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*ScHoOl'S oUt!*

Last Few Days of 8th Grade Year

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I AM Senator of the Week! I AM!!

Lovely shot of Laurie beating the crap out of Brian

The Science Gang: Me, Lisa, Alex, Melissa, and Eric.

Mr. Festle (dun dun dun) and a few of the Festle Fantastics (lol)

I tried to take a picture of Jon, but he doesn't like the camera (Or maybe the camera doesn't like him..)

The bestest lunch table! Aw I'll miss our table so much! Melissa, Whitnee, Amy, Me, Colleen and Molly

The Home Ec Survivors: Me, Chris, Amanda and Amy

The rest of the Home Ec group!

Mr. Jones takes a quick pic.


The whole gym gang!! Sydney, Me, Courtney, Kelli, Lara, Patti, Katie, T and Chris! Oooh and the Graduation Dog

In the hallway of Graduation practice.

Me, Coll and Katie (my Roswell peep ZAP)

Courtney is buried in the jerseys! ^_~

And here is Alex rolling down the bleachers

LA Groupies! Team Can! Mass Panic! I'll stop now..

Melissa is taking a picture of me taking a picture of her taking a picture. Did you get all that?

Chris (Lola) is pointing to what I wrote on the wall. Even though you can't see it, it says "Lola + Cara 4Eva!" In-joke. ^_^

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