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Highlights - Memorial Day 2001


6th Annual Penn State Alumni and Friends Memorial Weekend Camping Trip
5/25/2001 - 5/29/2001

Group Photo!

Group Photo with Captions

Paul, Lisa & Abby Page (Abby is their 17 month old daughter)
Eric, Suzy & Ally Ruth (Ally is their 16 month old daughter)
Greg Grieff, Karen & Jake Farrell (Jake is Karen's 8 year old son)
Valerie Schutz, Chris & Kaylee Fulkerson (Kaylee is their 13 month old daughter)
Steve & Lynne Shala
Joe ??? & Karen Qutub (w/Kas) (Kas is a Bernese Mountain Dog)
Mike Yeager & Amy Snyder (w/ Zumi) (Zumi is a Siberian Husky)

Friday May 25, 2001
(Weather - Mosty cloudy with scattered showers and
thunderstorms (hi/lo temp 50/75))

2:30 PM   Eric, Suzy & Allyson arrive at Seneca Shadows Campground.

2:45 PM   Rain starts while Eric & Suzy begin setting up Tent and Rain/Shade

3:00 PM   Upon completion of Tent and Canope setup, Rain Stops.

4:00 PM   Lisa, Paul & Abby arrive at Seneca Shadows Campground.

4:15 PM   Begin unpacking van and prepare to setup tent.

4:20 PM   Rain begins again.

4:25 PM   Construction begins on Lisa and Paul's 3 Bedroom Penthouse suite.

4:45 PM   Building inspector signs off on the structure

5:00 PM   Contractor arrives to begin wiring structure for electricity.

5:15 PM   Ally and Abby begin planning chaos for the weekend.

5:30 PM   Rain stops for the rest of the evening.

6:00 PM   Mike, Amy & Zumi arrive at Seneca Shadows Campground.

6:15 PM   Zumi introduces herself to Allyson. (Allyson NOT HAPPY!)

6:30 PM   Lynne & Steve arrive at Seneca Shadows Campground.

6:45 PM   Greg, KarenF & Jake arrive at Seneca Shadows Campground.

7:00 PM   Chris, Valerie & Kaylee arrive at Seneca Shadows Campground.

7:15 PM   Kaylee joins Ally & Abby in planning chaos for weekend.

8:00 PM   Pepperoni Bread Served. (KarenQ & Joe miss out on pepperoni bread)

8:15 PM   Steve and Lynne make two 1lb potatoes (don't know about pepperoni bread)

8:30 PM   Fire started...Smores for everyone.
          (except KarenQ & Joe, who haven't arrived yet)

8:40 PM   Lisa begins her weekend of binge drinking...Her plan:
                                          Friday night: Scotch;
                                        Saturday night: Goldschlager;
                                          Sunday Night: Rum

8:45 PM   Paul takes Abby to tent to try to get her to sleep.

8:45 PM   Chris takes Kaylee to tent to try to get her to sleep.

8:45 PM   Eric takes Ally to tent to try to get her to sleep.

9:00 PM   Eric & Chris return to campfire
          (successful in their attempt to get babies to sleep)

9:15 PM   Potatoes are still raw inside and Steve and Lynne eat them anyway.

9:30 PM   Lynne sneaks some potato to Zumi. Now Zumi loves Lynne

10:45 PM  Paul returns to campfire (Abby finally asleep)

12:00 AM  Campfire chatter breaks up, Group retires to tents.

Saturday, May 26, 2001
(Weather - Partly cloudy, scattered showers
and thunderstorms (hi/lo temp 50/75))

6:30 AM   Kaylee wakes.  (plays nicely in tent,
                          as not to wake up other campers)

7:30 AM   Allyson wakes. (Not quite so considerate)

8:30 AM   Remaining campers wake, and group begins work on breakfast.

9:00 AM   Breakfast Served - French Toast & Bacon for everyone
          (except KarenQ & Joe...who still haven't arrived.)

9:45 AM   Lisa & Paul debate whether to use BOB Stroller
          (who is BOB anyway) or Baby Backpack to transport
          Abby to top of Seneca Rocks.

