian Bible Testaments, Sermons, Videos, Books, Art, Music, and Scrolls, even as written of the Finger in the dust, and even as the created proves (even if unaware). Yet the higher greater unseen is as if far removed though actually deeply Devoted and Involved.

Much of the higher is "Yes.". Much of the lower has been questioning, uneasiness, discomfort, naysaying, and inquisition (some questions are great, longsuffering for the Highest Purpose is turned to Joy, as symbolized below at the golden arrow the dead Christians rise transported from those graves from a little lower than civilization of various faiths as undeniable [save higher level conditions] Christian Miracles that like birth the former pains be as though forgotten as rather the JESUS Grace Joy Supersedes).

"USA is the world leader" ["or Bully" (GOOG)] in many ways.

World English, and the United Nations are from USA, along with liberty ideas such as toward Democracy in the sense of valuing each person, though note JESUS Christ was about voting and popularity only toward the minimal Maintenance sense (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders [One Leadership]).

JESUS Christ asked for Highest Purpose including for their sakes such as: Who do you think I am?, that is rather "Who do you say I am?", (biblehub.com/mark/8-29.htm), and "Do you see"...? (Mark 8.23), though rather than [voting, popularity, or sales ("Maintenance")] JESUS Christ was rather about "My Father's business"

(Luke 2.49 [greater than a House Of Prayer] but not [a marketplace] John 2.16).

Therefore if to be a Democracy, then a properly Best Representative Democracy, therefore JESUS Christ USA (see previous in this "Series").

If to transport a person to another galaxy and into another civilization, then to encounter their laws and ways, laws and ways that by their sense of civilization legally denounce other forms of governments and faiths.

In other words, it is vital to be with the Best Proving System as Maintenance at least, though to be with such "Best" first requires: JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith along with "Best" Ascending that the Faith "Best" yield the fruit the Maintenance "Best".

So from JESUS Christ and so to Continue (Continuing whether in Spirit only or Spirit With Pure Flesh [sufficiently pure for the Mission (see previous in this "Series" on commander and on Accord)]).

The soul of a vessel [known as heart, known often in the sense of the vessel's highest purpose (reason for a vessel to have been created or at least sufficient for it's current Mission)]

is like unto a transporter for the mind, though not always realized. So the soul is similar to transporting a brain and more, the way a person might become lost in Music so to speak, or an animal might become lost in a mating ritual so unaware of the big picture otherwise even if the mating is vital so a male animal for instance might be attacked and eaten by another animal and though losing itself it might

have completed it's greater mission that a newly evolved creature comes forth. So while of greater value, also be alert [be with greatest value (see previous in this "Series" such as at www.angelfire.com/ut/v1/index.html)(Matthew 23.23 and rather Matthew 24.36 with JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith With Work(s)). Even so, if to become "lost in Music" let it be the name of the Music be the Christian Music [or a title of such], if "lost in a" building, let it be a Christian Church

if "lost in a" nation such as USA, let it be: JESUS Christ USA.

"USA is the world leader" in many ways, though many today do not realize many important key things about USA Presidents, specifically as depicted below, with the Laying On Of Hands in Christian routine Ceremonies (while it is illegal to touch the President unless if given special permission) as with Christian Former President Barack Obama and Current: Christian President Don Trump evidently Praying JESUS Christ over an ACT. So with "USA is the world leader", therefore "in many ways" an ACT over the entire world.

In the name of JESUS Christ Be part of the greatest story ever told: JESUS Christ One Christian, and let Your group Be likewise known as a properly prioritized group in JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ explained the Converting people, that as a rudder of a great ship the greater is Accomplished [Converted]. So for instance if women are to have equal rights as much as continuing to be with males and females in these generations (yet with preparedness to be as Spirit Angels neither male nor female)

then the need now (via JESUS Christ USA, JESUS Christ United Nations, JESUS Christ governmental groups, and JESUS Christ other groups)

to per se Convert the following verse. If this civilization is completely undone then such as the lowly spirits of dust, yet from the Spirit Creator better was sought for You and so the Created starting with the Holy Pure Garden Of Eden, and if to return to such then to return not as sin and ignorance, rather as JESUS Christ Ascended Highest and this is how to Agree for the fruit of the Second Coming as written in 1 Timothy 2.15 NAS:

so the interpretation includes Eternal according to "preserved", and the interpretation includes the created "children" and Converting all into One Christianity for the Best For Each And All; therefore this verse applies to and for males also, yet "if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint."

JESUS Christ Liberty.

JESUS Christ shows the freedom to opt to sin has been improper and under the worldly laws of the house of bondage and therefore not a more perfect Union but imperfect, flawed, defective in reasoning and so unsound, unsellable to the more saavy, the freedom of the sin of opted bondage has been unfit and inferior and so below par and substandard from which shoddy workmanship has been the resultant fruits the many largest of groups carry.

Repent, show to and for all to realize Your group is now changed for the better and for the Highest Good for all.

Freedom is not the same as carelessness though in lower levels it has been often counted as such, so rather seek the JESUS Christ Liberty, as this "Liberty" is with a sense of not toward lawbreaking and rather a sense of Highest Purpose [Grace that is JESUS Christ]: Honorable, Courageous, True Righteously Of JESUS Christ and not as if true according to a careless interpretation for sinful reasons.

JESUS Christ Liberty is with a sense of self-restraint, to Best Accomplish things needful and then the True Righteous Victories in JESUS Christ for Best for all. So of the previous verse "sanctity" is Holiness, the High Priest Does Create such, such as via properly in JESUS Christ Anointing things, and a Christian can Do likewise sanctifying their home, and the Christian Leadership of USA can likewise

1. Prayerfully [(JESUS Christ One) Guidance],

2. [Continuing Praying JESUS Christ In The Heart] consider group criteria (who to include in the Renaming and Anointing Planning And Actions),

3. Highest Purpose Faithfully make it so in the name JESUS Christ with referencing JESUS Christ,

4. In the name JESUS Christ [group] Do the Highest Purpose, and not leave undone group criteria yet Anew,

5. Return to Me and I Will Return To You [Guides the Eternal Good One](Malachi 3.7&8).

Consider Point 5: To Be The Good And Faithful Servant Found So Doing,

or if not "So Doing" then to be found undoing the sinful entity ways.

Not found "So Doing", is similar to the word mental:

Mental is

"1. relating to the mind" or

"2. relating to disorders of the mind".

Now consider the heart. The Heart can be for the Loving Living Blood Shed For The New Covenant Eucharist For All Worthy

(similar applies to the "Anointed" lower vessels conditionally)

while "disorders of the" heart are the lower levels and the flesh (of the organs): not so "of the mind".

The mind is of the freedom to opt, the pace keeper (pacemaker) leaves not the created Given undone [such as to beat faster or slower] yet is the vessel pacesetter,

a pacesetter is "a person or organization viewed as taking the lead or setting standards of achievement for others (GOOG).

Prepare Your [We The People set] for JESUS Christ Mental Teleportation Victory And The Greater Standard

(like unto a license though JESUS Christ One Grace: prepare Your system for JESUS Christ Highest Wisdom With Authority).

JESUS Christ United Nations States Of America Christian President Don Trump Praying over ACT with Christian President Barack Obama world leaders opting liberty, lawmaker contradictions Constitution Amendment 1 Article XIV Amendment 14 religion Faith, illustrated power of the word to Translate Transfigure Transcend Teleport then Transport victory over Romans 15:6, heart music 1 Timothy 2:15, pterosaur teeth wings fly fiery dragon Apollo 13, how to show Your Sermon illustrations on television gamepedia people love playing games and watching TV Pastor John Hagee said George Washington did not want separation of Church and state churchofjesuschrist.org Catholic Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Fatima Shepherd Lucia Santos Lisbon Portugal, Islamic prophet Muhammad, married Ali Islam Muslims Perfect Women attractive sexually Puritan movie Carrie Saint Sebastian State Of The Union Address Christian Wisdom over Old Testament Ezekiel 44.23 Brenton Septuagint Translation Ascend from Moses Seat Transportation Security Administration www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/jesusteleport.html www.angelfire.com/ut/jc1/index.html

The time is come for Prayers Of Christian Leaders in this world to become manifest,

not only in Word(s), yet also Fact and Will

and in True Display for the sakes of others and all.

JESUS Christ Transported through time and space Moses and Elias (Matthew 17.3). To Do So JESUS Christ had no tools per se, He brought with Him such as a cloak and sandals, perhaps a staff (wooden stick). His Holy Tool was Highest Purpose Faith.

A person in poverty, a person in a coma, a person such as Christian President Don Trump: any such person might Do So In JESUS Christ (Psalm 111.8 NIV); they not only "might" be Done, they (Transporting) should be Done in the name JESUS Christ. Note: let Your Faith In JESUS Christ Be greater than the Faith evidenced by the writer of this Sermon as much as was realized.

Even so, the writer of this Sermon (as a person "might" likewise be, rather as "should be Done" and greater in [equal to JESUS Christ One or at least Faithfully Ascending as a Christian under JESUS Christ)

was for a long time was interested in advertising though in recent months especially more concerned with Faith, such as making JESUS Christ Sermons, than about money even if for advertising these sites (as had previously been done through the years with uneven results),

then yesterday June 27, 2019 JESUS Christ Spirit Father One made it clear that currently at least it was not about that "money", and rather far more importantly about JESUS Christ Faith.

For instance if You publish an Internet Sermon on a site, You don't have to advertise (though such can be helpful especially for novice Preachers)

since word-of-mouth can get the word out in the often secular cliche, though Your published Internet Sermon is already on Television and otherwise broadcast. Note if children play video games too much, have them look into searching the Internet functions to find Bible verses, to find Christian Sermons and such as to see important Christian Executive things not often shown in secular news (though of course Guide them toward JESUS Christ rather than toward crime and sin)

though yesterday for instance a weather broadcast had some Christian things such as an evidently Christian Person struck in the head by lightning that went to his gold chain that evaporated and He flew 15' into the air and was hurt and though His Christian Cross did not evaporate: interpreted as the gold value left though the Cross For Christian Purpose remained: a Miracle Sign from above and He lived to tell about it: even broadcast on a popular channel.

It is Good to be aware of Your Sermon reach, including media types, according to Your talents. For example a nice looking Sermon on the Internet might not appear as such on TV or on a handheld, so if Your Sermon is about texting, You might want to taylor Your site to appear great on handhelds.

As Jews, Muslims, and others flock to USA, so many don't realize or are relatively less concerned about the Highest things USA With UN Leaders have been Doing and Continuing: Praying JESUS Christ. These Christian Leaders receive Righteousness from JESUS Christ Spirit Father One, and so are better [or Best] able to offer True Grace

[Higher or lower level justice if so sought legally save if converting higher (example a person of either party in a lawsuit is supposed to be for to help the opposite party according to law and lawyers as much as such faithfulness, at least to help the opposite party toward realizing to repent)].

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing upper left is the traditional idea of a transporter, such as in Star Trek and similar, though as the secular world has already proven it is far easier to transport an item (see above center equipment for Mars visit) than to transport a person. Previous generations in cliche proffered rhetorically "They can transport a people but not a space shuttle?".

Truly, truly, many youth today already know (as evidenced often) of better ways to make software, and connectivity devices, and teleporters than seen, and likewise many advancing engineers and experts of similar talents view the cars and planes and other as though toward ancient history books, aware of the better newer designing values that no manufacturers make for multitudes of conditions heaped on like unto the house of bondage.

But that is going to change: be ready for it: First Through JESUS Christ.

The wisdom of the mature needs be the Wisdom Of God [if to continue (biblehub.com/1_corinthians/2-6.htm) and if more than survive amidst calamities]. Leading is not about being second best (yet it doesn't mean extermination of second best is necessary).

