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8th Grade O'Neill - A trip of a lifetime!

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Pretty picture of the Jefferson Memorial

Approaching the Jeffy. ^_~

Sitting on the Memorial steps

Statue of Jefferson inside the memorial.

Next Stop- Arlington National Cemetary. Cold, wet and rainy, even if you can't tell in the pic.

Here is the colleseum-thingy..The Tomb of the Unknown Soldir is in the back. At this point in the trip, it was POURING rain. We were soaked.

Gaurd walking back and forth in front of the Tomb.

Wreath laying ceremony- my friend Lauren is the one in the blue hood. ^_^

JFK's grave and the Eternal Flame

Back on the bus. Joey must have been tired, he fell asleep. "I'm sure glad no one took a picture of that!" ~Joey