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The Best of Popaul

Paul Biya Arrest Warrant - To be enforced by any Peace Officer into whose hands this warrant shall come.



If you tif tifman ye money you don do good

Paul Biya na tifman

Paul Biya na tif man
Hey wa
I say Biya Bi Mvondo na tif man
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa!

Ye first name na Tifman
Ye last name na Biya
I say Biya Bi Mvondo na tifman
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa!

Ninety-Nine day for tif man
One day for the owners oh
Biya na tifman hey
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa!

But if you tif country ye money your last name na Biya

If you tif tifman ye money you don do good
But if you tif country ye money your last name na Biya
I say Biya na Tif man
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa

I say Biya na Tif man

Simal time ropi go tie yi karnass
Hey wa
Then they go wrap yi bangala
Hey wa
Chantou I di sorry na you my sister
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa.
Ohhhhh hey wa
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa
I sayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa.
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey
Ahmadou Ahidjo
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa.
Mamfe – Bamenda
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa.
Bami- Beti
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa
Hausa- Tipouri
Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa.
How you i enjoy ma song?

Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey wa

Hey wa wa wa wa wa hey waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Tchack tchack Frippp Pooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm



CPDM Policy Exposed!

 Paul Biya wets the throats of Southern Cameroons citizens to show that his CPDM party does not just steal Southern Cameroon resources, that he also gives something in return.

Click here for a journey along the Buea road - Mutengene.
Experience the dilapidated state of Southern Cameroons roads through the eyes of a tourist in this short video. So strap on your seatbelt, take some sea sickness medication; then click on the link. 
Safe Journey!



Available through Hall of Shame Is our latest anti-corruption awareness tool.

This fine product shall be made available in time for Christmas and is the perfect gift to sensitize the children to the corruption issue plaguing Cameroon.



Pull the string in the Dictator Dolls back, to hear it repeat unpatriotic phrases over & over & over. Just like a real Dictator!
Pull the string in the Dictator Dolls back, to hear it repeat unpatriotic phrases over & over & over. Just like a real Dictator!


This great gift idea shall be made available for only two dollars ($2), with the first hundred purchasers receiving a free accessory to complement your Dictator Doll.  Pull the string in the Dictator Dolls back and hear it speak some of the most popular Dictator expressions!


Each doll will have you in stitches as it repeats things like:

a)  I will chop your money.
b)  My Swiss bank account number is 165439876533419.
c)  Bribe or kill your opponents.
d)  I am a liar, thief & a cheat.
e)  My plane has gold fittings.
f)  Vive La France.


The first 100 purchasers can select one of these fine accessories to go with their Talking Dictator Doll. Fully accessorised, you can now proudly take it out when visiting your friends!
The first 100 purchasers can select one of these fine accessories to go with their Talking Dictator Doll. Fully accessorized, you can now proudly take it out when visiting your friends!

Dictator Doll Voodoo Needles.
Superior Brand - Dictator Doll Voodoo Needles. Only $1 per pair.

  For an extra one dollar ($1) you can order a pair of six inch (6) needles, and thus change your Dictator Doll into a Voodoo Doll. Imagine the hours of fun the children will have skewering their life-like Dictator Doll, to their hearts content.

Guaranteed - another 100% quality product from the people at “Hall of Shame”.


Dear HE Paul Biya        

Please pass the soap.

In one of those rare moments when I've caught myself watching Cameroon television, a journalist was asking people in the streets of Yaounde what they thought about corruption in Cameroon. One gentleman's answer was, I thought, quite classic. He asked the journalist: "When your body is dirty, do you start washing it from your feet upward? Don't you start from your head? Cameroon is like a body that is dirty. Go and start washing it from the head; you know where the head is, don't you? So, that's where you should ask these questions, don't come to us in the street."

In this matter of corruption, Mr. Biya has the water, the soap and the sponge. He is the head. Once he starts washing himself first, the exercise will filter down to the ordinary man in the street, the feet.

When that happens, if it ever happens at all in the life time of my great grand children, then investors like this gentleman from Australia, would no longer worry about the judicial system colluding with conmen and women to defraud them of their investments?