Prior to JESUS Christ of census 2,000 years ago "a title" such as JESUS Christ USA would have been "much too great" to bear (ibid. Matthew Henry Commentary)

The youth will trample over the elders unless the elders stop them and censor them and thwart their higher calling(s),

or if the Christian Leadership Properly Best Helps And Best Guides them.

The youth have forbidden knowledge in the sense they have not yet been [wisely] mature [sufficiently (as evidenced often, reference reliability especially such as teens and similar testing the limits of sanity)].

They have knowledge. The Peace of God surpasseth all worldly understandings (a key, see flag symbol below),

if Your JESUS Christ Group keep Your JESUS Christ Group Heart In JESUS Christ and so that Your JESUS Christ Group Minds Be Worthy Mature Ripe And Perfectly Lifted Within JESUS Christ Living Leaping Name And With JESUS Christ Precepting,

thusly supplanting secular references often toward unknowns (e.g. the less reliable of methodologies: secular ways such as for sinful profiteerings improperly mixed with other secular values)(former ways of secular hearts and the things the sinners valued, so beware of lower level missions)

and supplanting secular flip-of-coin logic (see above text on "mental").

Symbolic example a person was hired if able to type 60 words per minute, today a child converts gigabytes

(a unit of information equal to one billion [10 to the 9th power] or, strictly [2 to the 30th power] bytes, GOOG)

such as library with a simple link, and such as [playing for fun] gaming so animating on television, even with real time family activities on television. Children and others are connecting the Internet (as originally intended after military and banking, as evidenced) to not only all people, yet also to all systems

so this is another reason the timing in the name JESUS Christ for any nation and group is now come for to make it so. This website Sermon, and Your Sermon, and the Internet and television broadcasting and ID theft and is surpassing former worldly ways and is becoming more integrated and for Good except for not good sinful lawbreakings.

JESUS Christ Gives this Converting option for Highest Faithful Purpose and You can understand it: the previous sentence said "not good", so two words were put together which should never be put together lest in order to have "not good", except for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose as in this situation Edifying: awareness of a "not good" subset as sin has been in the lower levels and in the world, while time is Given From Highest Purpose to Do Most to become Completely Pure.

JESUS Christ, One (in this context per se "bond-servants" [properly Ascending with Saying And Doing]) Apostles for Highest Purpose Paul and Timothy explained for Christian Leaders at Philippi (Philippians 1.1 NAS) to be about: truth, honor, Righteousness, purity, love, goodly repute, excellence, and if any is found worthy of praise (Philippians 4.8);

so this is a profound example about the normal higher JESUS Christ Holy Father Highest Purpose One Path Ascending properly;

so what is a profound example about the abnormal yet JESUS Christ Holy Father Highest Purpose One Path Descending properly?

JESUS Christ a little lower than the Angels, and the JESUS Christ Second Coming,

likewise such as Jacob's Ladder (Genesis 28.12 [perhaps indirectly], and [directly] such as John 1.51),

and to further Edify For Doing Greater In The Lord an example is as stated above:

"not good",

so with JESUS Christ Convert this barrier (Firmament level) in their lives so they do according to Your Heart Guiding Best, so Edify them;

but now here is JESUS Christ Father Highest Purpose Spirit Giving You something Anew [possibly (Matthew 19.26)] and likewise possibly far more difficult for You to Higher than that example to Convert, hardly as a light switch on or off as typically likely far more complex though from Longsuffering to Joy Functioning:

as JESUS Christ taught words (such as previously stated "Edify") if without works is useless and dead (James 2.20, & 26 [or asleep]).

So if there is a high comprehensive excuse for the military to kill (generally speaking: to break laws), this is toward it (but first JESUS Christ USA [per se], JESUS Christ UN,...);

but it is not to worsen, it is not even to offend and this is key in JESUS Christ Love. Consider how a spouse hides their activities from their mate, if adultery then "no good", yet in JESUS Christ and even in lower secular levels if to hide a present until a certain time for the spouse then generally a goodly surprise often great!

If a nation is busy appreciating the Doing of the Will Of The Father In Highest Heaven (JESUS Christ One), then increasing in Christian Faith and so Joy (Heart Of Joy Giving); therefore because of such "busy" involvement (so a Joy in order to Give Joy, see above such as "lost in Music") such as for JESUS Christ USA, then therefore less worried about the next recreational drug to hope to change from "Joy".

And therefore less worried for the next adultery because of the "Joy", and less concern for extra food for the obese because of the "Joy", they become transported from hope to "Joy" (what is "they" in this sense: their Heart Of JESUS Christ even if "they" be unawares). For greater Edifying compare the motivational factors of these two symbolic givens:

A. "let's go work hard and dangerously to put bags of seeds on rocks", or

B. "let's do something for a goodly reason";

so in the normal nation, group, or person is to opt for "B" (Christian Leaders already know JESUS Christ makes more sense: there is One Highest Authority And In The Name JESUS Christ).

This is not about former secular ways of one faith against another faith(s), this is with the "already" known. And so the already knowing the Best, are trying to Help each and all the others.

This is about already Proven, Real, and already Knowing the Best Answer,

even if in the world with worldly bodies and so sometimes wrong due to such worldliness

("wrong" is not necessarily the fault of the Christian vessel).

A person or a nation can become with Christian Name, though similar to how a newly Baptized Christian is hardly the Highest Christian Priest Of Their Christian Church, precept on precept properly the new Christian learns about the Christian Bible more and the JESUS Christ Word And Work (this is not to slow a new Christian, rather generally speaking as often are the situations: greater Miracles Do Happen and many have converted their nations [to Abraham and to] Christianity).

There is a Best Way to Convert, and there have been former in reference to "new" and this section title "wrong" that can be Best Overcome In The Name JESUS Christ. Even so, future maturing would also apply in Continuing Faith To Offer Greater Joy(s) until Final End Time or it's Best Conversion into Anew Final End Time (reference lease renewals, and an even more excellent Way so hardly as previously).

If without the created, at least in the secular (though also consider empty pews per se), then there at least has been an emptiness: a lack of increasing Joy To Give or at least counted as though such. To learn JESUS Christ One Completely is to learn the Tree Of Life Completely (John 14.6 Now With The Spirit Father One according to Your nation [or vessel] faith amount(s)).

So if to first Give "the Tree Of Life Completely", then the subset for Higher Purpose if with "the Tree Of Life Completely" is to be with the ancillary Tree Of Knowledge, so not merely alive, yet with Wisdom; hardly merely Joy, yet Perfect Wisdom is with Righteous Liberty to Give freely and also allocating so to Best learn "freely" and "allocating" Principles (reference lower level GAAP [over much fairly properly at least in many former senses]) and Precepts.

For now, start with JESUS Christ USA.

Note the previous sentence is no hold against any other so interested in JESUS Christ [name of Your group].

The interesting though secular movie Knowing starring Nicolas Cage (and previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons) was about if to know something would happen, then to be able to do something such as to prevent accidents.

Yet JESUS Christ revealed the value of watching reruns. If a victim cries in a situation in a video and then You already know the better ending, then the video in Your Heart And Mind becomes in You of Transported Spirit over than victim aspect: so Joy [to Best Give (often, not always, many conditions of many levels may apply)]. If Your Heart can Transport a Spirit, can the Holy Spirit Transport You [Your Heart, so with You Whole]?, Yes.

The Creator is of One Mind, and a subset is to create to Give Joy. If to create, then to go or transport from one to another: to Give (Transporter).

JESUS Christ would have You Best Distinguish the fruits of the spirits (hardly about often lower levels such as wine flavors, though pertinent)

as JESUS Christ would have You Rightly Distinguish spirits involving types of victories, for instance to Distinguish the spirit of the great though largely secular movie Apollo 13 from the movie Knowing (Tom Hanks starred in both) yet in the sense for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. Included were that both were about saving lives, though Apollo 13 was less about people that died in the movie and rather about John 10.28 & 29,

as Ed Harris as often upset character Gene Kranz secularly grappled to try to explain (not caring about some concerns) hardly about what a vessel

"was designed to do. I care about what it can do." (springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=apollo-13).

Concerning "not caring about some concerns", see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on "Comprehensive" need in JESUS Christ for Best Prioritizing: in this Sermon Series the "PCS" Standard). So this Distinguishing Gift over many spirits is not just about opting projection ideas nor Best predictions, nor so to speak to Edify as if only about the ability to Prophesy, this Distinguishing includes for You to everyday be aware of the JESUS Christ Victories for You according to Your Best Ascending Faithfulness.

Why is it important to Ascend and Prophesy?, to Edify in JESUS Christ: for greed lustfully?, no, for showing off?, no.

It important to Ascend and Prophesy in JESUS Christ [and greater] because of Amos 3.7 NAS:

JESUS Christ Prophets are the connectivity to Teleporter Transportation.

Through JESUS Christ His Prophet(s) are the Living Teleporter(s) Transporting, through the Converted air, through the unseen electricity, even Miracles through the secular.

If You [demand, or even] want victories, then generally in secular cliche "You're doing it wrong". So greater Joy(s) in Heaven(s) so according to Victories, and Victories when Worthy rather than when a person wants, these are keys enabling You to Preach "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want" (Psalm 23.1 NAS): that is: want to Say And Do as JESUS Christ Father Spirit In Highest Purpose One: enabler to the more excellent Way Anew Higher than former Highest [in You (Your Faith amount)].

Apostle Paul explained He was also of the Command Of "God" (biblehub.com/1_timothy/1-1.htm ["Hebraism"]) via the Living Enabler

a "mediator" (1 Timothy 2.5):

So JESUS Christ is a Living Transporter for You,

not only Word, also Transporting the created.

JESUS Christ [Says] Does Teleportation of the Word, yet to Be Living JESUS Christ [Does And] Is The Living Transporter.

Not only as a Pure Christian Bodies as lower level Mission bricks as a street made of bricks, not only as popularity opinions, nor votes;

the Highest Purpose JESUS Christ Pure Body when Ascending and even (see above on "Comprehensive") when counted as though descending, of the internal Heart And Soul is as a Living Pipe and/or Living Rocket Pathway Up and so on Anew (Vertically as the Earth and the created shift to cooperate) For Your Greater Ascending.

You read it, so now You are with it, as One to have it to Give: JESUS Christ Mental Teleportation Concerning Distant Objects. If the "Objects" were close together or overlapping or One, there would be less need for a Teleporter or a Transporter

Be aware of a current largely secular gaming interpretation (toward a popular opinion of what a Teleporter is or should be):

"Teleporting is always instantaneous, has no load time or cooldown, and has no Mana or coin cost. 3 days ago Teleporter - The Official Terraria Wiki" (terraria.gamepedia.com/Teleporter).

The Word became flesh, the teleporter made flesh. And the flesh JESUS Christ Ascended And Returns, the Transporter sends and brings vessels.

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing bottom left is a very brief history of the Transporter via Teleporter aspect (overlap) of the higher levels of secular transportation. The massive pipe rode on air, like unto it flew. Then was reasonably lifted up at the click of a button. Some isolated people might not yet understand how it could ride upward on invisible electricity that was not wind: it is levitated.

The next pic to the right is a large clear container of water with an explosion inside: it is become a Teleporter and also an Amplifier of energy or from a large body of water with applying an unseen high voltage signal a creator of a mighty Converter (reference such as secular Relativity Theory) as JESUS Christ explained of His Father In Heaven, in His Heart. He knew this, so in the Mind Of JESUS Christ.

Knowing, and the Power within, is therefore the Pure Strength Of JESUS Christ as written in Mark 12.29, 30, & 31 NAS:

So this is how to be a Living Teleporter of Word, and a Transporter via Teleporter of distant things;

this is likewise how to be JESUS Christ Transfiguring ("Converting", and "Amplifier",...) and so of space time.