10:30 AM  Group departs for hike to top of Seneca Rocks.
          (Abby in BOB Stroller, Ally in Suzy's Backpack,
        Kaylee in Chris's Backpack)

10:45 AM  Group splits up...
          Greg, Karen, Jake, Lynne, Steve,  Mike & Zumi
          start hiking up the backside (more challenging) trail to the top.
          Chris inquires "what's the backside trail like?"
          Valerie Informs Chris "NO, you can't take the backside
                                 trail with Kaylee on your back"
          Chris, Valerie & Kaylee take frontside trail with
          Eric, Suzy, Allyson, Lisa, Paul, Abby & Amy.

10:50 AM  Paul encounters first set of stairs on the frontside trail
          (Eric & Paul carry BOB stroller up stairs)

10:51 AM  Mike and Zumi go up wrong trail, nobody follows.

10:52 AM  While carrying stroller up the stairs, the BOB Stroller
          collapses with Abby inside.  Eric & Paul panic...
          Abby remains calm and collected.

10:54 AM  Zumi takes bath in the stream.

10:55 AM  Next set of stairs encountered (Stroller carried up steps)
 Lynne finds blue diamond trail.

11:00 AM  Third set of stairs.....etc...etc...etc...

11:02 AM  Jake, Mike and Zumi leave everybody in the dust.

11:05 AM  Jake tells Karen to look at him he's doing good and she is too slow.

11:05 AM  Chris finds shortcut up the mountain...

11:06 AM  Valerie objects to shortcut.

11:07 AM  Chris continues up shortcut despite Valerie's objections.

11:10 AM  Lynne is hyperventallating and stops for break.

11:11 AM  KarenF tells Jake to climb rock to take a picture.

11:12 AM  Karenf tells Jake to get down from rock so he doesn't get hurt.

11:15 AM  Paul makes rude comment about Suzy.
          (Suzy doesn't hear it...but everyone else does)

11:15 AM  Lisa hits Paul for making rude comment.

11:20 AM  Valerie comments:
          "My boots are tied so tight, that no boots can get in"

11:30 AM  Hikers reach the top...All babies sound asleep...

11:40 AM  Lisa & Paul protect BOB stroller (With sleeping Abby inside)
          from being pushed over the edge by careless teens.

11:45 AM  Wake babies for picture taking / site seeing / snacking.

11:50 AM  Serious Accident at the top of the Mountain.
          (Goldfish Crackers & Cheerios spilled to the ground)

11:50:05  Group scrambles to Save Goldfish & Cheerios before
          5 second rule expires.

12:00 PM  *SMACK* echoes through the mountains as Paul smacks
          Lisa on the back...

12:00:10  Lisa objects...

12:00:15  "I was trying to keep that horsefly from biting you" defends Paul...

12:05 PM  Many Pictures taken.

12:15 PM  Group notices 12" gap between spindles on the observation deck.

12:20 PM  Valerie & Chris chase Kaylee around deck,
          trying to keep her from slipping through the spindles...

12:30 PM  Lisa still PO'd about the *SMACK*

12:30 PM  Jake climbs to "outer limit" of mountain ...
          Dispite the wishes of his mom.

12:40 PM  Jake returns safely, Mom is relieved.

1:00 PM   Part of group returns to campsite to prepare Lunch.

1:10 PM   Steve whines because Lynne makes him stay behind
          to take more pictures.

1:15 PM   Zumi pulls Mike down the mountain.

1:30 PM   Mike, Amy & Zumi wait for the group in the parking lot.

1:31 PM   Amy asks Mike, "What is she doing?" while pointing to a
         young lady who has stripped down to at least a thong to change
          her pants in the parking lot.

1:35 PM   Lynne and Steve arrive in the parking lot.  After mike tells
          Steve what he missed.  Steve comments on what appeared to be a
          wet t-shirt contest walking up the trail.  Especially those
          young ladies in white t-shirts.  Mike notices that the young
          lady in the parking lot appears to have changed tops as well.
          But, the guys miss the show.

2:00 PM   Part of group arrives at campsite to find RV (Winnebaigo???)
          parked at campsite.

2:05 PM   Joe & KarenQ introduce themselves to group...

2:05 PM   Joe & KarenQ introduce the group to their
          "BAD" (Bigg Ass Dogg) "KAS"

2:10 PM   Kas and Zumi get acquainted.

