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This is the character guide describing each character in the simplest form as possible.  Enjoy the "main" pictures of each.  Use the navigator below to find the character you are looking for.


1. Hitomi
2. Van
3. Allen
4. Dilandu (a.k.a. Selena)
5. Millerna



Name: Hitomi Kanzaki
Hobby: Track (running),
fortune telling
Strong Point: Wishes
Weak Point: Love, making decisions about love, etc.,
Other: Hitomi is a girl with a boyish haircut & a radiant personality.  She believes in justice & will go at any lengths to save somebody.

What is strange is that Hitomi has visions.  She realizes these visions are somehow connected with the pendant that her grandmother gave her.

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Name: Van Fanel
Other:  King of Fanelia

Hobby: Unknown
Strong Point: Determination, getting things done, accepting
"the facts"
Weak Point: Where he thinks the only solution with Zaibach is fighting.

Other: Van is a descendant of one of the Atlantians (winged people).  His wings will burst out of his back at will. He is determined to kill his father Folken after finding out that he was working for their sole enemy, the Zaibach emperor Dornkirk.

Van isn't spoiled, even if he is the King of Fanelia.  He was trained by Balgus, a famous swordsman

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Allen Shezar

Name: Allen Shezar
Other: Asturia Knight of Honor

Hobby: Duelling
Strong Point: Loyalty, fighting
Weak Point: Trusting, especially the word of his own enemies.

Other: Allen was a bandit before becoming one of the well-known knights of Asturia.  After having an encounter with Balgus, the knight-trainer, it changed his life.

Allen has always had a way with women that they would do anything they wanted him to.  As far as I know, he has had a relationship with Millerna's sister, Millerna, and Hitomi.  With his affair with Millerna's sister, he made her bear one child, the Duchy of Freid who doesn't know anything about it.

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Name: Dilandu/Selena
Strong Point: Challenging, using battle field strategies 
Weak Point: His strong belief of revenge

Other: Believe it or not, Dilandu is Allen's sister.  When Selena (the female Dilandu) was small, 5 or 6 yrs, she got lost & the scientists from Zaibach took her in.  They did experiments and were able to transform Selena into a man (which we now know as Dilandu).

Dilandu has very faint memories of the past & cannot remember the fact that Allen is her brother.  As well as that, Dilandu has a great grudge against Van Fanel .  I think he enjoys battling against those who are equal or almost equal to his fighting abilities.  Weird eh?

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Name: Millerna
Other: Princess Millerna

Interests: Medical Science
Strong Point: Believing herself, caring for others, will do as much as she can to get something she wants done.
Weak Point: 

Other: Millerna is kind-hearted, but is has a somewhat different personality with Hitomi  She treats her "lesser" peers with not much respect.

Millerna is deeply in love with Allen Shezar, but has hastily agreed to marry Dryden, a successful merchant, whom she was told to marry when she was old enough to know.

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