To the right of it is how two people might yell to each other "JESUS" and so to form the huge wave (reference great though secular movie The Perfect Storm with the monster rogue wave).

And to the right of that is music such as Your Christian Church Choir might find of interest and applicable in principle at least. This is like unto the higher left illustrations with graph.

A wave of energy is often shown horizontally, yet if to make a sound and then again before the previous harmonics attenuate too significantly, then the next wave is less about the baseline and rather (reference peak amplitude e.g. hold) concerning [at least in JESUS Christ often] the higher part. And the action is repeated and so the wave goes higher and higher.

Above that is illustrated if many in Your Mass keep saying "JESUS" at will the sound would build somewhat, though some Temples resonate more than others, and there are other factors: Your Victories In JESUS Christ over some types of powers in the Word already and yet as with "resonate" "JESUS" the Will "instantaneous", as soon as the Temple structures Hear they are Moved In The Name JESUS Christ (Joshua 6.4).

Note the spikes in the graph (ibid.)(note the name "JESUS" was added symbolically though not seeming to match the spikes).

Near the center of the above JESUS Christ Drawing, grey pic, similar to footprints (reference little graves though for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Better Caring) are areas where some soil was removed, and from how the whiter parts went away at a rate of some days it was interpreted that it was ice from water that went away.

Such is associated with the created, "the deep" (Genesis 1.2), outer space, Firmament levels, and the water(s). So about levels toward the Birth Of JESUS Christ.

The Old Testament already Gave the levels, though they did not make Tree Of Knowledge sense in civilization until the Advent of the JESUS Christ Living Exemplar Tree Of Life Edifying Over The Of Knowledge including the Commands, verses, ways (toward as if only methodologies of ancestors [secular not lively nor innovative nor better]), and laws (toward as if separation of logic [secular as if not necessarily citing for the good of each and all nor even better than previous]).

Above that is shown people to be rising from their graves.

An Austrian laboratory in 1997AD, "destroyed bits of light in one place and made perfect replicas appear about three feet away. They did that by transferring information about a crucial physical characteristic of the original light bits, called photons.", [transporting interpreted as enabling computers beyond light speed] as a premier secular "quantum" leap (amos37.com/harpazo-a-scientific-glance/).

JESUS Christ would have all be aware of the failure of the previous reference (for example) and the failure similarly of each and all secular references, and in other words the lack of properly Giving Credit to and for JESUS Christ God (from Higher: their amounts if any idleness, backsliding, falling). In the previous sentence example "photons" were mentioned and You know JESUS Christ explained "I am the light" (John 8.12)

so key is they the secular self opted (without redemption of John 10.17 as much as that secular work was opted instead of being with John 10.17)

to self-group-glorify (to sinfully take 3 Nephi 24.8 for the self even if [as normal in the secular] to take for their group to then gain for self from that group)

(the sin of not having Given God the glory)(note this is JESUS Christ Alive Converting "3 Nephi 24.8" according to John 18.9: and so this also JESUS Christ Alive Converting as an innocent child in the midst is the Prophetic 2020AD aspect of making such things known before-the-fact for the sakes of others and all plain to see, hear, and perceive this Anew awareness of the completion of former USA and the JESUS Christ USA Emerge,

that this in JESUS Christ is accomplished according to the Word of Highest JESUS Christ Spirit Father One, and in the name of JESUS Christ only [above all other names]

this is becoming accomplished now with this writing in advance, and this is now already accomplished according to His Word, JESUS Christ One Word, as explained in 3 Nephi 26.16. Note "now" in the previous sentence refers to the pure and innocent child in the Heart [Soul as much as Willing Ascending in the name JESUS Christ] and so the same child of 3 Nephi 26.16 and the same child Heart of greater than obedience of Matthew 18.2.

Many people have hated that Christian Missionaries have treated adults as if children. Yet here JESUS Christ revealed one of the Enlightening Value Sets of why the Holy Father would so Love His Children even if such (the opted to be less holy children) of their own sins strayed to freely opt to work hard to try to disinherit.

Beloved friends, this applies not only to the lowest sinners, but also to the very elect, and in the case of yesterday June 30, 2019AD on television one of the Highest of Christian Churches was witnessed in part so doing (note: only in "part": greater is the unseen at the time greater Good so thank You per se) when trying to explain the "D&C" (of tremendous High Holy Value) was counted as if Highest,

though that is not the case unless the "D&C" is only the red letters of the King James Bible or better interpreted (reference JESUS Christ Alive, and such as the NAS translation with "D&C": see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on stop gap, on separation, and on mistakes and then moving on [such as to correct if able and Do Better: Best]).

JESUS Christ can Deliver Higher entire religions that have stretched around the world and farther, via less than a page full of information.

The previous secular reference to "photon" without redeeming opted, is the secular general practice, [and backslider (conditionally)], of having placed itself into the house of bondage. Consider how the secular prediction faiths in Ivory Towers as they're called, similar to allocations faiths, use the flip-of-a-coin to do their thinking for them (not without values though lower levels):

they flip-the-coin until it complies with their minimum acceptable logic (coin-flip) criteria, in manufacturing for instance to reference an acceptability standard [chart typically] of acceptable defective number of "parts per" (10 parts, per thousand, per million, or per other [total lot] number), similar to UN ISO criteria, and similar to a standard tax table.

So what they have done in having rejected God is to allow failures to continue forever if they continue on those paths. But God is not going to continue forever to allow such governmental vessels and other group vessels to continue to harm the innocent by selling them defects toward death. Good God rather Will Continue to Help and Guide unto all Righteousness.\

Suicide did not solve it (see above JESUS Christ Drawing Transporting people out of their graves), killing others did not solve it (ibid.).

"I am going to give you one part lethal poison to cause you great pains and slow death, and then 99 parts lovely refreshing delightful stuff" the secular explained [symbolically]: thank God the secular is of an already delimited time frame;

though more properly stated in JESUS Christ there are many time frames for any to ascend through many levels though only Most Properly. So Given that Your Group is at a level currently, the lower levels seem as if simple to climb and overcome, but it is not so for them at those lower levels.

So JESUS Christ now Gives You Christian Leader this Transporting key, for Your nation to Convert to be lifting those lowest people [and any lower level people] out of their graves (relative to Your more lofty group position). So first place Your Heart on the Highest [including things] and then if time on defects. Defects are Your Responsibility, so first be busy about the Highest, JESUS Christ, and then to Best per Given be able to solve any lower contingencies.

First the JESUS Christ One Faith then the Victory ("Responsibility" fulfilled already, Best per Given). JESUS Christ Faith is Victory Over former Maintenance responsibilities, according to Your nation's faith amount as a whole. In the past nations have warred against nations: here is Your new [Converted] war and it is Wise In Loving and it has One name JESUS Christ for at least JESUS Christ USA to be Chief and Highest

except if another nation or group so be first.

Yes the Christian Churches Won already. Does that stop You, or Do You want better for Your children: the people of Your nation?, even so there is only One True Yes and it is Prophetically through JESUS Christ USA, toward and for JESUS Christ Father Spirit Highest One.

There are lower levels, there are higher than Your current level. You see the lower levels [generally, often], rather of JESUS Christ Faith Behold The Higher as such as New Christianity hath already provided from JESUS Christ in Proving before Your eyes, and so also in after-the-fact proofs.

At least symbolically understand You can't kill Yourself, at worst You would awaken to see the freely self opted torment You caused against Yourself and Others [in the sense at least of the Holy Innocent (such as the Saints)]. Hell has been within, Heaven within is Better. Hell has often been manifested in the tongue, so beware. Hell has also often been manifested in the worldly laws and worldly standards: misinterpretations according to not having opted for JESUS Christ.

Becoming JESUS Christ does not mean immediately destroy defect standards nor taxes nor laws nor the economic system, rather JESUS Christ Faith Prayerfully First, then the best Way(s) to proceed.

In USA the Legislative Branch is first in the Constitution, if to change, allowing for others such as Executive, Judicial, states, and families. So due process continues per se.

If the spaceship colony of a nation lands to colonize a planet, then laws continue, more importantly are continuing higher levels such as Hope and Faith.

So proper Highest Faith requires no law at all in the civilization sense, for example if a person is left alone on the Moon (reference the great though secular movie

Space Cowboys starring Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones (Hawk), Donald Sutherland, and James Garner, Hawk [alone] was given such opportunity (wiki)

such as to invent a new government and to vote for to be President or Dictator or servant. But to what avail?, if JESUS Christ First then a very happy ending for Hawk [as may have been the case (reference also UFOs, and life after death experiences)].

Any person can pretend, any person might become head of a business and/or a nation and some do. Any person should have already become Christian, though to fine them if not, hardly. If to tax people for being Christian let the nation first be JESUS Christ USA though then to find the opposite is toward the better (see above on Giving JESUS Christ the "credit", already accomplished in parts among at least many of the nations, or in other higher level Victory as the Word of JESUS Christ pierces souls.

Per se, JESUS Christ Blood is thicker than Elias Baptismal Waters: pierce that the JESUS Christ Charity from others Flows for Highest Purpose (Highest Level), for their sakes (a mid level), and for Your sake also JESUS Christ USA. Servant Leader JESUS Christ is Highest (see above text "comprehensive" [Human, JESUS Christ USA, Kingdom]).

JESUS Christ USA Converting for Mental Teleportation Of Distant Nations.

Christian President Don Trump met Kim Jong Un yesterday June 30, 2019AD to become first USA President to travel [a bit] into North Korea while in Office (various sources). This agrees with the JESUS Christ Prophetic Faith Path to Convert USA into JESUS Christ USA.

This is Christian Bravery in action. In this generation that border has been lined with soldiers on both sides, with bullets and missiles flying nearby, as the road gates were closed except for trucks transporting monies and messages (sources, evidence,...).

Great nations coming together in Peace as never before, the Host and the Welcomed, even the servant and the servant, Leader and Leader.

Peacefully agreeing is to be the servant. To be the servant for Highest Purpose is to be the Leader. Yet "servant[ship]" and "Leader[ship]" according to the faiths of each (Matthew 24.40 & 41).

The above JESUS Christ Drawing has 5 same size pics above center formerly known as abominations (to each other, often). Above text is that "Hell has been within", therefore at least counted as though within the 5 religions (symbolic of all faiths)(even nations have heads and feet). Yet the above text also explains "Heaven within is Better". A system of people, whether naysayers or Christians or other is with "Heaven within" even if untapped.

But JESUS Christ now reveals this key perspective aspect, a key interpretative aspect. The people shown Transported and rising from their graves are generally bones and not with Covenant Blood hearts in the flesh: be of Pure Living Heart In JESUS Christ that You preserve Your Pure Living Spirit And With Pure Living Flesh Heart In JESUS Christ, that the Spirit Father did not create in vain, but rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and for their sakes that all be One and for Your sake including Your Spirit And With Alive Pure Flesh (1 Corinthians 2.9 was impossible Save Converted Through JESUS Christ Acts 3.26).

The sleeping such as in graves are similar to being as if toward soullessness and robotic and as the toward lifeless part of the Internet (formerly known in the secular as hardware and software [inorganics] even if able to plan predictions for flying to the distant stars). The Living are generally more lively and thankful for the JESUS Christ Grace Joy!

So the Living Ascending for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose are Transported and Teleported, not delimited to spirits as though alone. The Creator is with the Pure Good Created (the part of the created that is Good and Best One).

We the Leaders must be about Our One Father's Business, rather than being about backsliding child's play which often devolves to lazily watching TV and falling asleep (also values though toward lower levels: so Leaders and/or servants be aware). Be a slave to the Best Will Of The Good Father Highest Purpose. Prepare Your acceptance speech for accepting other nations into Your Good Father Highest Purpose: such would teach You toward Best so Preparing.

