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Fairfax, VA - January 19th 2002
Solo Tour Opening Concert

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dc Talk Biographys

Out of all the dc Talk concerts I will ever go to in my life, this will probly be the biggest one or close to the biggest one. Sometimes words are hard to explain what happened but I will try.

Well it all started early Jan 19th in the morning when I was going to Washington DC with my youth group on Saturday for a couple of days because we were going to the March for Life that following Tuesday. Well we also were planning on going to see dc Talk on Sat. night which I thought was great! :) Well I wasn't excited at all until we got to the Patriot Center (where the concert was). Before the concert started I decided to go buy a few things. I bought a small 8 X 11 poster of KMax, one of TobyMac and one of Tait Band and I also bought the Supernatural Experence Video (because I hadn't gotten it yet). So I sat down quickly because the concert was starting and they opened up with the a guitarist playing the national anthem. They started with the first dc Talk set songs. But during this time I thought I saw Kevin fall!!Sure enough he did!! LOL I was soo scared what I saw that!!! LOL I was like
And my friends were like
LOL It was kinda funny but it did give me a scare.LOL A few other things Kevin did during the concert that I noticed was the fact that he messed up about 2 or 3 times during the concert. For "Return of the Singer" he came in too late and butchered the first line, instead of "I'm coming out like a .45" It was more like I'm coming like a .45" It was weird or something. LOL And for "What if I stumble" Kevin sung when he wasn't suppost to and it was really notice able. But oh well. I love him anyway! Then after a few songs the Tait band came out and played there songs, then Toby came out and sang his. Soon after they all came out and did the worship session. It was great!! Soon after the 15 minute intermission started. So I thought I would go outside and just walk around. So I did and I was talking with my youth minister and I had a very interesting conversation with him, it went something like this(by the way his name is Bob):
Bob:I really do think Kevin Max is gay (he was kidding to bother me)
Me: Oh really! *screaming at the top of my lungs* This man *pointing to Bob* said that Kevin Max is....(but then I stopped because I was kiddin too)

Then he was like "can you hold onto my poster that I bought" and I said sure, but I never thought anything of it. So intermisson was over and Kevin came out and did his solo act. Let's just say it was awesome (well I am a Max Fan so what can I say!! ;) ) Then dc Talk came out and played a few other songs. I held up my "Down With the dc Talk" sign that I made last IOSF concert and Mike saw it and waved! It was really cool! Then during the middle of the concert I think it was either during "In the Light" or "Day by Day", my youth minister Bob came up to me and was like:
Bob: Can I see my poster
Me: Sure *handed him the poster and started going back to my seat*
Bob: No no...get your stuff...were going back stage
Me: What?! *in shock*
Bob: Just get your stuff

I started to cry I was soo excited and confused. Well I didn't tell you this but my youth minister is a musician and he tours alot...some might know him...but maybe not...his name is Bob Rice and he knew the guy who was doing sound that night so he talked with him and got two back stage passes for me and him!! It was the happiest night of my life!!!

So the concert ended. Really the end was quite a blur because I was in shock...I coudn't even get into "Jesus Freak"!!!!
But it was time to go backstage and we were brough to a Hospitality Room and that's where we saw them! It was awesome! I went to Kevin first and I had a conversation with him, it went like this:
Me:Hi I'm Hillary, I don't know if you know who I am or not...
Kevin: Yeah that name sounds familiar
Me:I'm also known as KMax11Freak
Kevin:OHHH! Your one of my e-mail buddies
Me: Yeah!
Kevin: Well that's cool, very cool, I'll have to write you back more often now.

It was really neat! I got my picture taken with him along with him to autograph my poster and he shook my hand and alot of stuff but I dont' know!! It's crazy!! Then I went to Toby but I didn't bother to talk with him because he looked really tired. But I got my picture and autograph from him. Then I went to Mike, I got the autograph but for some reason the camera wouldn't work. I got 20 million pictures with that but none of them worked so then finally Mikes sister came over to us and was like "hey are you having problems with that, I have the same camera at home, I'll help you." So she fixed it and I got my picture with Mike!! It was cool!! (Sadly I still don't have it yet tho!!)
It was a really cool night and I don't have any pictures from the actual concert because I was soo far away!! My seats were Section 115, Row N, Seat 14. In the nose bleeding section!! LOL Well I can't complain I did get to meet them. But I do have pictures from when I met them. They are at the bottom of the page!

I don't know how to explain the whole feeling of the was weird....but it turned out great! I just wish I wasn't in shock as much...maybe I would have acted differently...but I seriously was in shock so I don't know...but it was still great!! I'll just leave it as that!!

God bless

I can't wait until the TobyMac concert in August!!!

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