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The musick industry fucking sux. Here's a little sample of a few of those musicians who have not allowed themselves to become your run of the mill plastic, pre-packaged, non-creative, slaves of the white, suit and tie guy, yuppy fucks with no soul, sitting up there in there corprate offices deciding for us what is hip and not hip, what is to be exposed and not exposed. Raping the artists of there well deserved profits, deciding for them what directions to take next, rather than allowing them to build upon there own internal creativity. It is SICK. How the hell does a bunch of dumb fuck no talent entertainers with no origniality get a record deal, when they run around looking like the fucks on BET, sounding like all those commercially palatable fucks who preceded them, and or those "artists who originated there sound, and who to this day are still not getting paid and getting there props. These guys are going absolutely no where with there sound. Each album sounds like something you have already heard, every song sounds alike, ect. What ever happened to those who had a REAL message, a real direction, a real sound, and some soul?!?! Why aren't they getting the deals, and on top of that, why aren't they getting paid?!?! I could go on and on about my dis-taste about the gay, swinging, bull shit that the music industry is feeding us, and we are willingly accepting, but I'll chill at this point, and let you enjoy the page. Granted if your a Manson, Britney, ICP, Ghetto fake, groupy type, ya might as well, go back and check my other linkz. :)


Kool Keith - Plastic World

Record Labels

Invisible Records
Metropolis Records
Rawkus Records
Subconcious Records


7L & Esoteric
cEvin Key
Del The Funkee Homosapien
Greater Than One
Invisibl Skratch Piklz
Kool Keith
The Legendary Pink Dots
Psychic TV
Public Enemy
Roger Waters
Skinny Puppy
Tear Garden
Terminal Cheesecake