1 Corinthians 13.13 teaches these things. JESUS Christ Prepared these things for You already. The higher [than You currently] level is already ready.

If to be as dust, or as a secular and inorganic as opted

(as much as allowed of Grace to fall [somewhat (conditionally, reference fallen angel satan, though in the name JESUS Christ Enable to Convert to realize

Hebrews 2.9 lower limit now Righteously Revealed for You in plain and reasonably simple language in JESUS Christ Savior One)]

then to relinquish freedom (in Grace) or at least liberties (as much as allowed or afforded [legal privileges] in law(s)). The liberty to ascend has often been forbidden,

such as a person in prison [whether innocent or guilty] and remained there save if a miracle from above (they cannot free themselves per se, such freedom or liberty comes from the jailer and/or higher). Yet the Christian Walk is of Miracles following the Christian. So what is this saying?, that a person need not study prediction?, no. This is saying the sinner confines their mind,

for instance a plumber might not connect a garbage disposal to the electric switch, saying that's a licensed electrician's job and at a time and place government laws might apply (rightly or wrongly)(flip of coin and methodology though not necessarily expedient nor best). Some laws offer elbow room more than other laws, also depending upon circumstances and interpretations (one branch might point one way, another branch another direction).

JESUS Christ Heart Converting Minds For Teleportation Of Distant Planets.

Which is easier to say?, rise from the grave, or move planet?, Yes.

Through JESUS Christ the Victory (a convincing Victory type) includes Conversion of the day of rest (Exodus 20.10, Matthew 9.5). JESUS Christ was Able to Do this, to Transport misinterpretation to Best Interpretation according to the selfsame verse, see Lexicon at biblehub.com/exodus/20-10.htm in fact [of law (as much as in the legal sense)] yet in Grace as it states not "rest", rather Sabbath, so Holy day hardly about works of the hands (and other verses agree).

Even so agreeing with the law, that ("law") is hardly the key point for consideration. According to the Christian Ascending Faith Path, the JESUS Christ Victory met the law and more importantly Leading according to Highest Purpose Grace,

this is how it was enabled in JESUS Christ to not only translate more perfectly and Most Perfectly, yet of Highest Grace to Do so only for Best Purpose Good. So JESUS Christ Healed a person for instance, even though on the Sabbath which had wrongly been interpreted under law [and the civilization norm (that former Jewish Methodology at the time)] as if dead, so wrongly to rest when there was Good to be Done and "hardly about works of the hands": with His Heart Mind And Voice (not hands) JESUS Christ Healed a sickly person (John 5.7 & 8).

So since only spirit, the law had no Righteous hold, no sting.

The Lexicon at biblehub.com/exodus/20-10.htm further explains about "work" including: "Noun - feminine singular"..."Deputyship, ministry, employment, work, property".

So "Deputyship" refers to government if secular. Being careful how You interpret, "ministry" likewise is work though in the lower levels of "ministry" sense; note that some for instance distinguish Faith from religion; the Highest Level of Ministry is Grace (see previous "Victory").

For to get gain [typically for the self] is "employment" "work", not necessarily works for good but works for group, works for self (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Maintenance). To clarify "property" is part of the explanation: property refers to belonging to a person possibly selfishly.

Yet as JESUS Christ Exemplified "property" can be a Good thing in the sense that it can be

"an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something" (GOOG),

for Best And Highest Purpose (including for all One, for all to each and all benefit the most)(each on their [own (His, JESUS Christ)] Righteous Faith Path, and also the Comprehensive all on their Righteous Faith Path). So for instance instead of faiths, One Faith not by force by the house of bondage and slavery, but One Best Faith Of Highest Best Good Grace: as JESUS Christ (Christian) Taught As Exemplar.

So this key unto understanding the Highest: even if to work with the hands, the Exemplar Taught (teaching is largely about not with the hands but with the tongue of the mind [so of the JESUS Christ Heart]).

If "hardly about works of the hands", then how to accomplish works of the hands on the Sabbath?, the selfsame as stated above in this section. From a level if to Help Guide a lower level reading right to left:

Victory / Voice (Word) / Mind (processing Best Heart Purpose) / Heart / Father Will Spirit In The Name JESUS Christ.

The above JESUS Christ Drawing shows [it went] a little lower than the other faiths (symbolism "5 same size pics") to serve, and for a moment a little higher to Guide as JESUS Christ Exemplar (including to lead Christians) and to Lift ("moment" as much [time and as much as] Worthy to be Lifted). Many people have wanted to lead for various reasons, such as that's what various others did in similar situations, or such as according to happenstance.

JESUS Christ Father Spirit Gives for You to be aware that not only leaders lead, also followers of various ways also lead such as toward wasting away or various other or rather for the most perfect Way, a most Perfect Union, according to Perfectly Perfecting.

People have believed various faiths for important reasons. Various faiths are sets of important reasons. Faiths including Christianity, if with destructions (such as in the Old Testament) need be Converted, if not already done so (for instance the Old Testament shows wrong faiths fail). Even so let Your Sermons and let Your nation, and such, Be with Highest Purpose and "destructions" have already been covered sufficiently for this civilization.

For Original Plan For Highest Purpose JESUS Christ Died Once for all, so Best Victory over "destructions" and over "fail" and over "Hell" and over "sin" are already completed: no need to do those difficult useless (temporary) works anymore (3 Nephi 26.9).

In other words, in more current lingo, if "hardly about works of the hands", then about JESUS Christ Mind Teleporting so Transporting Distant Planets, like unto making blind eyes see. More specifically, if to love then to care such as: does the planet want to be moved (Transported other than it's current course). The planet is part of a faith set.

There is a high level reason a planet is on a current course. If to rearrange the created, then do not rearrange the Best Good, and do not rearrange any higher level. If to rearrange then same level conditionally (laws and Grace), or rather lower levels (relatively somewhat conditionally). In pertinence JESUS Christ for instance explained as written in Luke 19.40 NAS:

So there needs be a higher purpose, but if not Highest, then potential problems (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on a leap of Faith, and on related lower level Mission with above text on "Comprehensive"). So to be safe, to be with Best Victory over "destructions" over "fail", and such: be with the Highest Purpose as JESUS Christ Explained.

So the reason a planet moves a certain way, is over the planet movement. In other words, the spirit is over the planet movement, and over the sickly.

The former worldly laws have been over lower levels so toward the house of bondage, slavery, abuses, censorship and oppression; relative to Grace. So change the other faiths and the nations, though see above text on "immediately" discussion: so this is hardly about losing any faith(s), rather for Highest Purpose through Creator JESUS Christ One organizing Best, in the Christian Spirit (hardly about Christian backsliding spirits if any [as though later Saved result interpretation]).

Even so, this is about the good of any faith, not for things to be cast out. For instance many faiths said to "worship", and that so far is very goodly; but if to worship imperfectly then of course not as goodly relatively as a minimum (concerning Grace, not necessarily about laws in this sentence sense). Some faiths for instance seek the truth more (goodly) than some other faiths (less goodly).

A nation for instance is about loyally keeping the national faith, a group in the form of a club for instance is about loyally keeping the club group faith. It does not make one better than the other, though some goodly vessels are better than others such as much about sickly spirits (or in other words as much as their Best Faith [conditionally such as for the right Miracle presentation moment for the sakes of the greater group witnessing]).

If Highest Faith, then not censorship against such (Faith), nor patents against such (Miracles).

There is a faith over copyrights, it is better than less faith (relatively toward faithless) to steal copyrights. So a person might conclude first get rid of "steal". But that hardly makes copyrights better relative to this section title, since copyright is a form of censorship, the censoring of virtually everyone in order for copyright ownership to perhaps make a profit.

The value of that ownership vessel is of value, but hardly because of owning (see previous section). Groups that copyright and patent are already with an advantage, such as they thought of it [generally] first, and such as they did it [wrote it and (at least made a prototype)] first. Likewise they invested money first, because they know what they're doing at least in secular cliche.

So they should hardly be rewarded by offending the balance of the people and nations and faiths. Taxpayers pay for the complex copyright system that has been a very slow process such as a half year to copyright something, so it is an added offense against We The People, so it is not a more perfect Union, it has been instead mainly counter-productive, counter-improving, unsound reasoning, less caring for others, and unwise.

For symbolic example a person has a great idea so writes a book and the book sells so the person makes some profit, but then buyers copy and sell; frankly it is time for that "person" to move onto more other "great idea[s]" instead of more about backsliding on past successes perhaps in hopes of further worse the suing of others that might innocently infringe

(note this is hardly the same as allocating funding for welfare, grants, pensions, payroll, purchasing, social security and other allocations [though is similar to patents])

(often hilarious though often secular Sam & Cat series did a great very pertinent music episode [with Ariana Grande as Cat on guitar] on this "innocently" aspect).

JESUS Christ explained if to stumbles in one point, the vessel has become guilty of all points (James 2.10).

Understand copyrights are premeditated (so Luke 12.47 applies and so Luke 10.12 destruction on destruction).

There is a law important to the courts over the withholding of evidence: it less applies to "welfare, grants, pensions,"...as stated above, but copyrights and patents are toward violating such. Note that listing a book with the Library Of Congress or showing a prototype to the Patent Office, is not the same thing as encumbering a nation.

There is One Highest Wisdom, therefore as written in Hebrews 12.1 NAS:

JESUS Christ Gave the Word unto all understanding including for all Highest Faith Purpose, then not censorship nor copyright types of efforts against such. JESUS Christ spoke publicly, according to the Worthiness of the public;

JESUS Christ spoke privately according to the Worthiness of the private company, such as the higher Worthiness of His Faithful Disciples.

So the United Nations and the leaders of militaries need be aware of the previous sentence if for battle victories (conditions apply e.g. Exodus 17.11 and e.g. 2 Chronicles 26.5). When the military opts to charge, it would be after the fact, if for any goodly purpose (faithfulness applies). When a Highest Christian Preacher One Prays, during that Praying Oneness at least, is True Leadership Of One Righteousness With JESUS Christ

(presence is hardly Faithfulness, so distinguish Best as to how You interpret the balance of this sentence),

so after Best Praying, is that which follows.

This is why JESUS Christ said after Preaching to the Mass, continue praying in your hearts, as He with His Disciples prepared the loaves and fishes

(former LDS records, not found currently on reformatted site, though the site is now with Internet address in the name of JESUS Christ "churchofjesuschrist": thank You)

lest Faith become backsliding or at best in cliche "the Miracle of Faith" in Highest sense (lower being Faith then Miracles, lowest of the range per se being Faith without miracles per situation such as waiting for the Best moment [of various faiths, rather Best Prophetic Moment])

(note nations be aware that this renaming such as JESUS Christ UN or such as JESUS Christ [name of nation] is already with a Leap Of Faith, so same time reformatting simultaneously compounds Faith needs, and if not so Faithfully prepared then enabling riskiness similar to the The Eagle Apollo 11 back in 1969 landing on the Moon times two such as to have launched two rockets and landed both adjacent to each other on the Moon biblehub.com/isaiah/45-5.htm

impossible Save Highest Level Living Faith Best Converting In God).

Redundance (ibid.) has often been unacceptable in former ways (Luke 12.18), let redundance be with Highest Value like unto the Second Coming of JESUS Christ. In the previous sentence about the Moon, such as hardly to be repetitions, though if it was appropriate then perhaps for instance if opted to have sent a backup so in other words, the faith to go to the Moon was with the known physics somewhat (there were problems), but the equipment and the applied expertise in real life situations (generally people have been known to have gotten sick or faint under pressures) so NASA was aware of backup values for safety.

Concerning rates of change (see previous on reformatted consider this triad slower rate to faster rate (right to left):

Faith / Adapting / Evolution.

