Links to The Gospel of Thomas

TheGospel of Thomas   Translation by: Thomas O. Lambdin (Coptic version)
                                      With Commentary by: Craig Schenk

The Gospel of Thomas - New Testament      The Cross Reference Study

The Gospel of Thomas Collection

The Five Gospel Parallels   And  Canonical Parallels to the Gospel of Thomas   
                                           Edited by John W. Marshall,
University of Toronto

The Gospel Of Thomas Homepage    Stevan Davies, Professor of Religious Studies,
                                                         College Misericordia, Dallas, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

The Gospel of Thomas Resource Center   Michael W. Grondin

The Key of Knowledge in The Gospel of Thomas   Dean Johnson

NTGateway to The Gospel of Thomas

The Thomas Collection   Hugh McGregor Ross

A Commentary on Thomas by the Scholars  
Early Christian Writings:

Thomas: The Original Gospel of Christ?    
Dean Johnson

An Interlinear Coptic / English Translation of Thomas     Michael W. Grondin

Yale Lectures on The Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas    Murple

The Gospel of Thomas Discussion Group    
gthomas  - Yahoo Group

The Gospel of Thomas Movie      and      Gospel of Thomas YouTube Videos

Hypertext Interlinear of the Gospel according to Thomas

Gospel of Thomas Web Resources   Bardic Press

The Gospel of Thomas - 1 Corinthian Connection

The Structure of Thomas Illustrated in Popular Imagery

The Gospel of Thomas Homepage   Stevan Davies

The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus
  The Wild Things of God


Dean Johnson

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