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Six Flags, Great America

It's a laugh and a half

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Caitlin, the bubbly one, strikes a pose.

Don't ask what's up with my eye, I don't know. But look how red my hair is.

Raging Bull is that wicked drop coaster in the center, you can see Giant Drop in the middle off in the distance, Viper is the dinky wooden one in front.

Molly is in jail. Can you blame me for laughing? Hahaha.

Theresa and I are being stupid again and my mom thinks we're amusing.


Immitating Lara's bouncy seat dance.

Where are we again?

Stupid water ride. . . CARNI WATER! AHH!



The lowest and slowest part of Raging Bull. The drop is too high to take a picture of.

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