To change the name of a nation (e.g. USA to JESUS Christ USA) is like unto manually shifting an old car or a bicycle, from gear to gear, so if to change from "Evolution" to "Adapting" or from "Adapting" to "Faith" then to be specific allowing Grace for the lower to fit into place (fit into gear) then immediately apply the power whether a little, some, or a lot, or even if to stop at a stop sign as much as if appropriate in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

God said test Me, and people want immediate Best results (even though many might waste years in worldly selfish pursuits)

yet "test Me" is hardly the same as the free option: invite Me as a Host would Do, as JESUS Christ Exemplar revealed as written in Luke 4.3 and rather Luke 4.4 NAS:

(though be careful in the previous about the two verses the word "rather" is utilized, it is Converted of JESUS Christ,

but if a person is under laws and secular and not Best concerning the JESUS Christ Ascending Invitation, then instead of utilizing the word "rather" then the word "instead" should be utilized such as pertinent for instance to lower level resistance biblehub.com/james/4-7.htm

while rather Converting of JESUS Christ Grace).

So with Your awareness of this so far, JESUS Christ Gives You (Worthy One at least sufficient for to be aware of this level)

to know in Your Heart and now interpreting from such for Your mind to Know (not a Preacher alone, [also JESUS Christ and also] the Hearer listening within reading)

this JESUS Christ key over Converting: if to Convert Yourself, that is, if to Ascend Higher, then to turn the former self from the former way(s);

though if to Convert another, then to not turn [Yourself], yet to turn the other to the Straight And Narrow (see next sentence); see biblehub.com/psalms/19-7.htm King James translation with "converting" though also see Lexicon with "reviving"..."To turn back, in, to retreat, again".

Concerning the previous sentence to be going to the Straight And Narrow [and then Highest In JESUS Christ Purpose] sometimes a lower level Mission applies, such as in a situation away from a curb to step down off a bus onto the street then up onto the curb and sidewalk where You belong, and such as JESUS Christ explained when invited take the lowest seat [to Give other the higher values].

There have been war movies on television. To wonder why they are not censored while other Christian broadcasting has been censored in a more important issue, but for now some have been with some (delimited) values, such as delightful to watch whether serious or a comedy. For instance to see a person explode is amidst lowest levels of interest, such as for a mature person to understand and then hardly any repeat need to understand (see above text on "unacceptable" "Redundance", an addiction matter)

though moving to higher levels [in JESUS Christ] through tactics and engineering, and to higher strategies and designs: even Peace, and some such movies are also with Christian Churches and Praying JESUS Christ (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on redeeming social value).

In the JESUS Christ Drawing above are shown a dragon (such as fire breathing ibid. at www.angelfire.com/ut/a1/ChooseChosen.html) and a pterosaur with long sharp teeth, and people today continue to try to design and build such things and to DNA reconstruct and DNA extract and utilize, and DNA modify (ibid. on ancient Egyptian images and other ancient pertinent images).

Military, first turn Your weapons away from pointings at humans; then Converting is applicable, but if to be with weapons turn them at the lower than human level monsters. Above God said "test Me", so if to be Gods then "test" each other but not to harm each other (not physically, not emotionally, not mental torture,...) nor out of bounds beyond Peace, so if to "test" each other then not against people though as against nature, not against any human nor higher.

Truly, truly, it is alright to test equipment to see if it is safe and meets criteria. This is hardly excuse to damage the environment for instance since too much or improper testing is also a concern and might damage people, there are spinoff effects: most time should be JESUS Christ Highest with minimal toward lower (so Highest Level with Next Highest Level if "Next Highest" is needful [this is ancillary to the JESUS Christ Living Highest Level Concern]). So now the military might be more aware of the Best Military.

In the above Drawing "IN GOD WE TRUST" is insufficient as practiced in former days, so as evidenced in facts (though values were accomplished in JESUS Christ even as some merely were called luck). Similarly the above Drawing music is insufficient yet of value(s) as is Old Testament Ecclesiastes 1.9 NAS:

It was true then. Likewise a Prophecy that was true or false can be improved through JESUS Christ. A person recently said "Anything is possible", so the response was "Anything Good is possible" (sinners cannot enter Heaven [in New Christianity being: the JESUS Christ Highest Heaven sense]).

Concerning the above shown and stated music values, Teen Nick has provided an array of music types and blends such as in the iCarly show intro with the music as a rapid heartbeat with intermittent greater rapidity at times [skipping a beat at times]. In the great though often secular movie American President there was a heart path though skipping beats for lower reasons as times.

So while iCarly music skipped and leaped ahead higher, generally speaking (secular considerations also apply), the American President heart considerations that were lower were tactical (other than the outcome redeeming social value). Such is a reason in Wisdom as to why JESUS Christ and also JESUS Christ Physics explained and continue to explain and Guide as written in Matthew 11.25:

The music Teleports the soul, just as the videos can if opted. The Earth and all created Will be wrapped together as a scroll, and only the Christ name JESUS Will Be.

So consider the JESUS Christ Best Highest Purpose Converting of 1 Corinthians 4.20 as written at biblehub.com/1_corinthians/4-20.htm (many translations, NAS is a sample shown here):

You Christian Leader were likely already Taught from on High: there is power in the Word. So what make Ye of this above verse?, rather in JESUS Christ First, then what make He Ye One of this above verse?, Yes.

The verse is with value for people in former ways, and the verse is with value for lower levels. Yet for the Highest Ascending for JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose this verse is Converted (see above text on opting utilizing the word "rather" if with Higher JESUS Christ Grace over "instead"): so Your "Taught" more valuable part and more excellent step higher level value JESUS Christ reveals into Your Soul

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders on Second Coming already, John 4.35).

JESUS Christ USA Transporting The New Flag Covenant.

JESUS Christ USA would be with the same flag as former USA, but it is not recommended; it is something for the House Of Representatives to caringly consider for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including what reliability the flag symbol is for the people currently

[including as it changed in many forms over the years from British styles to circle and so forth (various sources)];

though for these citizens as JESUS Christ Taught His Disciples Leadership [Into Apostleships Of John The Baptist]

far more important is the "New Flag" for the sakes of others [citizens already know who these citizens are (laws, customs, ways, Highest Faith Purpose)],

as Best Leadership includes Convincing Power from above (Mark 13.11).

Let the JESUS Christ USA banner show forth the Victory [standard, symbol, flag, message, salvation, Faith, Help offer] that the Convincing Peace be before the fact

(Hebrews 13.2 with obeying the God Of Peace [instead of wars] such as churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/deut/2?lang=eng involving economic principles,

though be aware of snares [e.g. demands for charity, extortion,...] Exodus 34.12)

(that these patriotic citizens loyally come to conquer Peacefully with curses newly Converted into Benefits for them).

JESUS Christ Gives for You to be aware the JESUS Christ USA flag needs be such same value, the flag for others to see needs represent JESUS Christ USA One Highest Purpose Leadership, and not as former flags (ensigns, reference ID, and reference welcome signs) from house of bondage related tribes, rather as One, obvious, authoritative, and beneficial for them (see meaningful purposeful examples at biblehub.net/search.php?q=sign+should+be).

Yet to understand better, JESUS Christ Gives for You to Convert 1 Timothy 6.20. It is a complex matter though the need for preparing is now.

With Christian President Don Trump Signing prior to 2021AD

(not by force as if a puppet, rather of freewill liberty; though it is needful for Christianity [such as for Best Ascending and for Best Progress and for Highest Purpose]),

then with the Signing the new vessel needs be quickly available

(much Good Governing is Faithful and unseen, though some is better seen [Maintenance (Miracles: for furthering the greater Glory Of God JESUS Christ USA])

for immediate displaying as for television news broadcasting, not only that all citizens be made aware, yet also for the people globally with Peaceful Assuring.

So in order to Best Convert 1 Timothy 6.20 consider the following "flag" interpretation, while also noting how for instance "churchofjesuschrist" gains credit for not only "nations" yet also for leading "earth" though not for "battle" rather for Peace, so for to Benefit each and all:

"a flag or standard around which people gather in a unity of purpose or identity. In ancient times an ensign served as a rallying point for soldiers in battle. The Book of Mormon and the Church of Jesus Christ are symbolic ensigns to all nations of the earth" (churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/gs/ensign?lang=eng&clang=eng#p1}.

The JESUS Christ USA flag is to be as written in Isaiah 5.26 (ibid.):

To "lift up" is shown in the above Drawing as to Teleport or Transport up from the ground, as to raise a flag, yet for JESUS Christ but if not then hardly reason to battle and rather to show just cause for Converting into the greater JESUS Christ Benefiting, otherwise the former flags such as of tribes and bondage while venerable and magnificent in Highest Purpose at the time, would as though be toward less as the better new arrives,

so let the flags be opted to be symbolize the Greatest Good so the Heart Of All (if to lead all nations and Earth and...)

instead of toward narcissism toward sinful ways.

In military interpretation for instance [sic] "A common standard of joint military symbols is therefore an important ... modifier, and amplifiers, rather than pre-define all possible symbols" (MIL-STD 2525D, Common Warfighting Symbology, jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/Other.../ms_2525d.pdf Jun 10, 2014).

Let it be Converted to no longer be counted "common" nor unclean (example dung is sold as fertilizer and has made adobes)(Acts 10.14 & 15)(lift or Convert the military).

So to Convert 1 Timothy 6.20 is the word "standard" for the Joint Chiefs Of Staff and rather as biblehub.com/1_timothy/6-20.htm often listed of translations "Standard", and at the side note the word "guard" notes "phule", so from former clan or tribe or nation, to be aware to preserve the Best and as much as able to preserve any other goodly, with flagging a Welcome Standard Sign of JESUS Christ USA for all Good Highest Purpose;

also it is to Convert Of Grace (as much as talent able in situations) rather than

as stated in the Lexicon as though to work to "Avoid", then to have to also work to note it is not the worldly and empty chatters of profane and vain babblings (as stated in the verses below, as the Lexicon termed "irreverent" examples of some translations of the verse [sic]:

"New American Standard Bible

O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called 'knowledge '--

King James Bible

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

Christian Standard Bible

Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding irreverent and empty speech and contradictions from what is falsely called knowledge."

The lower spirits have been confused. You have been made in the image of JESUS Christ. You are in a level to Best Convert levels lower than the self level. And You, JESUS Christ Invites to Best Be Ascending, even to the Highest Throne (servant of lowest seat agreeing).

The above in this section alludes to how to construct the Best Flag for JESUS Christ USA.

Behold, see what the Christian Presidents think of it: as in the above Drawing think of their greatest Best Hope(s) at Their Praying Moment(s) (e.g. perhaps including Colossians 1.9). Think on why They and Others with Them are Praying. Think on any greatest Good They would want to make so and think on why They pledged allegiance.

Teleporting Good and Transporting goods.

In recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons [like unto flags in the winds] money was shown spun for revealing the Path of JESUS Christ Faith in the form of Miracles. It revealed in simplified easy to understand terms how the spirits (very complex in secular terms physical forces)

can not only scroll dollar bills [flags] yet also defy gravity [Mass (from JESUS Christ Physics Of Original Plan Highest Purpose Above All Created)]. So a spinning gyroscope or a spinning top does not fall for awhile. Though the floor holding the gyroscope or top does not move.

The same Christian Highest Purpose Spiritual effect(s) is with the Laying On Of Hands, though the Christians do not spin: yet the JESUS Christ Spirit Moves: subsets are:

A. according to their faiths (in secular or lay terms, for Edifying), or

B. according to the situation (e.g. timing of when to show a Miracle as for a group to gather then for all of them to see).

