The Resurrection of All in All:
The Raising Up of the Spiritual Body of Christ
To See From The Eternal Vantage Point


Seeing scripture as already fulfilled may be one step toward seeing reality from a divine eternal perspective, as God sees it. Conversely, seeing reality from an eternal perspective may be one step toward seeing scripture as already fulfilled.

已经看完圣经可能是朝向从神圣永恒的观点看待现实的一步,正象上帝观看圣经一样。相反,从神圣永恒的观点看待现实可能是朝向 已经看完圣经的一步。

With this divine insight, the Christ is come, and the resurrection is a present reality, and the consummation is complete.


Some call this Preterist theology, or fulfilled eschatology. In this view, there is a progression, a working out of a divine plan that is now fulfilled. This is a reasonable human understanding that can lead to a spiritual worldview that sees all as now completed within the Christ. Within this view, when all is fulfilled, the scriptures are unlocked and our interpretations and understandings are freed from the fetters of time and cultural restraints.

一些人把这叫做启示录神学或者完成来世论。在这个观点下,有一个进步,就是现在完成的神学的制定。这是一个合理的人类理解, 导致了精神上的世界观,把所有都视作现在的完整。在这个观点下,当所有都完成的时候,圣经锁起,我们的解释和理解都游离在时间和文化约束的枷锁。

Even within the common futurist viewpoint, we are now that spiritual body of Christ. This spiritual body has already been raised up to newness of life. We are the spiritual house. This is a present reality. We have been raised up, a spiritual body. We have all been baptized into this one body, and raised up, and made to sit together in heavenly places. We don't have to wait for the fulfillment of future events to have the fullness. Nor do we have to look longingly into the past to regain a former golden age of glory.

甚至在普通未来信徒的观点下,我们现在就是耶稣的精神肉体。精神肉体已经站立得到了崭新的生命。我们是精神上的房屋。只是一 个事实。我们以及站起,一个精神上的肉体。我们已经洗礼进入这一肉体,站立,并且在天堂上的位置里坐在一起。我们并没有不得不等待未来事件的完成来获得成 就感。我们也没有不得不渴望观察过去来重新获得过去光荣的金色时代。

We, with all things, are now this one resurrected body. Ephesians 2:6, Ephesians 1:23

我们,和所有事情在一起,现在是这个复活的肉体。以非所书2:6, 以非所书 1:23

“Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house.” 1Peter 2:5

你们,和活着的石头一样,建在精神房屋之上。1彼得 2:5

 “There is one body, and one Spirit.” Ephesians 4:4

有一个肉体和一个精神。以非所书 4:4

 “It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body.1Corinthians 15:44

The body of Christ is that spiritual body that has been raised.


You are that spiritual body. We are that spiritual body. We don’t have to wait for some future day of transformation. We have been “fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” Philippians 3:21.

“你是那个精神肉体。我们是那个精神肉体。我们不必不得不等待转化的未来某天。我们已经适应了他的关 荣之身,根据那些他甚至能够征服他的所有事情的工作。”腓力比书 3:21.

This “body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all” leads to the realization of God as all in all. Ephesians 1:23,
1Corinthians 15:28.

这个“肉体,他这个万物之主的集总”导致了上帝作为万物之主的实现。以非所书 1:23,
1科林斯式 15:28.

Once we see this our ultimate destiny as fulfilled, or realize this eternal reality, then from the perspective of the consummation, or from the divine viewpoint of eternity, we can understand that we always were raised up into heavenly places, and always were partakers of his glorious body, the pre-existent or eternal body of the Christ. We are (chosen) in him before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:4. We sometimes come to this realization of eternal oneness step by step, little by little, and revelation by revelation. It is a new divine perspective. This realization is more than a Preterist theology.  However sometimes, it is through such a fulfilled eschatology that this divine viewpoint may open up to us.

一旦我们看见这个实现的最终命运,或者意识到这个永恒的现实,那么从圆满的观点来看,或者从永恒的神圣观点来看,我们能够理 解我们总要是升入天堂,并且总是上帝光荣肉体、基督永恒肉体或者预先存在的参与者。我们是(选作)他,在世界的基础之前。以非所书 1:4 我们有时候 开始意识到永恒统一,一步一步,渐渐地,揭示一些再揭示一些。这是一个新的神圣观点。这个意识是超过了启示录神学。然而有时候,这是一个完整的来世学,这 些神圣的观点可以向我们开放。

There are hints of this divine eternal worldview within scripture freeing us from the fetters of time and cultural restraints. One example of this revelation is found in the study of that phrase “all in all”. It occurs three times in scripture within time and in eternity, and serves as a clue, connecting or uniting God and eternity with the universe and us, within the body of Christ. The “all things” which are presented as existing in time, are also presented as progressing through time, and finally as one with God in eternity at the consummation. It is all one. In this way, all things are in Christ, one with God, eternal, beyond time, even if we experience them within time.

