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A wedding is more than a ceremony. It's a demonstration to everyone of your character and your personality. It shows your commitment, your imagination and your style. If you could have one day to show your true colours, this is it. That's why you need to have top quality creative help to allow you to explore your full potential as a wedding planner.

Kismet gives you ideas and helps you plan. We show you all the options and we have the expertise to make them happen. Years of experience in cracking the toughest creative problems in the world of promotions, TV and advertising ensures that we know exactly how to turn a dream into reality... All you do is mail us your brief details of who you are (name and contact 'phone number, when you're getting married and your favourite style or even secret fantasy.

There's no commitment at this stage - we let you know how we can help. When you tell us you're happy to proceed, we start work on a range of options for the look of the day and the content of the ceremony. We'll also provide a quote of the costs - as a guide, these usually range from £70 for on-line consultancy to £150 for a home visit. Not much to pay for a company which has the skill and the knowledge to turn your daydream into your dream day!

Need To Find The Words? Then you need top class creative help. You can have a professional copywriter tailor your own special vows or write the best Best Man or Groom's speech you've ever heard. Above all, Kismet gets the words right.

About Us All about Kismet, including our 'phone number. Why not give us a ring?