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8th Grade O'Neill - A trip of a lifetime!

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A lovely early morning shot of me before boarding the bus. The flash was so bright it hurt my eyes!

Pre-bus shots of Theresa (cheerful as ever), Lara (fixing her hair) and Colleen (about to cry) GACK! Mark the stalker is in this pic!

Ah we made it to the airport. Here are Amy and Carla..sitting. ^_^

Charlie's Other Angels! Me, Patti, Caitlin and Theresa.

I'm trying to "sleep" but somebody (Molly!) is POKING me head! Nyah >.<

The different steps of our Pretty Fly dance. It looks better in real life.

Me, Theresa, Lara and Molly still hanging out at the airport (does this plane EVER come?)

I love this picture, everyone's pose is so cool! Lara, T, Molly and Colleen, with Caitlin in the middle!

Good morning Mr. Jones!

Aha! The plane finally arrived. Here's a nice shot of the clouds courtesy of Caitlin.

Patti is belching airplanes! No..actually that's a mural in the airport at DC, but it still looks funny!

Click here for more DC insanity!