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Groundhog Day Theme

Crafts & Activities
Songs, Finger Plays & Nursery Rhymes

Crafts & Activities

Make Hand Shadows
Shine a bright light (flashlight or lamp) on a bare wall.  Show the children how to hold their hands to make shadow animals on the wall.

Search for Shadows
Go outside and look for shadows.  The best time for this activity is early in the morning or late afternoon.

Body Shadows
Hang a white sheet in a doorway or from the ceiling.  Place a bright light behind the sheet so that the light shines on it.  Have the children take turns moving behind the sheet, while the others watch.

Shadow Images
Make silhouettes of each child.  Using a lamp or flashlight, project the light so that when the child stand against the wall it creates a shadow of the profile.  Trace around the profile of their head.  Cut out of black construction paper.  Glue to a piece of white paper; display.

Songs, Finger Plays & Nursery Rhymes

Groundhog, Groundhog
    (Tune of: "Baa, Baa Black Sheep")
Groundhog, Groundhog Will you come out?
Yes sir, Yes sir If the sun is not about
Groundhog, Groundhog The sun is shining bright
Then I'll hop back in and curl up tight!

I'm A Little Groundhog 
   (Tune of: "I'm A Little Teapot")
I'm a little groundhog, it's my day.
Wake and stretch; go out and play.
Down in my burrow, down so deep,
Time to wake up, from my long winter's sleep.
Grumble, grumble, scratch, scratch, Grunt, grunt, yawn.
I'll eat my breakfast in your front lawn.
I'm a little groundhog, it's my day.
Wake and stretch; go out and play

Little Furry Groundhog
Little furry groundhog, sleeping in his hole,
Safe and warm from the winter cold.
One day in February, out he peeks
And looks for his shadow.  What does it mean?
Winter will last for six more weeks!

Groundhog, Groundhog
Groundhog, groundhog, don't be shy!
Won't you come outside and spy?
If your shadow you should see,
Winter weather there will be.
If your shadow isn't there,
Spring is surely in the air.


Do you have a Ground Hog Day idea to share?Send me an idea for Groundhog Day!
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*Beary* special thanks to
for the wonderful graphics for this page.

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