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Michael UKHIN


Alpha-, beta- and gamma-spectroscopy, radiation dosimetry

Atomic-nuclear interactions at the radioactive decay and internal conversion of gamma-rays

Design and implementation of nuclear measurement systems and methods

Ability to analyse and solve software and hardware problems

Strong interpersonal and communication skills, ability to work independently and in a team


Operating Systems:

DOS, Windows 9x/2000/XP


HTML, Java Script, C / C++, Visual C++


MS Access


Dreamweaver, Photoshop

Knowledge and use of HTML, Java Script for web design (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Web Designer, Unitex, Bolton, Ontario

Creating and maintaining web sites. Liaising with the management team and customers to

coordinate web changes/enhancements, summarizing changes, and executing content updates.

Performing other duties, including routine technical support of computer's

hardware and computer systems.

Programmer/Analyst, Optimal Software Solution Inc., Toronto

Participating in design and development of an object-oriented project "Doctor 2000" using MFC. Developing GUI and Internet block which supports sending mail through the Internet. Testing and supporting of project.

Senior Researcher, Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev, Ukraine

Participating in IAEA program "Interaction Between Biota Micromycetes and Hot Particles after Chernobyl Accident and Atomic Explosions and Investigation of Their Influence in Rehabilitating Contaminated Areas": Measurements of gamma- and Kx-spectra, determination of gamma- and alpha-activities, content of radioactive nuclides and stable isotopes. Investigation of biological effects of ionizing radiation exposure of fungi by radioactive nuclides.
Investigation of dairy products contaminated with Cs-137 in regions near 30 km zone of Chernobyl NPP, measurements of samples, results treatment.
Test and commissioning of SiGd spectrometric scintillation unit for selective detection of Am-241 gamma-radiation.

Junior/Senior Researcher, Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev

Investigation of Chernobyl nuclear fallout in regions near 30 km zone of ChNPP (sampling, measurements, results treatment).
Calculations and precise measurements of higher order effects in atomic shells and autoionization at the beta-decay of radioactive nuclei.
Development methods of precise measurements of internal conversion coefficients (ICC) with semiconductor and Kx-detectors.
Design and implementation of automatic pneumatic device for obtaining of short-lived isotopes on Isochronous Cyclotron U240.


Ph.D. degree in nuclear physics

Thesis: Investigation of Anomalies in Internal Conversion Coefficients of Gamma-Rays by Methods of Semiconductor Spectroscopy.

Course of post-graduate studies, Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev, Ukraine

Kiev State University, M.Sc. in physics

Thesis: Research of Conversion Spectrum of Er-162 with Beta-Spectrometer of Higher Resolution.

References available upon request.