2:30 PM   Remainder of group returns to campsite for lunch.

2:30 PM   Lunch Served...Sausage & Peppers for everyone.

2:45 PM   Lisa, Paul & Chris see who can blow the biggest bubble.

2:50 PM   Lisa wins, Hands down....Hmmmm.....

2:30 PM   Alley & Abby play with  "Bubbles"

4:00 PM   Afternoon Thunderstorm...Most of group uses opportunity to take a nap.

7:00 PM   Fire Started... Dinner preparations begun.
          (Marinated Steak & Corn on the Cobb.)

7:30 PM   Joe says that he needs to make a better fire.

7:35 PM   Joe gets dry wood and starts chopping it.

7:40 PM   Karen Q makes hot fire with wet wood.

7:45 PM   Joe drops wood and wonders where the big fire came from?

9:00 PM   Group discusses the difference between "religious & spiritual"

9:00 AM   Suzy starts making hobo pies and Lynne starts banana splits.

9:01 PM   Suzy upset because she is not allowed to open pie filling.

10:00 PM  Group discusses their views on Gun Control...

10:05 PM  Eric responds "F*ck it, shoot em all..."

10:15 PM  Jake retires to tent, with promise of
          "I'll be back out in just a few minutes..."

11:00 PM  Jake sound asleep in tent.

11:30 PM  Lisa breaks out the Goldschlager with the comment.
          "at least it keeps your breath fresh"

11:45 PM  Lisa tells Suzy about the comment that Paul made earlier that day.

11:46 PM  Suzy smacks Paul for making rude comment.

12:00 AM  Group convinces Joe to entertain us with guitar playing.

12:05 AM  KarenQ informs group that
          "Joe gets really pissed if people don't sing along with his playing"

12:10 AM  Paul compliments Joe, saying
          "Wow, there's not too many people who can make
          Suzy's singing sound good"

12:30 AM  Lisa enjoys Cat Stevens songs a little too much.

12:45 AM  Paul tells Lisa "I'd be fine if you'd stop asking if I was ok"

12:46 AM  Lisa asks Suzy "do you think Paul's ok"

1:00 AM   Suzy longs for sambuka.

1:10 AM   Lisa comments
          "eating dry bread after drinking keeps me from getting a hangover"

1:15 AM   Upon returning from the bathroom,
          Lisa & Suzy make Paul jealous with stories of
          bra straps and drawstrings...

1:30 AM   Suzy, Lisa & KarenQ go to bathroom together.
          KarenQ pees in the shower because there's not an open stall.

2:45 AM   Lisa searches campsite for "Dry bread"

2:50 AM   Firewood supply depleted.

3:00 AM   Ignoring Suzy's advice; Joe chops more firewood.
          Annoys sleeping campers.

3:05 AM   Joe claims "I never miss"

3:10 AM   Joe misses...over and over again.

3:30 AM   Remainder of group retires for the evening.

Sunday May 27, 2001
(Weather: partly cloudy with scattered showers
and thunderstorms (hi/lo temp 45/70))

7:30 AM   Allyson wakes...Ready for a new day.

8:00 AM   Eric & Suzy still trying to convince Ally to "go back to sleep"

9:00 AM   Breakfast prepared.  Eggs, sausage & hashbrowns for everyone
          (except Amy, who passes on the Sausage)
          (And Joe and KarenQ, who are still sleeping in the RV)

9:30 AM   Group realizes that they haven't saved any food for Joe & KarenQ

10:00 AM  Kids  play with "Bubbles" again

10:30 AM  Steve decides he needs a heater for the tent next year.

11:00 AM  Lisa and Paul bribe Abby with new toys,
          but Abby still won't say "Helicopter"

11:30 AM  Ally Climbs onto top of picnic table to get "Bubbles"

12:00 PM  Mike, Greg, Lynne & Steve go biking.

12:00 PM  Lisa, Paul, Joe & KarenQ take walk into town,
          Have lunch at Harpers country store.  Enjoy patio view of the rocks.

12:00 PM  KarenF & Jake take ride to nearby town to look for clothing
          (return disappointed by selection at the "dollar store")

12:00 PM  Amy remains at camp with Valerie, Chris & Kaylee to relax.