I don't see the situation improving any time soon, especially not with Mr. Biya giving some of us, who are eager to write his obituary, twenty more years to wait!!


This commentary was culled from a reader’s response to an article titled “Biya Vows Again To Combat Corruption”.  (Name and address removed).


H.E Paul Biya delivers his Christmas present to the citizens of Cameroon!
Click on present to View!

What did Santa Paul have for supper last night?

a) A very spicy curry?

b) Very very hot pepper soup?

Click on the present to see Santa Biya deliver his gift to Cameroon!



Paul Biya and CPDM party members celebrate victory in the 2018 Cameroon elections!

Paul Biya and CPDM party members celebrate victory in the 2018 Cameroon elections, one week before the votes are counted!

What are they discussing?

a) Setting up a commission to investigate the commission set up to investigate the “Bepanda 9” & “UB Killings”

b) Planning the festivities for the completion of the Mungo bridge.

c) Devising how to prevent Titus Edzoa from running.

d) Murdering the SCNC leaders.

e) Buying all the opposition leaders.


Dear H.E. Paul Biya

The Cameroon Jester.


Mr Biya,

Please take a bucket and pierce it with a knife several times so that its sides are filled with holes all around it. Then take another bucket and fill it with water. Pour this bucket of water into the bucket that has holes. Wait 10 mins and then tell me how much water is left in the bucket full of holes.

That amount of water is what is left for Cameroon after the thieves you carefully selected and appointed into the hierarchy have had their fill of the country's finances.

Everyone of some thinking capacity has diagnosed Cameroon's problems and pointed out corruption as the scourge of the nation. PopolnochioYet President Biya ignores this crime which his ministers and ambassadors commit unashamedly and in broad daylight, and instead insists on chasing shadows. He thinks he can fool the people and international community with simulations and 'hot air'.

Everything else is being done apart from attacking the real issue. And the President is dreaming that the country will reach the completion point of the HIPC initiative! What a joke!

What I like about this initiative is its insistence on the country dealing with the corruption issue. It seems that the IMF has now realised that letting Cameroon off the hook without dealing with corruption is a complete waste of time.  (Name and address removed)

Popolnochio : ex-seminary sugar thief

Editors note: This is a readers comment taken from the news article "Biya Worried Over Cameroon Ailing Economy". Readers expressed several interesting views on this topic.

Biya Worried Over Cameroon Ailing Economy.
By Kini Nsom
During last Friday's Council of Ministers' meeting at the Unity Palace, President Paul Biya reportedly expressed dismay at Cameroon's ailing economic situation. According to sources at the Presidency, the country's declining economy dominated the agenda of the meeting. The Ministerial Council meeting was the second since the present government was appointed on December 8, 2004.


Voting day - Yaounde

"Now c'mon Paul! You know it's only one party competing, why vote?" - And what's with that guilty look on your face? What did you just do?

“ Now c’mon  Paul! 
You know it’s only one party competing, why vote! ”




Corruption remains the Lion Biya can't slay.

The C-Word not for Cameroon was again a sing-song in anyone's lips in Cameroon. Biya, the LION MAN who once said the Judiciary and the Police were the most corrupt, this time marked himself wrong. The occasion was the 3rd Extra Ordinary CPDM Congress at the Corrupt party Hall in Yaounde July 21st to re-acclaim President Biya as that party's Chairman.

Present were all bribe-taking elites, diehard cpdm get-rich-quick entrepreneurs, political feymen, tribal relatives, and profiteers. In front Corruption remains the Lion Biya can't slay.of them, the Lion man accepted that Cameroon was tarred in corruption not this time by the police and the judiciary but by his thieving gangsters. But as usual and after passing the entrance into the HIPC Initiative he failed to set off alarm bells to his belching colleagues.

According to Le Front Newspaper, one of Cameroon's most investigative weekly, Cameroon's Economic Minister Policarp Abah Abah and former General Manager of State owned CRTV, Gervaise Mendoze each owns over 30 billions and 25 billions respectively in foreign accounts. The paper concludes that these "warlords" can sustain a revolution in Cameroon for the next 20 years. Caroline Abah Abah, wife to Policarp who was involved in the Post Office scam and later escaped to France through the First Lady's complicity is back in the country after receiving a mockery of a court sentence while Mounchipou, the former minister is languishing in Kondengue maximum prison for daring to support the oppositions.

