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Hi! My name is Mila Levinskaya and I am very glad to meet you here! Like artist I feel a great pleasure when my painting is interesting for people. I was born in Ukraine in the big city Kiev. After high school I was admitted to the Art Industrial College in Kiev. In the Kiev Republican House of Artistic I took part in many exhibiting. I illustrated stories and documentary films for kids, high schools and university students. My works associated with beautiful city Kiev you can see here.
I spent six years in Israel with my husband before we entered Canada. I worked in Haifa near Mediterranean Sea. In Israel I exhibited my paintings and Japanese "ikebana" (art of Japanese flower arrangement), participated in art shows in Haifa and other cities. I was invited to join the painters and sculptors association of Art called Art Alliance of Israel Painters and Sculptors. My painting was exhibited at the Northern District Chagall House. You can take a look at the Israel motives of my works.
In October 2000 I have exhibited my painting in the Interior Design Show at the Metro Convention Center, the Russian Artists in Canada Show and recently have had my own exhibitions in the North York Central Library Gallery and the Beth Emerth Synagogue. You will not be disappointed with my vision of nature and creative imagination.
Hope to hear about you impressions!
All these pictures you can order by addresses.
Welcome to my gallery and I wish you the best!
