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Allah tells Muslims to read and learn about Islam and the world. We hope our UK Islamic bookshop will be able to help you find the right titles to increase your knowledgeMark Twain said 'The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them'

Mark Twain said 'The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them'

sale now on

This Islamic site is updated regularly. Press CTRL and D to add it to your favorites so you can find it easily next time This Islamic site is updated regularly. Press CTRL and D to add it to your favorites so you can find it easily next time

Below we feature our selected titles for , all five of which have been substantially reduced until the end of the month.

Rageh Omaar's unique and profoundly moving book is the story of his childhood in Somalia, his family's attitude to religion, his double life as a British Muslim and that of other British Muslims

Only Half of Me: Being a Muslim in Britain

A young boy attends a madrassa in Mogadishu, Somalia. His parents take him on pilgrimage to Mecca. He comes to Britain as a child and by the time he is a young man, the war in Somalia prevents him from going home. Years later he will watch the US operation in Mogadishu in horror whilst some of his closest relatives are in the city. He will witness the invasion of Iraq in disbelief.

For many people in Britain this is the biography of a man to be feared, the typical life of a young, male, black, British Muslim. It is also Rageh Omaar's story.

Only Half of Me is a moving account of being a Muslim in Britain: the author's own childhood and his attempt to straddle the world of his parents and that of his own, Western generation. It is also the story of people from similar backgrounds who made very different decisions: the Somali man who attempted to kill British civilians because he felt hurt at Muslims being attacked in a country he has never visited; the Muslims who are renouncing their religion; the author's cousin who was stabbed in a London street on 8 July 2005.

Full of humanity and rage, empathy and insight, Only Half of Me is a compelling book that takes the reader on a journey into the heart of modern Britian and brings to life a world that has remained, until now, hidden from view. 'Only Half of Me: Being a Muslim in Britain' is the Editor's choice for this month. Click here to buy it

'Only Half of Me: Being a Muslim in Britain' is the Editor's choice for this month. Click here to buy it

Another recommended bestseller about Muslims in Europe is Western Muslims and the Future of Islam

Europe's leading discount Islamic bookshop - sale now on on all books of interest to Muslims

Tacky, below-the-belt cover and pacifist-like attitudes are not always realistic (war against the Serbs who had committed repeated genocides was justified), however this is a fascinating book and well worth buying

Blair's Wars

This is the story of how the leader of the once-pacifist Labour Party fought five wars in six years: in Iraq in 1998, in Kosovo, in Sierra Leone, in Afghanistan, and again in Iraq last year. Kampfner, a journalist at the "New Statesman," relies on extensive interviews to construct an excellent inside account of Tony Blair's diplomacy with the world at large and within his own government and party. The ironies abound: the former leftist becoming a hawk; the politician once derided as all style taking great political risks because of his convictions; the hero to Americans being applauded in Congress for policies that were deeply unpopular back home (such as his support for the Israeli onslaught on Lebanon). On the controversial question of whether Blair supported the war out of conviction or out of reflexive support for Washington, Kampfner's answer is "both." Blair's actions demonstrate a consistent willingness to use force to good end, but, as one cabinet minister told Kampfner, "Supporting the Americans is part of Tony's DNA." What is it about Tony Blair, a deeply Christian man, that has given him such a taste for war?

'Blair's Wars' is the Editor's choice for this month. Click here to buy it

Another recommended bestselling polemic is Al Qaeda and What It Means to Be Modern

Europe's leading discount Islamic bookshop - sale now on on all books of interest to Muslims

'This is the Book,
in it is guidance sure,
without doubt,
to those who fear God' 
The Holy Quran, 1:2

The Holy Quran

Abdullah Yusuf Ali provides a comprehensive and highly accurate translation of the Quran. This one has both the original Arabic text as well as its translation in English. It also features very informative footnotes which helps the reader understand each verse better. Ali's version of the most widely read book in the world is respected and trusted by the majority of the Muslim scholars. A succinct, clear and definitive translation. Editor's choice for this month. A fountain of wisdom for less than the price as a month's cable subscription

The most accurate translation of the most widely read book in the world - shouldn't you have a copy?

To see another bestselling translation of the Quran click here

Europe's leading discount Islamic bookshop - sale now on on all books of interest to Muslims

Hadith of the life of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) - invaluable for Muslims and non-Muslims alike

Imam Bukhari's Hadith

This book is the most authenticated collection of the traditions of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). It contains thousands of hadith and is an invaluable guide for Muslims who want to understand and improve their practice of Islam. All Muslims should read Imam Bukhari's hadith regularly as they provide guidance on how to attempt to emulate the practices of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). A fountain of knowledge and wisdom.

This book will take a few weeks for us to deliver it to you - but it is worth the wait, it truly is a gem

A more light-weight collection of hadith can be found here

Europe's leading discount Islamic bookshop - sale now on on all books of interest to Muslims

People magazine called it 'Absolutely riveting and profoundly sad' - Sasson's controversial account of life in a repressive (and UNIslamic) state


While living in Saudi Arabia, Jean Sasson befriends a princess named Sultana. Sultana wants her life to be known and she gives Sasson her diaries and notes, entrusting her to write her life story. The result is a vivid depiction of the restrictions of Saudi Arabian society and the raw, corrupt, and unquestionable power of the royal males and some religious leaders who twist the benevolant teachings of Islam. 'Princess' is an intimate look at one woman's struggle against the injustices of a repressive society, which, whilst claiming to be Islamic, transcends it's teaching of treating women with decency and respect. A UK bestseller.

A devastating expose of a corrupt and hypocritical Saudi society which denies women the rights they are afforded by Islam

To get details about Sasson's latest bestseller, 'Love in a Torn Land', click here

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