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CPDM ex-directors, civil servants, ministers, tribe men etc are swimming in the sea of corrupt wealth because of the systematic corruption Biya champions and continue to be pioneering and spinning with supersonic rapidity. Early in July some Military Colonels and the Governor of the Bribeville of Douala, Gounouko Hanounai received approximately 18millions bribe from one Thomas Fondoup, GM of Supermont Water distribution to degasify seven casts of toxic chlorine that was dumped in Nkapa, an outskirt of Douala. In the name of honour and fidelity and one's fatherland, 21 soldiers was bullied and forced to degasify this toxic material into the dead of the sea without life jackets, gas masks and only one buoy for an old ship without a motor pump.

In this dangerous expedition an explosion occurred and fire erupted killing Lieutenant Bidimou. Three soldiers were rescued by Nigerian Fishermen that these very soldiers used to harass in high sea. These details are a top secret in Cameroon. The soldiers have not been compensated.

Cameroon correspondent. L.C.


Secret Real Estate Deals in Florida?

A Cameroonian national living in Florida, and working in real estate, has sent information on a Cameroonian diplomat, information that wouldn’t normally surface. The Washington Ambassador, who apparently has links to the top, and has far outstayed the normal three year tenure of all diplomatic staff, is found to be buying real estate in Florida.

Over the past decade we have seem billions of CFA’s given for the ‘renovation’ of the massive house Cameroon's Washington Embassy. Visitors say it is very difficult to get a response, by phone or by attending the Embassy!serving as embassy and residence. Yet Cameroonian visitors to their embassy report that the property is totally dilapidated, with old rubbish stacked in the much abused front doorway. Visitors also say it is very difficult to get a response, by phone or by attending the embassy.

One reported that when he finally was let into the building, he saw a pile of passports on the floor, apparently waiting for processing.

Perhaps the Ambassador is too busy with his real estate deals in at least Florida, and probably other states, to be bothered with ambassador duties. We also question what other senior Cameroonians benefit from the deals.

E.N. xxxxxxx





President Biya finally accepts one of
the Australians petitions.


Paul Biya receives another petition from his greatest Australian Fan!

What is the President thinking?

a)   How dare anyone ask for justice in my country!

b)   What country is Australia in?

c)   What language is this? What does blood sucking leech mean?

d)   If only I could get my hands on the Australian, I would book him a room at Kondengui and see he gets a thorough foot massage with a bamboo rod.

e)   I hate visiting this country. I wish I were back in my French homeland with my brothers.

f)    Will someone get me a bloody drink!

Click here to read the letter to Paul Biya.

Click on the letter to see Popaul's mail from Australia!

Photograph Caption

What's Chantal hiding under that wig?


a) Customers missing funds from Campost Savings bank?

b) A bullet proof skull cap? (In case Paul decides to divorce her!)
c) Spare skin whitening lotions?

d) Jeanne Irene's will, to deprive Frank of his mother's wealth?

e) Special potion to finish with Edzoa in jail?


What is Chantal hiding under the wig?


Dear H.E. Paul Biya

Hi, my name is Popol. I love to wear stupid hats and to steal your money.


Mr Biya,

23 Years of suffering. What can Biya boast of in the field of sports in 23 years? No football stadium built by him etc. In the field of education, YES HE ENCOURAGES BRAIN DRAIN because he does not like intellectuals. Those even recruited are even maltreated and dismissed. Take the example of researchers and teachers who were recruited and stayed for years without salary and finally they are dismissed.
23 years Cameroonians have not known justice and human rights or else such things will not happen. For 23 yrs Cameroon has been corrupt nation number one.
Paul Biya – President for life?  NO THANKS!For 23 years the salaries of civil servants have been reduced by over 200% and prices of commodities increased by over 1000%. For 23 years, scholarship for students at all level has been scraped off. For 23 years almost all our embassies abroad have been closed down e.g France embassy, which is now operating in somebodies apartment after the landlord chased them away. In Belgium and Spain the embassy is an eyesore. In Greece the embassy is operating in the sitting room of a Greek man so called honorary consul when we have so many Cameroonians to hold such post. In Britain, the embassy can’t pay its bills and is currently having some legal suits against it. In the US the corruption in the embassy has attracted the attention of FBI.
Look at our roads before Biya and the situation now. Wasteful 23 years, Mr Biya, kindly take stock and resign as Ahidjo did. 