Laying On Of Hands is to Deliver the Good: Delivering God. Yet in the JESUS Christ USA Good sense and in the JESUS Christ USA [Anew] Flag sense, for greater Best Edifying as to what the spirits do and Distinguishing what the Highest Spirit Does consider the Teleporting The Good Spirit Word and Transporting The Good Spirit goods, so the Teleporting The Good Spirit Word as much as symbolized on the JESUS Christ USA Flag and Transporting This Same Good Spirit [goods] Flag.

On the personal Christian level [per person] reference 2 Kings 9.13. Yet consider nations have been about land territories so spatially (and 3D...) consider as written in Acts 19.12 NAS:

Note that "aprons" refers to "An apron worn by artisans".

The spirit from the gyroscope and top went into the floor (see following verses), the "aprons" spirits went as arrays crossing the lands and as networks into the nations and then as written in Ephesians 3.16 & 17 NAS:

JESUS Christ Original Plan created of the Father One Spirit Word [as clay in hand (from Heavens and then Earth Genesis 1.1), so as a mold to mold (foods, auto parts,...), so two subsets apply within this Sermon section:

1. JESUS Christ (in His Image applies) made a "mold" to make molds, and

2. JESUS Christ made the original of this civilization Adam and Eve yielding generations [of "mold" makers (each individual or group such as "Adam and Eve" free to opt)].

So JESUS Christ made

(#1) the Highest Heart [With One Purpose], yielding Heart potentials (able to [Hear] perceive and agree in each vessel) and

(#2) JESUS Christ made each person vessel with a heart [soul] and each group of vessels with heart, and such as intermittent system aspects with heart.

In other words

#1 JESUS Christ made a receiver and much more than a receiver, a Holy Home availability in Highest Heaven able to Call, Invite, and Distinguish the Worthy JESUS Christ One, fitting and matching each Worthy #2 Commandment (2/2) Heart, and

#2 JESUS Christ made a transmitter in each vessel able to transmit if of proper Maintenance responsibly [toward all work] though from the heart able to be Teleporting Good and Transporting goods for others if opted, and for all if opted.

Note if to time travel, then to change the heart timer aspect, whether more in sync more perfectly for all or less.

So JESUS Christ Gives This Wisdom key over

(much such as electrical plug and socket counted as if logic alone but only actually if with "proper Maintenance responsibly" including safety lest such as to be fried while burning away and destroying the sinfully hoped)

the greater increasingly values and so the Holy Spirit Flow from JESUS Christ into the place holder "mold" shape Inviting (able "to mold")[to be opted to be "into" and Do Likewise],

into the lower levels as much as lineage as not opted otherwise, whether a straight line or elbow room greater complexity increasingly at the magnifying rate yet this speaks of proper Christian Immersion Baptism

[henceforth (as previously Invited of John The Baptist and written as in churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/31.5-6,8,13-14,17?lang=eng&clang=eng#p4 (surrounded in water to fit the whole of the JESUS Christ "Home" "mold" stated above)(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons for specifics such as if already symbolically sprinkled, and such as about former census lives)]

and so as with Evangelism and Mass and Eucharist.

JESUS Christ Heart Spirit Flow enables Faith and so is an after-the-fact Miracle to the JESUS Christ Highest Level, but to the lower than a level, Faith is Anew unseen Higher Faith.

So Highest JESUS Christ is able to opt any and all things yet Alway [singular of Heart Soul Mind And Strength (descriptively: Eternally)] Good And Best.

So above the First (1/2, also 1/10) Commandment is JESUS Christ Original Planner of the First Commandment.

JESUS Christ is above the Law, yet is perceived from below or same level as complying. Together such involving in Highest is Highest Grace.

Second in command is the Highest able to Write as You Christian Leader Living Be Writing, Preaching, and such: the "Second" is the Living Bible Increasingly. But not for many words to puff up the self improperly sinfully mis-complicating things in improper fits of misapplications [and rage(s)].

JESUS Christ USA would recognize JESUS Christ as above the Law (pending Congressional oversight according to "test Me" [a test God exception] as previously specified in this Series [for a position that is to be at least symbolic of JESUS Christ]).

So for instance in Laying On Of Hands the Spirit can be directly Transported.

With a Higher Level "apron" a Spirit(s) can be Transported to a site: so even if severed, the Spirit can continue somewhat (things can deteriorate and deplete per se).

With the Word of a "Higher Level" (in JESUS Christ offered levels) the Spirit can be Teleported (with [secular end user sense to Edify] the recipient agreeing (e.g. such as to be Healed and Lifted in the name JESUS Christ) then the "Teleported" becomes in that "recipient" Transported (Manifested Good: Miracle).

Consider how JESUS Christ and likewise how a person's beloved innocent child perished from the census world: and yet coming available already for Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ is the "apron" Spirit according to the "person's" ability to receive even as much (or otherwise as little) as opted, save conditions apply such as timing for the greater group to witness and so for their Best Attesting (Testament(s)) For The Greater Glory Of JESUS Christ.

So if an innocent lovely child dies (in secular terms) and a person Rejoices In The Name JESUS Christ [so others might Hear and Bear Testament(s)], be acceptingly compassionate for the Good, even so, do not be the source to tempt others toward possibly as if to make the situation unimportant (to Edify on this point: in the secular a sinner might have said [symbolically at least] "So what a slave kid died, get back to work or you're next").

Understand to Righteously Best Distinguish that a lower level leaf was blown in the wind, so it was hardly the leaf that opted

(save if it such as warped itself for aerodynamic effects for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose such as carrying a seed or to warp to form the JESUS Christ Image for instances: in making every goodly effort, Mark 16.15)

but the wind listed where it would. Apostle Paul was "wind listed", tossed about of the ship, though as if severed and to die, rather JESUS Christ Physics prevailed for the Faithfulness, Revealing the Highest Purpose (others that had thought Him as if a sinner, then later saw the Good and thought Him a Saint).

JESUS Christ Offers such as severed effects, and yet also possibly higher level JESUS Christ Spinoff effects: to cast off, and to gather again (Luke 1.58): a seed is cast and later comes the JESUS Christ Harvest.

If Your Beloved innocent child dies ..."before it had a chance to"...(generally), would You want to go into Heaven and not find a Risen Beloved "child", or other?, even so to Find the Highest Purpose Heart Of JESUS Christ is sufficient, at least in some moments.

A rejected Christian Group, cast out (even if by another's hand), can be spun off but not to lose value (it is not necessary to lose any Good value(s)). A drug addict using illegal drugs for instance might be relocated, and for some cases to lose sinful contacts and so toward healing, though often to very quickly find more illegal sources at increased riskiness. So "cast out" can have values.

A group can hardly cast out Good (tough decision making processings, error alerts, confusions), but if so the group fail faith amounts. Good Invites the Worthy, though as many as would be so Benefiting.

If a group states "I don't want your money, I want my [false] god(s)" (symbolically speaking), the group casts out itself at least. God supplies every need, and so the previous sentence "casts out" is not a need to be supplies so JESUS Christ may opt to supply or not, and if not then Be Faithful (Acts 5.41): for future Highest Purpose, even though perhaps in the world to come, though "Be Faithful" in JESUS Christ as written in Luke 18.30 (be Graceful and Pleasant, Luke 6.24, toward Victory over Revelation 5.4).

The spin is as a Crown of JESUS Christ except if not Christian (see previous text on JESUS Christ "mold" "specifics")

as much as the "Crown" points to (cites) JESUS Christ

(see previous text on Spinoff [so indirectly] or rather on "directly" toward Oneness save Guidance from JESUS Christ Highest Level, such as Mission to Straighten or such as something be not overlooked in the ignored sense and left undone when a perhaps unseen need is to come).

The JESUS Christ Teleporting Flow,

and the JESUS Christ Transporting Magnifying.

As Mother Mary, the Magnifying is to point to JESUS Christ, so of [a level (perhaps Highest level) of] Faith to be aware of a Miracle yet to point to Higher level Faith and rather JESUS Christ Highest Level Faith (that there be no mistake, no miscalculation [though talents and situations can apply]).

So Mother Mary pointed to and for JESUS Christ, that is the Miracle Of JESUS Christ in the Pure Flesh Highest Level Purpose.

In so Doing Mother Mary [enabled and] Revealed Her Faith In Highest Level.

The Angel told Mother Mary about Christ in Mother Mary and Mother Mary Believed ("Highest Level").

Mother Mary Gave Credit to JESUS Christ [e.g. JESUS Christ Embryo Vessel] and so for Mother Mary it was known within Mother Mary Faith

so from Highest Level Faith to Highest Level Faith Better Anew,

so within the Highest Level Faith of Mother Mary (Heart) and

therefore to the Highest Level Mind Purpose to and within Mother Mary

the second "Highest Level Faith Better Anew" was to Her as the Second Coming,

[on the Personal Level], and Mother Mary Lived beyond the time at the foot of the Cross.

So now be caring how to perfectly receive this sentence, Her Faith Level Of Joy In JESUS Christ, even at the foot of the Cross

superseded and supplanted the [please Forgive (for Higher Edifying In JESUS Christ)] the faith levels of the Disciples that fled (such as denying and the cock crowing).

JESUS Christ told His Disciples things that JESUS Christ did not tell the generally less worthy public,

yet throughout that time of not being told, Mother Mary continued Faithfully, and with a specific Victory that the Disciples that had been told specifically, did not share [in that same Level Victory per se].

Mother Mary is with a Talent, the other Group is with a Talent and especially after the Crucifixion on the road (Luke 24.27).

Mother Mary is generally considered Love (biblehub.com/1_corinthians/13-13.htm, and let a nation [an Anointed,...] consider Charity),

while with a level of Love the Apostles are considered with knowledge yet with Wisdom

(while Judas was involved much with secular knowledge, even so He Followed JESUS Christ at least until the Crucifixion, Mark 9.41, Judas was long entrusted with the Group money).

Love survived [the foot of the] Cross.

Wisdom survived also with Following and at least as long as They were with JESUS Christ.

Others counted toward without love were such as sorrowful, some such as sleep, and/or such as a statue.

Highest Level Mother Mary Love With The Second Coming is at least an amount of Faith Victory Within JESUS Christ Highest Level

therefore Oneness [On (meaning With per se [Save JESUS Christ Ascends Higher to continue Guiding Helping Lovingly)] Highest

(from Love to Love: but not secular sinfully)

so "On" (per se) so Over (ibid.) "an amount" (ibid.) of opting concerning the Second Coming in the Book Of Revelation sense (see above text "timing" for others to be "Attesting", that is, if One Highest Level at the time of the Book Of Revelation sense of the Second Coming then Being With Authority such as for letting JESUS Christ opt when to Arrive [date, time,...] for Highest Purpose the Book Of Revelation sense of the Second Coming.

Consider for instance the Returning of Mother Mary Likewise (unto JESUS Christ):

"Our Lady of Fátima (Portuguese: Nossa Senhora de Fátima, formally known as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima,"..."is a Catholic title of the Blessed Virgin Mary based on the famed Marian apparitions reported in 1917 by three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal. The three children were Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto." (wiki).

"Fatima. also Fat·i·mah 606?-632? Daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. She married Ali, among the first to embrace Islam, and is regarded by Muslims as one of the Four Perfect Women. A village of west-central Portugal north-northeast of Lisbon." (yourdictionary.com/fatima).

Yesterday on television, 4th of July, Pastor John Hagee said George Washington did not want "separation" of Church and state.

A nation separates itself from another nation, for low level low value secular reasons toward sinfulness.

JESUS Christ Commanded people to properly Best lead to rise above to lead even Better Anew Greater, and to lead as One Faith.

Mother Mary understood it (Highest Love), and the Wisdom over knowledge yet with proper Best knowledge can lead in JESUS Christ in name and Highest Purpose therefore even Better Anew Greater As One Faith. This Gives cliche "Rally 'round the flag" Anew Meaning and Better Purpose: according to JESUS Christ: Faith Righteously On Faith, precept Righteously on precept, that the formerly cast out victims be with Luke 6.17 and with Love Finding place in the Highest Level of the Heart of each vessel as written in Philippians 4.7 NAS:

JESUS Christ Invites Unto Highest Purpose Oneness, therefore that You Be The Chosen One To So Prepare And Give.

