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Dance Dance Revolution! (SUGOI!)

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All right, children. First, the traditional who's-who incase you're stupid and haven't figured it out by now. Or perhaps you are confused by our radience. Yeah. Anyway, going down the rows, Laurie, Caitlin and Molly are on the left. Lara, myself, and Patti are on the right. Voila!

Aha, here's one with Theresa in it. She's wearing the blue dress in the center.

Yes, it's us again. Theresa has dissapeared again. (I swear, I didn't kill her!)

This is one of my favorite pictures, so listen up. In this one, we were instructed to "Glare". My specialty! The front row glarers would get a perfect 10, except for the fact that Patti is smiling. PATTI! Molly seems to be saying, "I'm going to beat you up". Amy is staring evilly at the camera! Kudos Amy!! The middle row is excellent at well. In the middle, Theresa looks stoctic and serious while still pissed, Caitlin is trying to smother a laugh and still manages to glare. I am doing the "I am not amused." stare. ^__^ In the back, Laurie and Lara look bored.

All lined up for the slaughter. Oops. That was supposed to stay in my head, not on this page. Ah well.

Instructed to "show a little leg". What on Earth am I doing? I guess we'll never know.

Aren't we all just dandy?

The group again.

And again.

Scott sure thinks something is funny.

Charlie's other Angels

Ditto ditto

Laurie: "AHHHHHH!"

Me and Sydney

All lined up and no where to go.

Need I repeat myself?

Back home, insolent fool