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8th Grade O'Neill - A trip of a lifetime!

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First stop- the JFK Memorial Center!

On the rooftop of the JFK Center. L to R: Molly, Theresa, Me, and Lara (I'm sure you figured this out by now, dinnit you? Oh well, thats too bad cause I'm repeating it a bazillion times!)

T, Me and Moll. We took this pic while the stupid guide was talking and Mrs. Whats-Her-Face wasn't too happy...yet she lets the ditzes take as many pics as they want! Injustice.

Nice view of the Potamic River

Another one of my fav pics. I'm the one with the peace sign, Molly (sunglasses) and Patti (glasses) are smiling normally, while Caitlin pokes her head in and shorty lil Lara cranes her neck to be seen. (This was taken in front of the JFK Center btw)

Next stop- The White House! Everyone salute! HEY! No rude gestures! ^_~

Colleen and Molly scale the gates and break in!

NEXT stop! FDR Memorial!

An across the water view of the Washington Monument from inside the FDR M.

Group shot in front of the many waterfalls within the FDR M. We threw lots of pennies in them ^_^

Come on, the trip isn't over yet! We dinnit even get past the 1st day! Keep clicking! Keep clicking!