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Highlights - New Years eve 95-96

                    New Years Eve 1995 - 1996  (Ver ESR1.1)

   Destination:    State College, PA

          Plan:    "Get the Women 'Faced."

       The Girls:  Valerie Schutz     (Lorton VA)
                   Gina Terry         (Towson MD)
                   Marylin Kristofits (Altoona PA)
                   Kristi Thomas      (Washington DC)
                   Suzy Ruth          (Bethesda MD)
                   Lynne Ginther      (Bellefonte PA)

        The Guys:  Eric Ruth          (Bethesda MD)
                   John Kristofits    (Boulder CO)
                   Greg Grieff        (Greenbelt MD)
                   Todd Irvin         (Burke VA)
                   Steve Shala        (Bellefonte PA)
                   Mike Yeager        (Allentown PA)
                   Craig Nickel       (Columbia MD)

Sunday  12/31

          Craig, Gina, Eric, Suzy plan 10:00 Departure from Bethesda MD
          to State College PA

 9:30    Gina & Craig Prepare to depart for Eric & Suzy's place.

 9:35    Gina Attempts to toast Her bagel.

 9:36    Craig tells Gina that she doesn't have enough time to toast bagel.

 9:45    Craig and Gina on the way to Bethesda (Gina eating un-toasted bagel
         in car)

10:00    Craig & Gina Arrive in Bethesda Right On time.

10:30    Eric & Suzy ready to Leave.

10:35    It's decided that taking 2 Vehicles would be more practical than
             cramming 4 people into an Escort.

10:35    2 Vehicles depart for State College, But first a Pitstop at Hechts.

10:45    Arrive at Hechts, Gina enters and attempts to have Ink Tag removed
             from stolen Pair of Blue Jeans.

11:00    Back on the Road to State College.

11:45    Very Boring Drive

12:30    Very Boring Drive

 1:00    Stop in Lovely Hancock MD For Gas.

 1:15    Gina questions (Over CB Radio) Shouldn't we be going North?

 1:18    Group Makes A U-Turn.

 1:25    Pass exit for Lovely Hancock MD (Again).

 2:00    Very Boring Drive

 2:30    Stop in Lovely Altoona PA for Lunch

 2:35    After much bickering, Group Decides on Pizza Hut

 2:40    Order 1 Large Pizza, Breadsticks, and Salad Bar.

 2:42    1 Large Pizza Arrives At table.

 2:43    1 Large Pizza Removed from table, Taken to it's rightful Owner.

 2:50    Pizza Arrives, Group eats.

 3:15    Back on the road again.

 3:30    Very Boring Drive.

 4:15    Arrive in Lovely State College PA.

 4:20    Drive Through Tour of Lovely State College PA

 4:30    Arrive: Lovely "Days Inn Penn State."

 4:32    Eric Discovers Ice Sculpture.

 4:33    Eric attempts to Destroy Ice Sculpture.

 4:35    Check in...Discover Greg and Val Have already Arrived.

 4:40    All Congregate in Greg & Val's Room.

 4:45    Greg & Val's Room Designated as "Party Room"

 4:50    Bathtub Filled with Ice and Alcohol.

 4:55    Gina Returns to Her room to Nap.

 5:00    Contact Steve & Lynn

 5:05    Decided that group will meet at hotel, and Depart for dinner.

 5:15    Craig's Home brew Distributed, All enjoy.

 5:30    Lynn, Steve & Mike arrive at Hotel; Beers Distributed.

 5:45    Todd and Kristi Arrive at hotel (Kristi's Probe has severe driver's
             side damage.)

 6:00    Discover that John & Marylin won't be joining us 'til 7:30-8:00.

 6:05    Group Departs for dinner (Mario & Louigis.)

 6:10    Group of 11 Seated and told "Be done in an hour, OR ELSE."

 7:00    Gina's food Finally Arrives.

 7:15    Group finishes dinner and returns to hotel for Drinking.

 7:20    Suzy Opens bottle of Champaign.

 7:30    Suzy finishes bottle of Champaign.

 7:35    Suzy opens Another bottle of Champaign.

 7:40    Group decides that it's too hot in the hotel room.

 7:45    Attempt is made to Open window.  Only to discover that window has
             been Screwed Shut.

 7:46    Tool Kit opened; Nut Driver in hand, Eric begins Removing Screws.

 7:47    Last Screw Removed.

 7:48    Attempt to Push Window Open.

 7:49    Eric & Mike discover that screws are the only thing holding the

 7:50    Rest of group discovers the same;  Eric Panics, requests assistance.

 ------------Video Footage available--------------

 7:51    Screws Replaced...Window re-secured.

 7:55    Comment card filled out, Complaining about safety hazards in the
         hotel room.

 8:00    Eric & Val depart to secure tickets for New Years Eve Party at
             the CROWBAR.

 8:05    Alcohol Consumption Continues.

 8:30    Val & Eric Return (no tickets, but they have prepaid admission
             for 13 to CROWBAR.)

 8:35    Drinking and Celebrating Continues.

 8:40    Men begin working on "THE PLAN"

 8:45    Suzy and Val working towards "THE PLAN"

 9:00    Gina and Lynn attempting to foil "THE PLAN"

 9:15    Kristi oblivious to "THE PLAN"

 9:30    Beer supply begins to dwindle...Catastrophe avoided with a trip
             to the 6-pack shop downstairs.

10:00    Group of 13 Departs to CROWBAR.

10:05    Elevator warning: Max Capacity 1500Lbs Ignored. (13 semi-drunks pile
             into elevator)

10:06    Elevator Hesitantly transports 13 Semi-drunks from 3rd floor to
             sub 1st floor.

