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Christ Centered Universalism
What is Christ Centered Universalism?

The Everlasting Gospel is the most joyous news ever heard by the human heart.
We are reunited  with God. Reconciliation is accomplished. Fellowship is restored.
Alienation, and separation is removed. Oneness with God is realized and experienced.
All men live and move and have their being in Christ 
This is the essence of our message. Christ is the Savior of the world.

Varieties of Christian Universalism abound.
Some hold to a universal opportunity, and even universal conversion.
Others to a universal atonement, and ultimate reconciliation.
Still others to universal pardon and restoration.
As good and valid as these beliefs may be, to many they are just elaborate theological ideas.

Much more experiential, and even mystical is the realization of Christ within.
That of God within every person is the basis of most Quaker Universalism.
Christ, the image of God, is found everywhere.
He is the light that lightens every man. This is good news to all peoples.

We want to keep it simple. As the saying goes,
"In essentials Unity; in non-essentials Liberty; in all things Charity"
Our underlying belief is in the infinite and unfailing love of God for all mankind.  
Some people may still feel alienated in their mind from God. However,
God shows the exceeding riches of His grace in his kindness toward us through Jesus Christ.
Nothing prevents His loving intention and sovereign will to unite all in Christ.
Nothing can either quench His love or finally defeat His gracious purpose for man.

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Email Dean Johnson   Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada   allfulness at hotmail.com
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