Encourage Your Child to Play!
is the work of a child. Provide them with a safe learning environment
and allow them to role play using such props as the kitchen or dining room
table for a fort or a space ship. Give them a blanket or two to toss
over the table and watch the creativity unfold!
is educational no matter what form it comes in. Play does not always have
to involve educational toys. Provide your child with props to encourage
creative play: cardboard boxes, blankets, playdough, paints, sand or water
activities, and messy art projects. Provide them with an area where
they can leave their projects out to finish the next day.
play should be a very important part of your child's day. Encourage
your child to play by providing large periods of time throughout the day
for them to create. Provide support and encouragement, offer problem
solving ideas when needed, and comment on your child's activities in a
positive way.
teaches your child to problem solve, cooperate with others; develop social
skills, language and reading skills, and math and science skills.
Play contributes to the self-esteem of a child and gives a child the opportunity
to learn about self-expression, creativity, and persistance.
your child to play today!!