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Phantasy Star Online screenshots and Jet Grind Radio Tags

those crazy Japanese ! ..

...they just cant stand close enough together!
do they miss being stuffed into a train?

Haute Daug (HUmar) [LV 92]
Digi Uyu (RAcaseal) [LV 47]
SU!@ (FOnewearl) [LV 21]
T.m[2KPro] (FOnewearl) [LV 158]
$cRe/\mEr (RAcast) [LV 142]
SAS (RAmar) [LV 114]
cherry (RAcaseal) [LV 172]
SERENA (RAcaseal) [LV 82]
kuronekoyama (FOnewearl) [LV 1]
ko.niysu.vr2 (FOmarl) [LV 165]
Chise (RAcaseal) [LV 92]
wind offight (HUmar) [LV 142]

Links to the rest of this site:

JGR - Tags

Enoki Art 1
Enoki Art 2
Enoki Art 3

PSO - pics
PSO - Quest pics
PSO - Vs. Ice Dragon
PSO - Caves
PSO - In the Lobby
PSO - 03/07/2002
PSO - 03/08/2002
PSO - Hawt Dawg (3/9)
PSO - 03/17/2002
PSO - Hawt Hits Ult (3/18)
PSO - misc
DC - death
game setup
PSO - wall paper 1
PSO - wall paper 2
PSO - wall paper 3
PSO - wall paper 4
PSO - wall paper 5

Links to other sites:

ASIF's professional grade DOA site

site for downloading your DC screenshots -DEFUNCT

Whats that? You say you don't know how to take screenshots while playing PSO? Okay, using a second controller in port D, put an empty VMU into socket 2, press A (hold) press start, the screen will go black and u will see a counter, (you can release the buttons while the counter goes down). You can also take a close-up by pressing X instead of A. Now visit this site. From there you can e-mail the pics to yourself. The pictures you will receive are of the small variety that you see on the PSO pages (all the larger shots were sent to me by ASIF).
UPDATE !!! In version 2 you can use a third controller (plugged into port B) to control the camera. The x and a buttons zoom in and out, while the joystick moves the camera. You can get some really MAD camera angles! But, with the pictures being so small, your best bet is to zoom in for a close-up. See the examples on the PSO pages from 3/8/2002 on.

Muppet Photo Gallery (PSO) -DEFUNCT

PSO World (this site has links to the Challenge maps)

webpage with PSO tips/tricks (part of

PSO pictures Dreamcast fansite SEGA Lives fansites fan site Phantasy Star Online screenshots
JGR Jet Grind Radio tags JGR guestbook RaeRae Rumar Haute Daug
PSO pictures Dreamcast fansite SEGA Lives fansites fan site Phantasy Star Online screenshots
JGR Jet Grind Radio tags JGR guestbook RaeRae Rumar Haute Daug
PSO pictures Dreamcast fansite SEGA Lives fansites fan site Phantasy Star Online screenshots
JGR Jet Grind Radio tags JGR guestbook RaeRae Rumar Haute Daug
feeling "lucky"?