Editors note: This comment was culled from the Post news article “Cameroonians score Biya’s 23 years stewardship”.

Cameroonians Score Biya’s 23 Years Stewardship.

Editors note: During the week an unconfirmed report by a police officer that there was a coup dEtat in Yaounde appeared on the web. The report was later confirmed as false, but caused some consternation in the press. Heres a comment that was attached to the original report.Mr Biya, please get off the train. There is no more fuel left!

"I wish the next coup alarm will be REAL. Biya has
clearly outlived his usefulness to the Cameroonian
people - if he was ever of any use in the first place.
The presidency is not his father's chair. His train
stopped at the station a long time ago but he refused
to get off. Now, he is just along for the ride with
no destination in mind. It is about time someone force
or push him from the train.''  (Name removed)




Where is Paul hurrying with that Gun?


a) Hurrying to get his second divorce?

b) On his way to Mamfe to give Ketuanze a freshman course on Cameroon injustice?

c) Hunting for Titus Edzoa's ghost?

d) To stay in the bush to wait for Petit Pays and Chantou?

e) To ambush Obasanjo in Bakassi?

f) Hurrying to Eno Chambers, Buea, to give some legal advice?



Dear HE Paul Biya

My name is Paul. I am an idiot and my brain is underdeveloped, I need to update my brain software!

Hi Mr. Biya.

             I am a Cameroonian but studying in Uganda. You need to visit Uganda and see for yourself what a nation with a bad history is doing to improve on her status. I think I should use this forum to inform you that you are an idiot. You have all the resources but because of selfishness and foolish pride, you've decided to keep everything to yourselves and those with which you share your selfishness. Your brain is underdeveloped and I believe we need to update your brain software. Yeah sure. That's because Cameroon has all the resources, natural, but you and France have connived to eat it up while the anglophone community, which is the riches, suffers. God punish you.

Posted by: MGB | June 23, 2005 02:28 PM


Editors note: This message was culled from responses to a published article on, “Cameroon Government’s failure to benefit from the G8 debt cancellations“.


Dear H.E. Paul Biya

Open Letter

Paul Biya before his “Divorce” to 1st lady Irene Biya. It is rumoured that Irene died of a massive headache!


Three Steps Backward.

Mr. President I write this letter to you as an anniversary present on the occasion of your 24 years as president of the Republic of Cameroon. I hope even in the tightness of your schedule, and the celebrations, you would be able to find the few minutes required to read through these lines, and appreciate the content.

Some 24 years ago, precisely on Thursday November 4, 1982, all Cameroonians including yourself, were surprised when your predecessor and Cameroon’s first president Ahmadou Ahidjo resigned from his post and unilaterally designated you as his successor. You inherited a strong economy based on agriculture with a very low debt burden. A modest Civil Service, paying decent salaries; a morally upright society. A rationalized development plan and an infrastructure network that was set gradually to link up the country. .

As a keen observer of the evolution of the life of this triangle called Cameroon within the last "Mr. President power drunken and absolute drunken power. Cameroon is now known to be one of the most corrupt nations in the world. The spectre of feymania hangs dangerously above us."twenty-four years, one can summarise your stewardship as president of the Republic without fear of contradiction in the following six words: “one step forward, three steps backwards”.

With regards to morals and ethics you raised the hopes of Cameroonians owing to your highly Christian background. Your father was a Catechist and you a seminarian. You even used some of Moliere’s finest words in your “Bible” – Communal Liberalism to explain your doctrine of ‘rigour and moralisation’. But twenty-four years down the road, most of your actions have been a complete embarrassment. Even the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Cameroon led by the outspoken Archbishop of Douala Christian Cardinal Tumi has found it difficult to reconcile your Christian past with the mess that characterizes your government.

