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Family Vacation To The Dells!

Kalahari Resort, 2001

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My brother tried to take a picture of me when I answered our hotel room door. Luckily, I looked through the keyhole first and saw him. Foiling his evil plans, I put a towel on my head. Muahaha.

Me..Mike..and a rhino. That's the end of that chapter.

Me, relaxing, and looking very "vacation-y"

Mike, also the Vacation-Man ^-^

Uh oh, I'm operating a Go-Kart?! Who let me behind the wheel??

I like this picture, it's cute. We're on a boat on the lake.

Ditto, only, a new pose

Hotel room. I look happy to be there, huh?

Me and my bro in front of the Cheese Chalet, a cheese store! I was in heaven!

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