Future Clubs - let me know ASAP if you want to be in any of these clubs
Take 5 ? - We're going to try the Take 5 club on a weekly basis starting on Mondays, if you want in let me know. $5 a person (from anywhere), each person giving 2 or 3 #'s between 1 & 39, all the rest of the #'s will come from quick pick. Confirmed for Take 5 starting Monday 6/16: D.Comins - 01,11,15, M.Hourigan - 10,13,21, L.Rogers$ - 17,22, G.Geoghegan$ - 12,17 ..let me know before Monday if you want to join in.
Lotto Club #6 needs 3 more members($10). Confirmed L6 members: (7) B.Hover, B.Woodhouse, L.Rogers, M.Keaney, G.Geoghegan, D.Comins, M.Hourigan If haven't already send me an email with your 2 #'s & your vote on (A)2 games for a year or (B)4 games for 6 months.If you want to be in L6 "Lotto Club #6" click here.
Mega Millions Club #5 needs 9 more members($10). Confirmed M5 members: (4) L.Rogers$, D.Comins, M.Hourigan, G.Geoghegan If you want to be in M5 "MegaMillions Club #5" click here.
L5 results so far to date: $1.00 One game matching three numbers $1 Eight games matching two numbers Four games matching one # & the bonus # 37 games matching one number Seven games matching the Bonus Number 49 games matching nothing
The #'s are played for the next 26 drawings from March 14th, 2002 through June 10th, 2003
M4 Results So Far To Date: $10.00 One Game matching Three numbers ($7) One Game matching one # & the Megaball ($3) Eight Games matching Two numbers 35 Games matching One Number 49 Games Matching Nothing
The Lotto Club was first established on December the 15th, 2001. You have to be in it to win it, when you're in the Lotto Club you're always in it. One day one of these clubs will hit the big one & those not in will truly regret it.