Cameroon is now known to be one of the most corrupt nations in the world. The spectre of feymania hangs dangerously above us.

For these twenty-four years, what have you done with the economy of Cameroon. All the companies that made up the fabric of our economy have been dilapidated in the most despicable manner by your people who still go around unpunished. A series of top banks; SCB, Credit Agricole, Meridien BIAO, Cameroon Bank, etc. companies like AMACAM, SOCATOUR, SOTUC, CELLUCAM, all went down the drain. A manager of the defunct SCB – Robert Messi Messi who fled to Canada accused your family of crippling the bank when he stated in an explosive interview in Jeune Afrique Economie that “ the president was constructing a palace in Mvomeka’a…. and for the financing I (bank manager) was in direct relationship with Madam Jeanne Irene Biya, who was summoning me regularly at the presidency in Yaounde… the payment of the first instalment of CFA 1.250 million…”.

Because of the tough times in Cameroon, thousands of Cameroonians are running away, some even take the risk of doing the shameful trekking through the Sahara desert to seek refuge in Europe and other countries because of their inability to make ends meet in Cameroon.

Mr. President as you celebrate these twenty-four years in power we cannot forget the Moslem land offered by late Andre Fouda for the construction of a Mosque but which you grabbed. There is no doubt that these acts of brazen delinquency have contributed to the economic malaise that our people have suffered for these long years leading to multiple salary cuts of up to 70 percent, pushing Cameroon from a prosperous middle income country to the disgraceful highly indebted poor country status. Mr. President, we hope that as you celebrate your twenty-four years of power you recall this unfortunate past.

Douala is the Economic life wire of Cameroon, but Mr. President I challenge you to come and drive one of your limousines from Bonaberi through the Old road or through the commercial area known as ‘Douche’, or even to the Bassa industrial zone where companies like Guinness operate their businesses and pay taxes to the state. Wouldn’t it be interesting for your car to be pushed every after 10 metres? There are several other road networks in Cameroon that have suffered complete degradation. I am thinking notably the Kumba Mamfe –road, the Bamenda Ring Road, the entire network of the East Province, etc.

Beginning 1990, hundreds of demonstrators were killed simply because of their call for change. Anglophones have been targeted and killed in some of the most gruesome human rights abuses known to mankind. Many are in prison because of their political beliefs. Nine young men were arrested in Bepanda and are alleged to have been burnt to death with acid, and this you know. The clergy have been targeted and killed, and Mr. President do we need to remind you here that the motives for these assassinations will become subject for debate when you will finally leave power?

Mr. President we can keep on writing and writing. After twenty –four years and another five remaining, you seem not to be satisfied as all indications suggest that you will seek another seven years despite constitutional wedges to finally total thirty six years in power. Mr. President power drunken and absolute power drunken absolutely. What you’ve not been able to achieve in twenty-four years will never be obtained in nine years.

Contemporary history of most African leaders teaches us a lesson and I hope you’re fully aware that with your record, any attempt to prolong your stay in power will only complicate matters for you.

For the last fifteen years, you have built a family-a beautiful wife, plus children, Paul Biya Junior, Brenda Eyenga and of course Frank. It is high time you take your retirement. Go and enjoy with them. Mr. President can you predict what will happen to these innocent souls if you were to leave power by force?

They will harvest only what you would have sowed.



Chantal's Beauty Tips.

Cameroon's 2nd 1st lady shares her secrets for looking good on all occasions!

Cameroon's 2nd 1st Lady offers up her beauty tips to readers of Hall of Shame newsletter.