12:00 PM  Suzy, Eric & Allyson take nice long nap...

12:30-2:00 PM Rain Comes and goes...

12:30 PM  Steve and Lynne motion sick from windy road and Mike's driving.

12:35 PM  Greg admits to getting a little motion sick too.

1:00 PM   Mike, Greg, Steve and Lynne finally arrive.  Lynne screams let me out.

1:01 PM   Unload bikes and watch the flock of sheep come in.

1:02 PM   Watch group of 4 people on 4 horses try to get through little side gate.

1:03 PM   One person gets off horse to walk past the gate.

1:04 PM   Watch person trying to get back on horse.
   Greg decides to change shirts again to short sleeve.

1:10 PM   Person finally gets back on horse.

1:11 PM   Second group of 4 people and 4 horses open big gate and ride through.

1:12 PM   Start riding bikes

1:13 PM   Turns cold, starts raining.  Greg wishing he had left his long sleeve shirt on.

1:14 PM   Mike and Greg leave Steve and Lynne in the mud.

1:30 PM   Lynne and Steve run into covered wagon with 4 cowboys drinking beer.
   Rain stops.

1:31 PM   Lynne asks cowboys, if she can go with them.

1:32 PM   Steve very upset at Lynne for saying that.

1:33 PM   Lynne laughs, as cowboys laughs, they pass by, Lynne starts riding her bike again.
          Steve still standing in shock over Lynne comment.

1:45 PM   Steve and Lynne catch up to Greg and Mike waiting for them.
          Mike give Lynne choice of up or down the hill.
          Lynne picks down through the woods.

2:00 PM   Lynne screams, stuck in mud. Steve almost runs into Lynne.

2:30 PM   Lynne and Steve catch up to Mike and Greg on the road.

2:30 PM   Lunch prepared...Hamburgers & Hotdogs...

2:35 PM   Lynne accidently hits break instead of switching gears.

2:36 PM   Greg wondered what happened to Lynne??

2:50 PM   Lynne catches up to Greg and laughs while she was trying to explain
          that she almost flipped her bike pressing the break instead of
          switching gears.

3:00 PM   Jake has to share Malted Milk balls
          (that he bought with his own money...which he swindled from Chris.)

3:20 PM   Greg and Mike make it back to truck.

3:30 PM   Chris & Jake play Uno...
          Chris's hand is filled with 7 wild draw 4's...nothing else.

3:30 PM   Steve and Lynne make it back to truck.

3:31 PM   Steve asks if he can ride his bike back to camp, so he doesn't get car sick.

3:35 PM   Load bikes and Greg lets Lynne sit in front with Mike,
          so if she gets car sick she can throw up on Mike.

3:45 PM   Group finishes chocolate chip cookies provided by Amy.
          Group dissapointed that Amy won't make another batch!

4:00 PM   Ride home much smoother.

4:30 PM   Group returns from biking....truck clean, bikes clean.

4:35 PM   Valerie comments
          "I think they just went to the amphitheater and took a nap"

4:45 PM   Kids get matching "Hiker in training" sweatshirts.

5:00 PM   Group plans "4 wheeling off-road adventure"
          (Karen, Jake, Paul & Abby remain at camp to relax.)

5:30 PM   During 4 wheel adventure, group finds scenic overlook at top of
          "Dolly Sods"

5:45 PM   Valerie explains why it is necessary to say "Chris"
          over and over...(because otherwise he doesn't listen to her)

6:00 PM   Chris demonstrates, as he ignores Valerie's calls.
          Kaylee's shoe is almost lost over the rock ledge.

6:15 PM   Steve discovers "very large" teetering boulder.

6:17 PM   Lisa decides that she's too close to the edge.

6:30 PM   Group finds a variety of ways to get trucks muddy.

6:45 PM   Greg finds "BIG" mud hole...he contemplates his chances for
          successfully navigating his way through.
          Lisa (Greg's passenger) doesn't outwardly object,
          so Greg assumes, "It must be ok"
          We later hear Greg's Reasoning: "Well, since Lisa has a husband
          and daughter to come home to;  and she didn't object, so
          I figured it couldn't have been too bad"

6:50 PM   Eric asks Chris...are you going to try going through.

