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Salvador,(pop. 2,300,000), Brazil's former colonial capital, (pop. 2,300,000), lies on the Bay of All Saints (Bahia de Todos os Santos), the second largest bay in the country. The strong African influence found here derives from the slaves brought to work in the sugarcane fields more than 400 years ago. Salvador is divided into an Upper Town and a Lower Town. Both are linked by the art-deco Lacerda elevator, which offers outstanding views. The Pelourinho is the largest intact colonial center in the Americas. Its twisting, narrow cobblestone streets are lined with pastel mansions and stunning baroque churches and convents. Colorful open-air markets, an amazing array of popular and religious festivals (including Afro-Brazilian Candomble ceremonies and fantastic beaches) make this an excellent place to stay for two or three nights.

No tour of the city is complete without seeing the Igreja de Sao Francisco - although relatively plain on the outside (as are most Portuguese churches in Brazil), the inside is covered in gold leaf and is as ornate as it is beautiful. Also visit the Farol da Barra, a 16th-century fortified lighthouse that overlooks the Bay of All Saints and the island of Itaparica. The Igreja do Bonfim is where believers from the northeast go to worship and pay for the promises they made in return for miracles (don't miss the Room of Miracles, where pilgrims leave wooden, silver or wax replicas of body parts in need of miraculous healing - you'll be amazed by the number of arms, legs, heads, hearts and lungs dangling from the ceiling). Dozens of other stunning colonial churches are sprinkled throughout Salvador's center and colonial district, including the Cathedral Igreja Nossa Senhora Rosario dos Pretos (built by and for slaves), Igreja deo Carmo and Igreja Nossa Senhora da Conceicao.

Shopping is good at boutiques in the neighborhoods of Barra and in the Pelourinho, as well as at shopping malls such as Barra and Igautemi. Avoid the touristy Mercado Modelo. The chaotic but colorful Sao Joaquim market has interesting and authentic Afro-Brazilian artifacts.

A look into the city's past  can be seen at the Museu de Arte da Bahia (17th-century antique displays) and the Museu de Arte Sacra. The city's culture is celebrated in the Museu da Cidade (Yoruba tribal displays), the Afro-Brazilian Museum (with good explanations about Afro-Brazilian religions) and the sumptuously furnished Carlos Costa Pinto Museum, located in a 19th-century mansion. Try to attend a candomble religious ceremony at a traditional house or terreiro, and watch capoeira, an amazing combination of martial arts and African folk dance (don't take pictures of the participants unless you are willing to pay for the privilege). Salvador also has a great Carnival celebration. Billed as the largest street party in the world, it is seven days of nonstop revelry that in recent years has threatened to eclipse even Rio's Carnival.


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