圣经中有些神圣永恒世界观的暗示,让我们从时间和文化限制的枷锁中获得自由。这一启示的一个例子是在研究“万物之主”中发现。它在圣经中出现了三次,在时间和永恒,辅祭作为线索,把上帝和永恒连接 宇宙和我们,在耶稣的肉体之中。“所有事情”,在时间中存在,也是随时间进行而存在,并且在圆满中和上帝最终永恒的成为一体。这就是全部的所有。在这种方 式下,所有事情都在耶稣之中,和上帝成为一体,永恒地,超越时间,即使我们可以经历它们在时间之内。

Within the scripture, once within time, “all in all” refers to the present working of all things within the body of Christ for the good of all.1Corinthians 12:6

在圣经之内,时间之内有一次,“万物之主”指的是所有事情在基督肉体之中存在的工作用于所 有我们的美好。1科林斯式 12:6

And once progressing through time, “all in all” refers to the filling up or completion of all things within the universal body of Christ, “the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” Ephesians 1:23

一旦随时间进展,“万物之主”指的是在基督普遍肉体之中填充或者完成所有事情,“他这个万 物之主的集总” 以非所书 1:23,

And once at the end of time, at the consummation, in eternity, “all in all” refers to God being all, when all things are found reconciled and united in the Christ "that God may be all in all." 1Corinthians 15:28.

并且在时间的终点有一次,在永恒的圆满之时,“万物之主 指的是上帝就是所有,当所有事情被发现是和谐和连接在基督之中,“上帝可能是万物之主”。 1科林斯式15:28.

Here we see God is all, and all is One, with the Eternal.


The consummation is the hint that helps many see that the Church, God, and the universe are all one, now and eternally. Some see the coming of Christ and the resurrection as a still future event to bring about this oneness. This is a reasonable human perspective.

圆满就是那些启示,帮助很多人看见教堂,上帝,以及宇宙都是统一,现在和永恒。有些人看到基督的到来和复活,好像还有未来的 事件带来这一统一。这是合理的人类观点。

However, these events don’t really make God to become something God wasn’t previously. The sense in which the consummation makes God to be all, is rather that it clearly reveals to us, and helps us to see, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened to behold, even now, who God is and who We are. As One Spirit with God, and possessing eternal life, we can know and dwell in an eternal present, and don’t have to wait for prophetic events to move toward a consummation. Know the reality that God is all and God is one.

然而,这些事件并没有真的让上帝成为以前他不是的重要人物。这个圆满让上帝成为一切的道理,正因为它清晰的揭示给我们,帮助 我们去观察,启迪我们理解的眼睛去看,甚至现在,上帝是谁,我们是谁。作为和上帝在一起的灵魂,并且拥有永恒的生命,我们能够知道并且居住在永恒的存在,并没有必要等到预言的事件向圆满前进。知道上帝是所有和上帝是 唯一的真实。

I speak as a mere man for humans restrict their perspective and experience with timelines.
Think outside time. God's view is eternal. May our eyes be opened.
God is all, Christ is all, and We are all… One… Eternally.

我作为一个纯粹的人,由于人类在时间轴上限制了他们的观点和经验。在时间之外考虑。上帝的观点是永恒的。我们的眼睛是睁开 的。
上帝就是所有,基督就是所有,我们就 是所有...唯一...永恒。

He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit with the mind of the Christ,
URfriend, Dean Johnson

那个加 入上帝的他是和基督心灵在一起的一个灵魂,

你的朋 友,迪恩 约翰逊

Any Comments?




Regardless of our view of prophecy, or our eschatological school of thought, in human history, as time passes and as we mature, we may see all fulfilled in Christ at the cross, at the comings, and then at the consummation.

不管我们的预言能力,或者我们来世论学校的想 法,在人类历史上,随着时间流逝和我们的成长,我们可以看到十字架上基督完成的所有,在将来,然后在圆满之时。

Limited by the perspective of time, we don't always see things as they really are. True reality is the way God sees it. However, through revelation, we do have the ability to look at reality through significant events, or standpoints in time, receiving a glimpse into the eternal reality. Try looking at reality from the standpoint of the consummation.

受到时间观点的限制,我们不能总是看待事物象 它们真实存在情况一样。真的现实是上帝看待事物的方式。然而,通过揭示,我们确实拥有了通过重大事件看到现实的能力,或者及时的观点,看见一瞥永恒的现 实。试着从圆满的观点来看待现实。

Dare to take even one step further. From the eternal vantage point, it has already happened.


Enlightenment is seeing from God's perspective.
From God's point of view, from the divine perspective, even the consummation is complete.

从上帝的观点,从神圣的观点,甚至圆 满已经完成。

God is All.


Albert Einstein: "I never think of the future. It comes soon enough."
..."I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."

艾伯特 爱 因斯坦:“我从来不思考未来。它不久就会到来。”
“我想知道上帝的想法,剩下的 都是细节。”

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