6:51 PM   Chris responds "Valerie won't let me"

6:53 PM   Chris & Valerie decide to go through the Big Mud hole anyway.

6:54 PM   Lisa suggests to Greg "Shouldn't you warn them about the big
          boulder that might scratch/dent the truck"
          Greg decides that the boulder isn't worth mentioning.
          (Besides, it would probably just make Val reconsider the
          decision to go through)

6:55 PM   Chris navigates the "BIG" Mud hole.
          Valerie videotapes the experience from within the truck.
          Eric videotapes the experience from outside.
          Kaylee sleeps through the entire thing.

7:00 PM   Greg comments "I think I might have broken a brake pad"

7:05 PM   Rest of group assures him "it's probably nothing..."

7:20 PM   Group stops to pick up downed wood, to use for firewood tonight.

7:25 PM   Eric engineers a way that he and Steve can break a large log.
          Greg thinks it's a bad idea...he's right.
          Suzy pissed because she didn't have the video camera out.

7:30 PM   Mike & Amy's truck still exceptionally Clean.

8:00 PM   Return to campsite to prepare dinner.  BBQ Chicken & Baked Potatoes.

8:15 PM   Group decides to take group photo...

8:20 PM   Still preparing cameras and children for group photo.

8:30 PM   Ready to take group photo.
          Several pictures of Valerie's rear....
          trying to use remote control for her digital camera

8:45 PM   Pepperoni Bread served, to hold campers over until dinner is ready.

8:45 PM   Joe & KarenQ miss out on pepperoni bread again.

9:15 PM   Dinner Served.

9:20 PM   Group decides that Jake has made the perfect fire baked potatoes.

9:30 PM   Joe & KarenQ finally get pepperoni bread.

9:30 PM   Lisa takes Abby to tent to try to get her to sleep

9:45 PM   Lisa returns to campfire, Abby sleeping soundly.
          Paul comments..."Well, from now on, you can put her to sleep"

10:00 PM  Jake and his God damn whoopee cushion.

10:30 PM  Group decides that Lisa & Paul's tent probably has more room than
          Joe & Karen's RV.

11:00 PM  Jake enters tent, saying "I'll be back out in just a few minutes"

11:30 PM  Jake sleeping soundly.

12:00 AM  Partial Group decides that "Princess Bride" is the best movie of
          all time.

12:30 AM  Joe introduced to "Kramer Effect"

12:45 AM  Paul takes another beer from the cooler & comments to Lisa
          "I'm going to embarrass you like you embarrass me."

1:00 AM   Driving rain causes most campers to retreat to tents.

1:15 AM   Lisa, Paul, Eric, Suzy, KarenQ & Joe still tolerating the rain.

1:15 AM   Lisa asks Paul if he will "bring me the bread"

1:20 AM   Strong wind gust begins to throw loose items throughout the campsite.

1:30 AM   Suzy notices someone moving around near Amy's truck.
          Group tries to convince her that it was nothing...
          but Suzy must investigate further.

1:40 AM   Suzy finds Mike sleeping in the truck with Zumi.
          Trying to keep the dog somewhat dry.

1:45 AM   Remaining campers surrender to the rain, and head for tents.

Monday May 28, 2001
(Weather - Mostly sunny and warm (hi/lo temp 55/75))

9:00 AM   Group awakes, and prepares to pack ...

9:30 AM   Ally, Kaylee & Abby playing with Bubbles.

10:00 AM  Breakfast dishes cleaned up.

10:15 AM  Remaining food / beverages auctioned

11:00AM   Campers are all packed and ready to leave.

11:00 AM  Campers realize
          "Hey, we never had our grain watermelon!!!  What's up with that????"

11:15 AM  Good-bye's said,  Lisa, Paul, Abby, Eric, Suzy & Ally head for
          Smoke hole caverns.

12:00 PM  Ally & Abby  leave "raisin trail" to find their way out of the cave.

1:00 PM   Abby & Ally share grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.

1:30 PM   Ally pets a puppy!!!!!

2:00 PM   Back on the road towards home.

4:00 PM   Gas Stop.
          Miscommunication over who's watching Allyson,
          leaves her wandering aimlessly through gas station parking lot.

4:30 PM   Home Safe and sound....time to unpack.