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I can't explain it, for some reason I keep finding myself coming back to Quake 1. I do not like it near as much as DOOM, but I think after years of playing, I am officially hooked. There is of course a version of this game available for the Dreamcast, it was never intened for release, and was wrote in 9 days to show how easy it was to port apps from PC to DC. Moral of the story, it ain't perfect, but it is far from imperfect too, very playable, and as with the PC version, it too can be expanded with new maps, weapons, enemies, and the like. Here are a few links to get you started, check it out!

Quake expansion

Zeoc's Quake Mods
Space Port
Bot Mods
Frag CL
Quake Terminus
Planet Quake
Jaj's Quake Maps
Aardappel's Quake Maps

Source Ports

Dreamcast Quake