     "First I would like to thank Mr. Glenn for allowing me this column in his newsletter, to share my wide experience on beauty to the many readers. The most important beauty tip to start with is hair,…Big Big hair,....and lots of it. I’ve set out below, my seven day plan to staying fashionably stunning for the whole week. Begin the week with some of the smaller wigs. It’s OK if you add a bit of colour (white is my favourite – it matches my skin), during the early days of the week. By the middle of the week it’s really time to express yourself, and that means big and beautiful. By the weekend it’s time to really splash out and show your outer beauty, while saving the best for Sunday. You can even get a bit zany and use bright colours like my fabulous blood red wig. Hmm,….it reminds me of the stain on the floor left by Paul's first wife, the 1st 1st lady, how rude of her to die inside the palace.  Speaking of Paul, where is the scoundrel? I sent him to the bank hours ago to empty the vault for our trip to Paris. There’ll be no loving for Paul in Paris, if he doesn't top up my holiday spending account, oops,…I mean the Chantal Biya Foundation".

"Ladies, a couple more tips before I go. Use your wig to hide things from your husband. I always play safe by putting my bullet proof skull cap on underneath, just in case Paul gets a bit frisky. And girls,….use your wig to hide your condoms for your boyfriends & clients, errrr…..I mean husband. Speaking of Paul, where is that useless bastard. You have to be careful girls, you know you can’t trust a Beti to send to the bank. Oh, I can hear the motorcade coming now. I’d better go and fluff up my wig. See you girls next time".

                                                Love Chantal     (Vice President of Cameroon)


Monday – Start the week making only a small statement with your wig selection.

Tuesday – Use a bit of colour. White is my favourite, it’s the colour of my skin.
Wednesday - Middle of the week. Be thinking about cutting loose with your fashion statement as the weekend nears.
Thursday – My favourite blood red wig, big and beautiful, just like me.
Friday  -  Big, bigger, biggest. Don’t be afraid to share your outer beauty . Make yourself stand out in the crowd.
Saturday –  Big & bold. Paul can always find me at the reception when I’ve got this favourite on.

Sunday – A day full of Godliness, and don’t I get closer to the heavens in this stunning extravaganza of beauty.


aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!Next Editions Beauty Tips.
 Everyone's favourite 2nd 1st Lady gives up her secrets in the skin whitening department.  In an exclusive interview, Chantal confesses her attraction to Michael Jackson and failures to get Paul to change colour. Also where to buy those magical skin lightening lotions in bulk, saving the well built beautiful woman enough money to keep an extra boyfriend on the side.

Yearning to Be White
Many women are using body lotions to bleach their bodies in an apparent misconception that men find lighter skinned women more attractive. These women may be ignorantly inviting health complications and even death.

The second wives of African leaders."The 2nd first lady that Biya has taken as wife is a blunder. It is important to know that, the lady who now looks as though she has been force fed, had a very miserable record and background, she should be made to issue public statements apologising for her unnatural, not to say unattractive, hairstyles."
The worse blunder or marriage of an African leader to a second wife is that of Cameroon’s President Paul Biya to Chantal Vigoroux. When Irene died, Biya had to remarry the one who is the first lady of Cameroon today. She is by name Chantal Biya nee Chantal Vigoroux. But in other to perceive how and why the first lady that Biya has taken as wife is a blunder, it is important to know that, the lady who now looks as though she has been force fed, had a very miserable record and background. Hence she wants to revenge and in her sinister adventure, any person who does not dance to her tune has to lie down or run for his/her dear life.
(Click on this link and scroll down to read complete article)



First Lady’s Humanitarian Tricks and Largesse

Chantal Biya's grabbing and milking of the State.
Most African dictators' wives are as ruthless in grabbing and milking their husbands' Nations dry as their husbands do. Cameroon’s first lady, Chantal Biya of Lebanese father and Cameroonian mother is no exception.
This month, the fraudulent grabbing was a gala night dubbed 'Solidarity Night' of the Circle of Friends of Cameroon, CERAC, an NGO whose Founder and President is Chantal Biya. The caulicolous chromosomesChantal helps herself to Cameroons cash cow! But which one is the cow?  Moooooooo that gathered to compare how much they have stolen to reduce by adding to what the first lady has, were heads of public and private enterprises, spouses of members of government, those of the diplomatic corps and top Government Ministers including the Prime Minister, Chief Ephraim Inoni and wife, Gladys.
Though these thieves feared dipping deep into their pockets for fear of exposing how much they have stolen, the sum of CFA 527 Million was raised in less than 3hours. Take note here that fund raising for the foundation stone of the Medical Faculty in the lone Anglo-Saxon University of Buea in Inoni's fief yielded less than 20 Million CFA.
Fearing international criticisms of this official organised looting in the name of Humanitarian NGO, Cameroon Tribune, Radio and Television all state-owned media embarked on a one-week further deceit. This is the chorus: "Unlike other NGOs where professional conduct and the quest for profit by the promoters is rife, mismanagement is out of the question in CERAC. The money collected is deposited in a special account in a local bank and used judiciously"
Who says the first lady's money cannot be judiciously used in rigging elections? And if other NGOs are rife in mismanagement and quest for profit, what prevent that of first lady doing same distributing wheelbarrows, grinding machines, cutlasses, ploughs etc to women in the South and Center or North Provinces?