The Chosen One:

JESUS Christ

And the first [as though second (see above text on higher or lower perspectives)] One (ibid. singular [or if opted plural: ones]) includes Mother Mary,...

Abraham, and You Christian Leader in this generation.

The "Immaculate Conception" is the Virgin Mother Mary (Lúcia Santos), so how do You feel that Mary felt about sexual promiscuity and porn?, rather JESUS Christ is with a Highest Victory over the Highest Purpose concerning the Immaculate Virgin [as with Mary His Blessed Mother], note that sexuality is toward Highest Marriage or of a range of Grace [talents, situations,...(Psalm 107.43, though with such as Matthew 6.28)] toward dirty flesh, or even knowledge toward sin and the next sentence source info at that site per se.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary is a devotional name used to refer to the interior life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her joys and sorrows, her virtues and hidden perfections, and, above all, her virginal love for God the Father, her maternal love for her son Jesus, and her compassionate love for all people (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Secrets_of_Fátima).

Inquisition era was similar to wars, misinterpretations and/or sins, against JESUS Christ Pure Christian Faith. The Puritans were of a "range of Grace" from JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Pure Love, to lowest level intolerance therefore lack of "Grace" and so under secular laws and therefore possibly as the "Inquisition" and "sins" (a range, so see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Godsling) and if "sins" then

[to break the faith (if to first be with faith: Yes: JESUS Christ Loved First)] a lack of Faith.

So Your JESUS Christ Enlightening lets You see how sin can exist in the world thus far.

Not everyone was born a Protestant, nor a Catholic, nor other, generally speaking in worldly Edifying for JESUS Christ, therefore consider how Highest has Given that opposites attract: a person can be attractive sexually whether born one way or another, or can be unattractive to some, or of the range in-between: something that secular knowledge of laws and precepts and logic cannot fathom nor explain. JESUS Christ Is Love and able to explain Best.

The Puritans were as the Inquisition if lowly of level(s) therefore "dirty" if so (as much as applicable), according to opted "intolerance", so while not physical torture so much, the Puritans were known for having exerted mental torture, and emotional torture (trying works against the Heart and Soul and Highest JESUS Christ Love And Wisdom).

Those same "works" of the "flesh" have continued into this generation in very many Christian Churches,

(thank You JESUS Christ and what a delight that few be Chosen resultant in being able to Proclaim now there are "very many Christian Churches"!,)

and hardly according to how people dress themselves, such as some toward prudish and others not so much. How people dress the Heart, whether delightfully Loving In JESUS Christ, or such as stern, are far more important concerns (though noting stern is with value if not chosen [opted] as a way of life [in order to be mean and nasty], and other precepts of JESUS Christ apply).

Generally in measuring love, "love is not how much you love others rather your love is measured by how much others love you" (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at www.angelfire.com/un/110/SpecificSteps.html) since Love Source JESUS Christ created each and all, though amidst sinners that deviated

(reference types of popularisms, such as Church music that appeals to Evangelize to Invite though importantly to be foremost for Ascending, also applying to elections, and celebrity popularity, and broadcasting such as news [for Hope to Best Sway toward JESUS Christ Highest Purpose])

so to be popular for sinners "in order to be mean and nasty" has hardly been any measure of love.

Be Wise In JESUS Christ to be aware that the Highest Level is over the lower levels, the higher runs the lower, not the lower in charge, higher is in charge.

In the confused Puritan torturous type of movie Carrie the mother often locked her daughter in a closet to Pray with a full sized statue of martyred Saint Sebastian

["called the saint who was martyred twice" (newtheologicalmovement.blogspot.com/2012/01/did-you-know-st-sebastian-wasnt-killed.html)]

on the wall clearly symbolic of JESUS Christ even though an artistic idea of Saint Sebastian and even though JESUS Christ was of Grace with to be broken once for all (to Save)

(not as was thought and done as was reported [certainly a broken faith and a legal concern in former USA exemplar type of secularism fruit] about Director Brian De Palma at imdb.com/title/tt0074285/trivia,

see text above the Drawing defining mental "disorders": sickness and slavery slapped, whipped, imprisoned, and/or tortured people).

JESUS Christ offers the uplifting of civilization, such as kindness of court systems in guiding people (often both parties are innocent such as unaware others were involved, and perhaps even to frame) through processes that had been unclear to themselves, and such as for public awareness (not toward censorship) as via the State Of The Union Address for similar reasoning, and so forth.

Sin has been as a virus that damages and that receives goods in order to do more damages, while proper JESUS Christ USA is to be for their Good Civilization Source example.

Sin has been as a normal type of itchy dry skin that a person unawares washes in showers so become more itchy, while proper Christianity is to be as the Immaculate and better as much as Faith and Doing in JESUS Christ.

Sin has been a distraction and worse, but hardly to the properly Lovingly Ascending In JESUS Christ, such as finding Converting opportunities for Victories, and such as for Sermon improving and automating.

Sin has been as a lump of dust as space dust as Earth of Genesis 1.1 and so hardly about Transported, and more about the Word without works (dead though see next sentence)

so since about the "Word without works" then mainly about Teleported though while in process (while being processed, as then, through JESUS Christ "It is finished" John 19.30 and Anew increasingly even today), as "Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!" (from Genesis 1.31).

Concerning "the Word without works" in the Original Plan and Instantly In The Beginning is this key, that JESUS Christ is over Works and therefore Living even if apparently only the Word (reference Faith)(see above on JESUS Christ opting [or in other words JESUS Christ Working to opt One Highest Purpose Work]. To Edify in other words, to prepare and go to the place of work is work, even though the first ("work" 1 of 2) is routine "work" while the second (2 of 2) is a chore or a vocation job or tasks or to enjoy a livelihood or such: "1 of 2" accomplishes for the self except for Best Ascending, while "2 of 2" is toward Faithful Love and Giving Charitably (normally in civilization not the same as Charity).

JESUS Christ Gives this key, Teleporting needs be Good Best, or at least with Transporting though do no sin.

The Word needs be Good Best, or at least with Work though do no sin.

Note that "do no sin" is similar to obey God.

There are "UFOs coming to Earth" to find JESUS Christ Faith, or to Give JESUS Christ Guidance for Earthlings, or the "range" mentioned previously above may apply (see below: "Coming Soon").

Save if a Best Ascending Christian Preacher, Teleporting needs be "with Transporting though do no sin".

If not "a Best Ascending Christian Preacher" then a following vessel so of tactics (a reason for renaming to JESUS Christ United Nations) opted rather than: Highest Purpose Strategy: Prophesying (in the name JESUS Christ e.g. ibid.).

Separation of Church and state was to choose stupidity (sinfully, or at best secular stop gap [let Christians Do the Best can Do: trying to do goodly is better than not trying to do goodly]). According to the courts of current secular laws the "range" as if does not apply but only the truth [lest there be not truth]. So in worldly law in the courts the adjective is hardly to be submitted by an Officer (normally except if to quote).

Yet behold the adjective of this definition:

purposeful means "having or showing determination or resolve. 'the purposeful stride of a great lawyer'" and "having a useful purpose" and "intentional" (GOOG).

So as some have taught, therefore for instance "intentional" and "having a useful purpose" would be thrown out of court.

The Holy Word must be with the Holy Work if to keep the faith, necessary if to have a more perfect Union.

JESUS Christ offers the uplifting of the Puritans, as in JESUS Christ We The Puritans

(And We Each And All Other Christian Denomination(s) [As Much As Any Is Of Highest Purpose Faith As JESUS Christ Taught And Exemplified])(e.g. Ezekiel 44.17)

must for Highest Purpose through JESUS Christ Convert the former ways into the More Prefect Straight And Narrow Greater Higher Grace, the same upward Ascending that is without end and Eternal as JESUS Christ opted, and so if there is room in any direction for an elbow [for elbow room]: it is up.

So for instance of Ezekiel Chapter 44 with latter part of this Chapter offering specifications, for instance specification 44.23 for instance not toward "discern" nor "difference" of lower levels, and rather as JESUS Christ Taught: Distinguish.

(note: Praise Be For JESUS Christ, and Thank You JESUS Christ, the writer working to be humble to be serving to prepare this sermon did hardly expect to find an excellent translation interpretation of the JESUS Christ Highest Loving Purpose in this Old Testament sense at biblehub.com/ezekiel/44-23.htm [so had thought the explaining such as for all the other translators per se in example and for virtually all others would be far more redundant and lackluster], as it is Good in JESUS Christ to know if this writer was unnoticed another or others immediately Ascend).

The following translation shows excellent JESUS Christ Christian Wisdom evidence even [back] in the Old Testament interpreting as written in Ezekiel 44.23 Brenton Septuagint Translation:

In JESUS Christ is to "distinguish", and even so, to rather seek the Best Good so rather to "distinguish" (how hardly to seek sinfulness and the "profane", when able and to rather opt of Grace the Most Excellent Benefit). And then after so Distinguishing, to Give Firmament Distinguishing, and level distinguishing for the sakes of any needing lifted, so toward Guiding others into Best Worthiness via JESUS Christ One Having Given them such!

It is Good in JESUS Christ, to also find Brenton Septuagint Translation already so Doing as JESUS Christ Taught And Exemplified.

So to follow the letter of the law loyally, and the letter of the scriptures,

is wrong unless in whole (not to break any as if single law part(s) [JESUS Christ Victory over former: logic, over knowledge, and over the castings of lots]), and to know the whole Holy Highest Purpose Law And The Prophets is impossible [e.g. in former Old Testament translations ways] Save Through JESUS Christ Anew!

Many secular officers have been proud about their own knowledge of the law, and many secular lawyers have been haughty about their legal field of knowledge of the law; yet the previous sentence applies.

If the law crucified Innocent Righteous JESUS Christ then the law was not known.

We Are The New And Improved

(we are not the sinners [though former sinful ways might apply or might have applied conditionally if for more excellent Good though see previous sentence]),

We Are In JESUS Christ And So The New And Improved. We Can And Do Rewrite More Perfectly In Union And In Unison: The Old Testament, therefore the Anew Highest Old Testament is now in this generation becoming unraveled, unscrolled, and of JESUS Christ Living Writing Preparing Love becoming known.

Down below is Good if for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose In You, and the same is true of former ways.

The Holy Spirit went down [at least a little (per se)] amidst the level of humans, not only in the Garden Of Eden. Humans sinned, and the Holy Spirit went down there on planet Earth where sinners existed, below human likeness Firmament to appear as a lower level creature animal (Luke 3.22). So Heaven is hardly of the former ideas such as itemized laws, nor itemized product numbers.

The Eternal Father dwelt in Eden (and reference Holy Of Holies) and talked with creatures known as humans from dust, and revealed His Glory as much as people could endure to longsuffer (including as long as not straying in mind to think of lower levels nor sins). Endurance is a function of Best Ascending

(including Preparing in JESUS Christ)

(including according to a vessel's faith: in the Highest Good Purpose JESUS Christ Gave [though if rejected] And Continues To Give (Make Available)).

The Eternal Joy is not only serving, as lowest, yet also highest Perfect Leadership; Eternal Joy is JESUS Chris In Whole.

Eternal Joy is hardly to be in Heaven staring at the Teacher, rather to Be The Teacher, even Anew Greater Good Best Eternal Joy Ascending Giving (greater unseen Faith condition: All Knowing Wisdom).

So in JESUS Christ Give Guidance for Transporting with Preaching (with Teleporting, some have hosted and entertained higher levels unawares Hebrews 13.2).

