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World Banks



  • Deutsche Bundesbank - The Central Bank of Germany.


  • Bundesverband Deutscher Banken - The Bundesverband deutscher Banken (BdB) represents the interests of the private commercial banks. Around 300 private commercial banks with more than 200,000 employees and thus - measured in terms of business volume - approximately 35 per cent of the German banking industry are members of the BdB. 


  • ABN AMRO Bank Germany - The network bank in Germany.


  • BBBank - Badische Beamtenbank - The credit-union for private customers only with the most members in whole Europe.


  • Bankhaus Maffei & Co., München - Private Banking and investment for wealthy costumers.


    Deutsche Bank Lübeck AG - Private Bank in the north of Germany. The Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt, holds about 90% of its capital.


  • Deutsche Verkehrsbank AG - Specialised bank for the global transportation sector.


  • IKB - Deutsche Industriebank - Founded in Berlin in 1924 as the 'Bank for German Industrial Bonds' (Bank für deutsche Industrie-Obligationen), IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG is a specialist German bank for long-term corporate relationships. Indeed it is the only bank with nationwide coverage in Germany working exclusively with and for business.







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