10:07    13 Semi-Drunks Pile out of elevator, through the lobby, on way to
             CROWBAR (Front desk staff call maintenance to "Check out that Elevator

10:15    Group Arrives at CROWBAR.

         Atmosphere: (Remodeled 3 level Burger King, setup to accommodate
         800 Drunken College Students.  A bar on  the upper level, and
         a bar on the lower level, 1 Bar-wench Selling Jello Shots,
         1 Stage located on the middle level.  Band is "Time Machine"
         A Pink Floyd Tribute Band.  97QWK Diskjockeys playing classic rock
         while the band was not on stage.

10:20    Group finds large "Corner" of the upper level, which is partially
             unoccupied.  Group Stakes a claim on this Land.

10:30    Coats removed, Turned inside-out, Piled in Corner.

10:40    "THE PLAN" Goes into overdrive.  Suzy & Val and Marylin being
             most cooperative.

10:50    Kristi trying to find Todd?  He's no where to be found.

10:55    Gina returns from Bar with Decorative Paper Pineapple.

10:56    Guys attempt to transform Gina into "Chakita Banana Lady"

10:57    Attempt to find hairpins is unsuccessful, Gina remains Gina.

11:00    Much Drinking, Dancing, Balloon Popping (Overall Good Time).

11:10    Todd found in front of the Stage, enjoying Pink Floyd Tribute
             just a little too much.

11:15    Greg Removes Kristi's Clothes.

11:30    Still Drinking.

11:59:45 A hush overcomes the crowd.

11:59:50 Countdown Begins.

11:59:55 Countdown becomes somewhat Unified.

12:00    Much Rejoicing, Hugging, Kissing, etc...

12:01    Band Continues it's Pink Floyd Tribute.

12:05    Group still Rejoicing, Hugging, Kissing, etc...

12:15    Eric Buys First round of "Jello Shots" for the Women.

12:30    Marylin exclaims to Valerie "Stop Kissing My Husband!"

12:35    Gina requests that all the Guys "Kiss Craig"

12:38    Guys taking their turns Kissing Craig.

12:40    Lynn, Steve, Mike say their goodbye's and depart for Bellefonte.

12:45    Suzy exclaims to Valerie "Stop Kissing My Husband!"

12:48    Kristi asks Greg "You guys don't really play Cards on Friday night...
             do you?"

12:50    Eric Buys next round of "Jello Shots" this time, for the entire group.

 1:05    John is ready to leave, But can't do so, Because He can't find his

 1:00    Kristi exclaims to Valerie "Stop Kissing my Boyfriend!"

 1:15    Crowd begins to thin at CROWBAR, Remaining group decides to
             return to hotel.

 1:18    John still looking for Marylin.

 1:20    On the way, Todd decides that he needs a Cheeseburger.

 1:25    Val Gets herself stuck in a tree.

 1:30    Groups Enters "Ye' Ol' College Diner"

 1:35    Group gets seated in "the back"

 1:40    Girl with Nose-Ring at the next table gets annoyed at Eric with

 -----------Watch Video Here for more Details------------

 2:00    Group exits diner and returns to Hotel.

 2:10    Suzy and Greg get into elevator on 1st Floor.  Doors Close.

 2:11    Doors Open.  Suzy and Greg exit elevator on 1st Floor
             (Very surprised to find that Val and Eric Have Beaten
             them to the 3rd floor.)

 2:12    Suzy and Greg Realize that they are still on the First Floor.

 2:13    Val and Eric Enter another elevator (You never want to be in the
             same elevator as your Wife) and head to the 5th floor to wait for
             Greg and Suzy.

 2:15    Greg and Suzy never Make it to the 5th floor.

 2:20    Eric and Val Return to 3rd floor to find Greg and Suzy.

 2:30    Kristi & Todd, and Craig & Gina have retired for the evening.

 2:35    Suzy, Eric, Val, Greg Attempt to finish the remaining 4 bottles
             of champaign.

 3:00    Attempt foiled by REALLY Bad bottle of Cooks Champaign.

 3:30    Eric, Suzy, Greg, and Val Retire for the evening.

 5:30    Awakened by Loud banging and voice exclaiming "Police...Open the Door"

 5:30:15 More Banging..."Open the @#!@$@$ door before we break it down."

 5:30:30 Hotel Guest, Pinned to floor by Police exclaims "But He hit me first"

 5:31:   Silence.

 9:30    Phone Rings, Eric Answers Phone, Person on other end Hangs up.

 9:35    Eric figures "That must have been Marylin...and she hung up, because
             I shouldn't have been in Val & Greg's Room"

10:30    Alarm clock makes annoying noise.

10:45    All awake, shower, begin the "check out" process.

12:00    All rooms Cleaned out...Check out, and Stop at Perkins for Lunch.

 1:30    Begin the Journey Home.



   Steve Shala          April 4
   Eric Ruth            April 9
   Jim Olivo            May 3
   Patty Minto          May 15
   Valerie Schutz       June 15
   Lynne Ginther        July 11
   Greg Grieff          September 1
   Joe Baigis           September 17
   John Kristofits      September 26
   Paul Page            September 29
   Lisa Galaini         September 30
   Suzy Ruth            November 26

   Others not forgotten, just unknown.


   Eric & Suzy          September 3, 1995
   Joe & Valerie        Canceled
   John & Marylin       September 30, 1995
   Joe & Carla          February 17, 1996
   Steve & Lynne        May 18, 1996
   Jim & Lynda          June 10, 1996
   Paul & Lisa          One of these days