Chantal Biya Foundation Implicated In FEICOM FCFA 52Bn Swindle
 It was also revealed in court that the Chantal Biya Foundation benefited over FCFA 150 million from the largesse of the former FEICOM guru.
It was also revealed in court that the Chantal Biya Foundation benefited over FCFA 150 million from the largesse of the former FEICOM guru.  Moreover, Circle of Friends of Cameroon, CERAC, that also involves the First Lady, received FCFA 5 million.

Youths Duped At Mrs. Biya's Cleansing Campaign
A street demonstration in Yaounde followed by a press conference aimed at cleansing the image of Mrs. Chantal Biya, after a publication in the French daily, Mutations, considered rather scandalous, ended in an uproar over differences in sums of money shared out to the youths hired to march.

How do you dismantle people who are willing to kill and die to keep their hard earned privilege of looting the treasury?


Chantal's Beauty Tips.

Cameroon's 2nd 1st lady shares her secrets for looking good on all occasions!


Cameroon's 2nd 1st Lady offers up her beauty tips to readers of Hall of Shame newsletter.

     "Once again, I would like to thank Mr. Glenn for allowing me this column in his newsletter, to share my wide experience on beauty to the many readers. This time I’m going to tell you all about the importance of being white and how to do it on a budget. My techniques are bit more refined than in the early days when I would immerse myself in a bath of bleach for two hours daily, trying not to get bleach on my wigs was a nightmare. Since then I’ve had the good fortune to swap tips with my good friend Michael Jackson who as you all know is a leader in the skin-whitening department. So we tried them all; lotions, potions, injections, suppositories, pills & everything else that the doctor prescribed. The wear and tear on my body became too much (not that you can tell) and I finally settled into a regime of lotions.

Sometimes I try to get Paul to rub the lotion on me before bed, but he only gets a quarter of the way before he gets tired. The poor dear,….I’m not surprised he’s so tired, it really takes it out of him keeping track of our foreign bank accounts and investments. But he says he is putting it away for our retirement,….the sweet man. He even found a supplier of my whitening cream in Nigeria who sells it in 20 gallon drums. I’m not to sure about it though, after only three weeks of this new cream I’m not feeling all that well. There are boils appearing all over my body and my skin is a little raw and there was even blood in my stool. When I told Paul, he said I would be fine and to keep using the cream he got me. He even said he would bring his own doctor to see me, but apparently the doctor is very busy and won’t be able to come by for a month. Oh well,…at least I have Paul taking care of me. I never realized that being white was so much hard work. I’d better go now, I’m feeling sick again.
See you girls next time".

                                         Love Chantal     (Vice President of Cameroon) 


aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!   (Chantal's fan club)Next Editions Beauty Tips.
Everyone's favourite 2nd 1st Lady gives up her secrets in the “How to find a wealthy husband” department.  In an exclusive interview, Chantal confesses her attraction to money and the sacrifices she made to be able to put a little something in her purse each night, before striking it rich as the mistress of Cameroon’s President. Also for the first time, Chantal describes the tricks she played to hook her client,…er….husband, and end up as the 2nd 1st Lady of Cameroon. Chantal also describes the traumas of deciding which bank vault to raid before heading to Paris for a shopping spree, also how to survive the difficulties of marrying an impotent useless man. A riveting, must read interview – Exclusively to Hall of Shame Newsletter. ©

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