Consider in JESUS Christ the Ascending from the graves as shown in the above JESUS Christ Drawing (even Praying is likewise, more evident sometimes than other times); and if You were an Old Testament person so rising, You would perhaps opt to like to enjoy fitting in (AD), and so to come to awakening from the grave to find the Old Testament prepared Anew for You to better even to Best understand

even that Your Heart Be Magnified In JESUS Christ: Oneness.

JESUS Christ x Magnify = Oneness (and greater unseen, as much as pertinent).

So the Holy Spirit and the Father Live and Move as opting, as do people and other spirits ("likeness" as much as not for sinfulness), while simultaneously (so JESUS Christ Father Spirit One Victory over time travel)

yet JESUS Christ as if counted alone as a census individual vessel

(so counted for Your sakes and for all One)(so counted for Wise Victories over the Tree Of Knowledge)

though "counted" as if a witness might "discern" or calculate "difference" in lower levels (often done),

yet rather Righteously [So In Highest Good] Distinguish JESUS Christ [One].

In other words hardly about separation of Church and state, similarly hardly about Father or Son or Holy Ghost.

A sinful legion asked ["legion, i.e. Roman regiment" (biblehub.com/mark/5-9.htm)] "What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? (from Mark 5.7 NAS), when rather praising and thanking JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Therefore Oneness might have been accomplished per se.

JESUS Christ came to lift and save but that legion begged "I implore You by God, do not torment me" (ibid.) to that legion received as opted.

Be Wise In JESUS Christ to be aware, that legion did not break the law in that situation (pending extenuating circumstances if any);

so a group can be for instance United Nations, or can opt to be JESUS Christ United Nations

(reference for instance boudin.org/legion/unlegion.html).

Your Preaching, JESUS Christ Teleporting Of secular souls (Saving) and JESUS Christ Teleporting Of The Spirit(s) Higher,

needs be with JESUS Christ Transporting [hardly in Highest Level, though] as when addressing the general public as when secular visitors might come to Your Mass, that if they descend, they might also Best arise to the level they were or higher, according to Your Preaching.

Even so, seek the greatest Good in JESUS Christ, even as much as Your Given Talent(s) And Interest(s) in JESUS Christ: so hardly delimited to the previous sentence sense while not to offend nor even needlessly to risk even if legal. So in other words, similar to how a person might join a legal club, consider being with Other Christian Leaders

(conditions generally have applied, many concerns apply, JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibilities for instance apply, see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons For Christian Leaders on Maintenance Responsibility, and on the more important Wise dwelling in greater Highest Purpose Good Faith In JESUS Christ)(also Anew Highest In JESUS Christ may apply, ibid.).

So there are secular legal clubs currently, and there are in JESUS Christ Grace and moral and special interest clubs and You might find some (in person, on line,...) that suits Your Highest interest in JESUS Christ (see example above this writer found somewhat in "Brenton Septuagint Translation"); yet be aware only in JESUS Christ is the Highest,

though others goodly are not devoid of values such as providing reference materials for You Better Leading Best as much as Your Are In JESUS Christ, Christian Leader.

From "discernment" [of this following verse] rewrite the Scriptures Best In JESUS Christ (Maintenance Responsibility In JESUS Christ for the original [raw] data [scriptures]), so such as to Convert to "Best Distinguish the fruits" for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose that there not be sinners and sinners that civilization be destroyed, nor even goodly with sinners that there be fights that sinners be destroyed;

instead that You rather opt JESUS Christ Grace that there be JESUS Christ In You Guiding that there be Good with Good that both be preserved, and with such as Philippians 1.9 NAS:

The future follows You (Your Preaching, Your Way). Yet with JESUS Christ revitalizing as with to Convert and "Best Distinguish the fruits" then therefore to look on the past compassionately, even JESUS Christ Victory over the graves and any contained in such, and also to be with JESUS Christ Victory over "discernment",

and likewise JESUS Christ With Your Victories over counted as if (listed here not in any special order):

1. ancillary or lessers,

2. secular topics and secular plannings,

3. poverty and hunger,

4. slavery and bondage,

5. misinterpretations or mis-translations,

6. mistakes and exceptions (save Highest Good In JESUS Christ),

7. following when should be leading,

8. and many other things that need Teleported higher [fixed to be Worthy to Best lift].

Fix the past (including the Old Testament), that the lifted Best Fit The Eternal including the current and the future. Fix the future that the future be Best In JESUS Christ.

In the above right pics the Presidents are not Preaching toward the secular sense with words, yet their Christian Leadership is with Highest Purpose such as evidenced in these pics;

even in cliche [toward] "a picture tells a thousand words", and in this situation showing more and better leadership than a thousand lesser meetings and books. Even so the "meetings and books" might be helpful at times, even as the Old Testament is very often a Helpful Guide. In one sense, right to left:

JESUS Christ Perfect One / Thousands of meetings and books / Your first steps when starting JESUS Christ Faith.

JESUS Christ Perfect One / Guides, some better than others / Your first steps.

JESUS Christ Perfect One / Alive or dead [sleeping] / Their first steps.

While each privately personally Prays JESUS Christ (with others present or not) it is with Good Purpose that such be realized in others for their sakes (and for Highest Purpose). A nation might become JESUS Christ United Nations but to what avail if the public knows not [or hardly] why such came to be nor JESUS Christ [much].

In other words, these things, all things, need to fit together Best as One, Living for Best Good, so Doing as JESUS Christ Explained And Exemplified, and not any other ways.

The above triads apply: when with small steps in proper JESUS Christ Faith a person was found Worthy to be responsible over "small" amounts of some things. When ascending in proper JESUS Christ Faith a person can become Worthy

(not that sin would surpass Good: this is a great precepting key in JESUS Christ Victory Over The Time Firmament)

to Ascend [to be responsible over "small" amounts] over the time authority Firmament (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders on related such as about Kolob at www.angelfire.com/ut/startups/newUFOtech.html), again: though if to be a victor over time then for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose;

involving JESUS Christ Mental Teleportation, Transfiguring, And Transporting Of Distant Objects.

JESUS Christ is with Concern, and in Given talents it means concerns, such as the following two, A and B, generally speaking:

A. Teleporting concern:

USA Constitution Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

B. Transporting concern Article XIV (Amendment 14):

"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"

So of the above "two", if to want to be with Spirit Word for instance concerning "religion", then to also be with "due process of law".

A. Required: "no law".

B. Required: "law".

Government denies itself and the truth, save if to be with JESUS Christ Grace Prioritizing Righteously (1 Corinthians 3.11).

Behold the flip of a coin, in the lower secular levels under laws the coin is flipped [by secular physicists and secular political science majors]

until it results in the answer on which the secular [lobbyists, delegates] agree, but now the subset Amendments are being treated as higher original seven Articles as a misinterpretation of JESUS Christ Priorities (Matthew 5.19)(biblehub.com/matthew/23-2.htm [methodology] "scribes" and [coin flip] "separatist" robes had many knotted tassels at the bottom.

So secular government is now claiming "no law" and "law" are the same thing: not true.

It is not only time for a change, it is time for JESUS Christ USA.

JESUS Christ USA Best Grace over government and the people / Through JESUS Christ USA / Go out from secular contamination.

Ascend from Moses' Seat (Matthew 23.2) to brethern status (Matthew 23.8) people, then Ascend from Transport to Teleporting liberty even if to rather opt (Acts 2.38) to serve as JESUS Christ One served.

In other words while the law allows something in one aspect (e.g. "no law respecting an establishment of religion"), flip of coin laws might deny such "something" in another aspect: so a range is pertinent over the former logic (heads or tails): so the range or "Godsling" is with enabled Victory Within And Subject To JESUS Christ Guidance.

See, Beloved, religion is not free as long as with the created as long as sin exists. It is by Constitution Amendment 1 law that the liberty for ability to be with "no law" comes about (for to straighten as much as hope is in JESUS Christ Perfectly, or if otherwise then lesser so)

(Highest Law Is JESUS Christ One, Highest Written Law is the First Commandment [aside from formerly unseen: written in the Heart]).

Highest Law is for the purpose to set at liberty the innocent and rather the Worthy.

The Transportation Security Administration for instance is with an authority over transporting objects. Though for instance many objects increase in value while being transported, such as fruits ripening to become at the peak of ripeness on the grocery shelf for customers. Other things such as perhaps self charging self ionizing capacitors (or ongoing batteries) might process information along the journey whether internally or with externally sensing (spying, see above about censorship).

Yet as stated above "not that sin would surpass Good" if in JESUS Christ.

If a person attempted to illegally hide and ride in a tractor trailer to cross a border, then to risk discomfort, waste of their time and energies, and death.

What does this tell a person?, if to do goodly [or rather Best Good In JESUS Christ] then if to transport people then legally and morally, and Hosting Comfort Best Effectually Living Leading In The Name And With Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ.

Space Force needs be with luxurious comforts, make Space Force for each person on Earth [as Earth travels the galaxy]. Video games can come close. Teleporting can come close, in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is closer. If Space Force for instance does not know how to overcome poverty on Earth, how hardly would another solar system civilization invite Space Force?: there cannot be an end to poverty save first in the name JESUS Christ and then accordingly.

The same is true of battles, hatred, and other secular lacks of faiths: first JESUS Christ then the solving Wisdom Truly begins. A Christian can know this is true in the Faith Path, but so far a nation cannot, save such as to walk around in the desert 40 years similar to the military to learn discipline. But look at the joy of the desert walkers, full of rebellions and undisciplined for many of those years.

The "discipline" aspect is already known, a person can read about it and see videos about such. Know JESUS Christ first.

Secular get money first then get the other in style, has not been the ways (various secular disposable income options). JESUS Christ first and then the Will Of JESUS Christ God after that is the Way.

Laws are not the ways, any more than swords or funds; except if JESUS Christ if first and so Faithfully Continuing In JESUS Christ.

Obey laws, yes, similar to obeying sense of balance so not to fall on the face onto a sword. Some buy giant swords for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, such as to put the swords into machines that cut huge stacks of papers to make Bibles.

To be Best, in JESUS Christ serve to Translate, Transfigure, Transcend, Teleport, and Transport.

Stop childish dreamings about funding the military as formerly, as though over flip of coin wars outcomes as if proven methodologies with powers to defend.

4 Nephi 1.30: Christians were put into prisons and the prisons broke.

4 Nephi 1.30: Christians were cast into fiery furnaces and received no harm.

4 Nephi 1.30: Christians were cast into pits with wild beasts and received no harm.

But it is not just about to have the Miracle, it is the Faith to Convert in the name JESUS Christ to then less likely be cast out by others.

July 8, 2019AD.

Coming Soon:

planned for the next JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon:

UFOs coming to Earth.

Click for JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Site at www.angelfire.com/ut/jc1/index.html.

tags: JESUS Christ United Nations States Of America Christian President Don Trump Praying over ACT with Christian President Barack Obama world leaders opting liberty, lawmaker contradictions Constitution Amendment 1 Article XIV Amendment 14 religion Faith, illustrated power of the word to Translate Transfigure Transcend Teleport then Transport victory over Romans 15:6, heart music 1 Timothy 2:15, pterosaur teeth wings fly fiery dragon Apollo 13, how to show Your Sermon illustrations on television gamepedia people love playing games and watching TV Pastor John Hagee said George Washington did not want separation of Church and state churchofjesuschrist.org Catholic Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Fatima Shepherd Lucia Santos Lisbon Portugal, Islamic prophet Muhammad, married Ali Islam Muslims Perfect Women attractive sexually Puritan movie Carrie Saint Sebastian State Of The Union Address Christian Wisdom over Old Testament Ezekiel 44.23 Brenton Septuagint Translation Ascend from Moses Seat Transportation Security Administration www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/jesusteleport.html www.angelfire.com/ut/jc1/index.html