Other Fairfax County Teams
After several weeks of oppression from the administration of Robinson Secondary School, the Rams Dodgeball Team is continuing on its journey to fun times bashing each other with rubber balls!
With a sorry record of 0-1 (after an embarassing loss to the Old Guys from Immanuel Bible Church) the team hopes to boosts its strength in the next weeks, after the cold lifts and gives way to warmer, dodgeball-friendly weather. As of now, the teams from TJ and IBC are leading the league, with one win a piece. Hopefully this will soon change in favor of the Rams as several games and a possible league tournament are currently in the works.
Robinson's next game is Saturday, February 9 at 3:30 at the tennis courts in Burke. For more information or directions, email robinsondodgeball@yahoo.com. If you're not on the team, you should still come out and support us as we plan on crushing West Springfield and Thomas Jefferson.
If anyone is interested in being in charge of keeping the Rams Dodgeball homepage up to date, email robinsondodgeball@yahoo.com with "Webpage Design" in the subject line.
We'd like to get some people out with cameras (preferable digital) to take pictures of the games that can be posted on the site. If you've got one and would like to help out, email robinsondodgeball@yahoo.com with "Photos" in the subject. Our resident videographer and co-captain Nathan Burchfiel will be taking video at the games he attends and hopefully we'll be able to show all those kids at Robinson all the fun they've been missing if we can ever talk the administration into letting us play Dodgeball Clips again!
That's all for now...play safe!
(Last updated Feb 7, 2002)
Some Interesting Links
The team not from TJHSST
National Amateur Dodgeball Association
Interesting Article #1
Interesting Article #2
Interesting Article #3