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Welcome to mi Cabana!
Summers 2001, 2002 and amazingly 2003!

Dagsworthy Street in "The Perch"


Sorry, we've asked him time and again to refrain from tequila shots until at least after noon, but...

Hola! BUENS DIAS, sexy mommie! pedro VER' GLAD YOU COME to misa beachhouse!! pedro got 112 meelion girlfriends, who stay weeth heem at misa beachhouse, opp teel now all satisfy come back cuz they loves pedros amor, send frans, pedro very horny and drunk with tequila...thees make pedro ver' for frans come back all time...pedro hope YOU make 112 meelion and wan hapee girlfriends! you come back soon, too, yes? pedro gots plenty of tequila!  take off ya shirt. pedro likes da boobies!



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Last modified: May 01, 2002