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Highlights - Killington (Winter 1995)

                           KILLINGTON TRIP 95'

   Braving to biggest (only) snow storm of 95' thus far, the group gathers
from four states.

   Steve Shalla  (PA)
   Mike Yeager   (PA)
   Jim Olivo     (NJ)
   Greg Grieff   (MD)
   Joe Grieff    (PA)
   Patty Minto   (VA)
   Lee Ringer    (PA)


   Weather:   6 in of new snow, 20 degrees, wind chill 5 degrees
              Expecting to hit drifted snow & snow showers as we head

9:00    Group meets at Sunoco Station in beautiful downtown Bath, PA.

9:20    Usual breakfast diner closed due to bankrupcy, or snow, not
            really sure.

9:25    McDonald's will have to due for breakfast.

9:40    Group departs for Killington.

10:30   Greg in lead car decides to take a scenic tour of a New Jersy State
            Park after missing exit for 209 N.

10:45   Group reunites and continues on its way.

12:00   Good fortune befalls to group as serious injury is avoided when
            Jim's CB antena flys from atop his roof.

2:00    Gas stop after NY State thruway, snow used to clean headlights,
            and windsheild since all washer bins where frozen.

4:30    Group arrives at Killington SnowShed base lodge and purchases
            5 day lift tickets, despited warnings of extreme COLD, high
            winds and lift closures.

5:15    Group arrives at condo and unloads vehicles.

6:00    Fire made, beers opened and pepperoni bread served.

8:30    After much debating the decision is made that the beer won't
            freeze in the mud room ajoining the condo.

11:00   Group retires to bed in hopes of a good day skiing in the


   Weather:   Temp: 5 degrees Wind Chill -15 to -20 degrees
              2-3 feet of fresh snow covers the slopes from the
              weekend storm.

7:30    Breakfast made.

8:30    Greg and Mike go out to warm up cars.

8:35    Greg and Mike retrun after several unsuccessful attempts to
            start vehicles.

8:45    Jim starts Camery w/o any problem.

8:45 -  Jim travels between remaining 2 vehicles trying to jump start
9:30    them (No Luck!)

9:30    Isuzu Roadside Assistance called.

9:45    Greg decides to drain oil and heat it on the stove in an effort
            to get the Blazer running (No Luck!).
10:00   AAA called 3 hour wait.

10:15   6 pairs of skies, boots, and poles loaded into the Camery.

10:15 - Many other unsuccessful attempts to start vehicels (No Luck!)

11:00   Group of 3 leave for slopes Patty decides not to ski due to the
            COLD and will handle Roadside Assistance calls.

11:15   Group of 3 return, no lifts running at SnowShed, Beers opened.

11:30 - Many calls made to road side assistance.

1:15    Steve, Greg, Mike, and Jim leave for Snowdon in Camery.

1:30 -  Guys ski 6 runs and deal with extremly COLD lift rides.

5:00    Guys retrun to condo, still to Roadside assistance.

6:00    Tow Truck comes and takes Rodeo to dealer in Rutland.

6:00 -  Many calls make to AAA

8:15    Ron's Sunoco calls to say their Tow truck is broke, but they will
            be out sometime tonight to pickup the Blazer.

8:30    Jim and Greg decide rather than relying on a garage that can't
            keep their tow truck running, to head to Rutland to purchase
            a battery charger.

8:35    Joe tries to remove the battery from the Blazer (No Luck!)

9:20    Jim & Greg retrun w/ battery charger.  Greg bitches since the
            battery is not out of the car yet.

9:25    Greg and Jim make an unsuccessful attempt the remove the battery.

9:45    Greg finally decides its the garage's problem, and has a beer
            or two.

10:30   Group retires after an exhausting day.

1:30    Ron's Sunoco calls to say their on their way.

1:35    Temp -15 degrees, Wind Chill -50 degrees
            After about 15 minutes of trying to start it, vehicle is towed
            to the garage.


   Weather:  Temp: 10 degrees, Wind Chill: -5 to -10 degrees
             Many lifts closed.

8:30    Mike calls Isuzu they will look at the car around 10:00.

9:00    Greg calls Ron's Sunoco, car will be ready about 11:00.

11:00   Greg, Mike and Jim head out to Rutland to pickup vehicles.

12:00   Greg returns w/ running Blazer and Steve & Greg load skiies.

12:45   Jim and Mike return w/o the Rodeo.

1:00    Jim decides the stress of driving everyone around has given him
            a killer headache.

1:30    Everyone but Jim crowd into the Blazer to go skiing.

2:00 -  COLD but fun skiing was had by all.

3:00    Steve, Greg, and Mike descover a drainage ditch/trail to ski

5:00    Group arrives back at condo, Mike calls Isuzu - car is ready.
            Greg and Mike decide to get the car first thing in the morning.

6:00    Steve makes killer steaksandwiches for dinner.

9:00    Jim, Patty, Greg, and Mike head out the shoot some pool at
            Zorba's (LAME doesn't even begin to describe this adventure)

11:00   Group decides to go to bed in hopes of having 3 running vehicles
            in the morning.

1:30    Lee arrives and crashes on the couch.


   Weather:  Temp: 15 degrees, Wind Chill: 0 to -5 degrees
             Most Lifts running.

7:30    Greg and Mike depart to get Rodeo from Isuzu, Mike gets smacked by
            Service mananger Thearsa.

8:30    Greg and Mike return with both vehicles.

9:15    Group of 7 depart for a full day of skiing.

9:25    Greg, Jim, Steve, and Mike wait for Lee to get his lift ticket,
            Joe and Patty head for Ram's Head.

9:30    Still waiting

9:35    Still waiting

9:40    Lee finally arrives

9:45 -  Guys ski Syke Peak and Bear Mnt.

11:15   Greg, Mike, and Steve decide to take Lee & Jim down drainage
            ditch found yesterday.

11:20   Jim is lying across the trail minus a ski which can be found
            with the tail burried in the snow sticking straight up in front
            of him (No injry resulted)

11:45   Mike looses an edge going around a corner and difts off the
            trail into the woods.

12:15   Group heads to meet for lunch at Killington Peak. Jim bringing
            up the rear makes a slight navigational error making him
            20 minutes late.

1:00 -  Guys depart to ski the Canyon.  Patty and Joe head for Snowdon.

2:30    Lee preforms a superb barrel roll after miscalculating a jump
            turn over a cliff in east glades.  Mike nearly takes out Steve
            while trying to snow him on same trail.

5:00    Group departs Killington exhausted from a full day of skiing.

7:00    Group goes out to dinner at Mrs Brady's, and wishes Lee a
            happy birthday.

10:00   Greg discovers that previous decision made Monday was a poor
            one after attempting to get a beer.  Remaining beer relocated
            to refigerator.

11:00   Group goes to bed.


   Weather:   Temp: 20 degrees, Wind Chill: 5 - 0 degrees
              1 in of new snow, Most lifts running.

9:00    Group leaves for slopes.

10:00   Greg, Steve, and Lee decide to test the laws of physics as
            they apply to weight distribution while tromping though
            2 feet of fresh powder in echo woods.

10:30   Jim decides to test the effectivness of ski wear as football
            equiptment, by missing a turn and clocking Greg.

11:15   The decision is finally made to do Outer Limits, while everyone
            in the group ate at least a bit of snow.  The most memorable
            was when Lee out-skiing his binding trying to pound a set of
            mogules. He didn't make it very far with a single ski.

12:30   Group met for Lunch at Bear Mtn.

1:30    After the past few days of skiing we decides to take an easy
            afternoon and ski with Joe and Patty the rest of the day.

1:45    The group bid goodbye to Lee at the base of Snowdon and headed
            up the lift

1:50    Joe drops hat from lift at pole 12.

2:00    Hat recovered, but we lost Joe, and Patty.

2:30    Greg wipes nicely at the top of Rams Head under the lift.

3:00    Guys meet up with Patty,  Patty inadvertanally attempts a little
            ski dancing and takes a spectacular wipe.

5:00    Group departs the slopes and heas for the condo.

6:45    Jim and Greg cook a big spagetti dinner.

7:15    Jim discovers that the refigerator has forzen his bottle of
            Ginger Ale, and puts in front of the fire place to defrost.

8:02    Steve dashes after the exploding Ginger Ale bottle in front of
            the fire place and throws it in the sink.

10:00   Everyone packs up and prepares to leave in the morning


   Weather:   Temp:  25 degrees  Wind Chill: 5 - 10 degrees
              2-3 in of new snow on the slopes.
              All lifts running

8:00   Group begins to eat breakfast and clean up the condo.

9:00   Sound of everyone packing is interupted by Patty yuking in
           the bathroom.

9:45   Group departs condo for the slopes.

10:00  Guys begin last day of skiing, by this time everyone is in a bit
           of pain from the week of skiing, many falls result.

11:00  Greg christin's Killingtons new slope, Vertigo, with a near death
           wipe into the woods stopping only after hitting a tree.

1:00   Greg continuing his streak enters the lift line on the back of his
           skiies, crossing under the rope division after loosing an edge.

2:00   While much of the skiing we did was on thin cover and many rocks
           were discovered a bit too late.  Ovation was the most interesting
           since it had many little branches sticking about 1 foot out of
           the snow.  It was more a field the a ski trail but what the hell
           it was the last run.  Everyone surrvied.

3:00   The group met at the vehicles and moved them closer to the lodge
           to wash up before leaving.  Greg nearly got the Blazer stuck
           after discovering why no one was parked the terrific parking
           spot he found.

3:30   Group departs the slopes in search a souveniers, at Bills country

3:45   Group departs Killington and heads home.

7:00   Greg looses Steve and Mike as he missed the turn for 84 West.
           Jim was still following though.

7:05   Joe gets map and determines new route that will only lose us
           12 miles.

8:30   Jim decides he would rather follow a different Blazer and
           gets lost.

10:00  Greg and Joe arrive in Allentown

10:10  Jim and Patty arrive in Allentown