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The Hall of SHAME!

Edition No:1      9th May 2005

Hall of Shame Mission Statement

This site is dedicated to expose those shameful people who think they can lie, cheat, steal and violate the principles of basic humanity and remain anonymous. As you are aware, my involvement with Cameroon began through the glazed eyes of a tourist. After a sham marriage and the loss of my life savings to the corrupt judiciary, I now see the plight of Cameroonians through much clearer eyes. It is through this anonymity, that is fiercely protected by those involved, that corruption heads down its unbending path. It is these same people sitting in the pew next to you in church on Sundays, who are stealing the food from your mouth and your children’s education on Mondays. I say, lets take a look at these people and let them enjoy the sleepless nights that they inflict upon others. Exposure of these peoples acts of shame is the strongest tool to drive others away from these evil practices.

Is Cameroon so far down the toilet bowl of corruption that it is beyond help? I think not, but the fact that many wear their crimes as medals to their cleverness, and worse, that others aspire in the same way to achieve like goals is a mentality worthy of standing against.


Hall of Shame - Monthly newsletter

This is the first edition of what shall be a monthly newsletter. The next edition shall come on the 1st of July 2005 and shall continue to arrive on the 1st of the month thereafter. If you wish to subscribe you can reply to and write SUBSCRIBE in the subject box. Each month once the newsletter is loaded onto the site you shall receive in your email inbox, a link to take you to the newsletter.


Please feel free to send your own corruption or injustice stories. Each month contributions highlighting the difficulties of those that may not have found the means to voice their issues with be considered. Of course I would need to check story validity depending on its contents, but we won’t be shying away from what needs to be said. Consider this your newsletter and within reason there shall be no censorship. Photos can be published also, if they enhance your tale. Its early days and may take a couple of editions to get into the flow of things, but no target is too big. My philosophy is fairly simple “A thief is a thief”. I don’t discriminate on age, colour, race or sex. I do request that you use this forum for the purpose it is intended. Thanks.

Photographs Wanted ($100 US each)

I am seeking good quality photographs for future editions of the shame file. If you can send me a photograph (clothed or naked) of any of those people listed below, and it is published on the shame file, a payment of $100 US shall be made to the sender. The personal details of any senders shall remain completely confidential and shall be known only by myself. Photos can be forwarded to Maybe even one or two of those listed has caused you or your family some grievance? Why not get some cash and at the same time let me expose them for their corrupt ways? Like I said, “This is your site too”.


SGBC, Limbe. Manager - Ndoumbe Lottin.

SGBC, Limbe. Assistant Manager - Francois Ngouania.

Justice J. F. Fonkwe - Fako Appeals Court Judge. Buea

Justice A. K. Nana - Fako Appeals Court Judge. Buea

Justice Lebong Morfaw Chibili - Fako High Court Judge. Buea

Magistrate Ketuanze Jacob – Limbe Deputy State Council.

Barrister Eno Charles Agbor – Eno Law Chambers, Buea.

Barrister Tanyi Mbianyor – Eno Law Chambers, Buea.

Barrister Mbi – Solomon Chambers, Kumba.

Chief Bisong Etahoben – Weekly Post editor.

Chief of Territorial Surveillance, Buea. (Governors Office - large Bayangi man)

Robert Agbor Toko - Limbe. ( Investigations - Robert Toko)

Eugene Kankou- New Town, Limbe. (Investigations - Eugene Kankou)

SHAME File No: 1

Name: Pauline Kono,  Mines & Power, Limbe

Residence: Sikolo, Limbe.

Pauline Kono is a aunt of Enow Brillian Ayuk. I was introduced to her as a relative and the owner of a Satellite television business at mile 4. Pauline brokered the purchase of the house at Towe Quarter in Limbe, drawing innocent relatives of her husband ( Nkumo & Madam Tsala, from Yaounde who owned the compound) into her scheme. The full story on this is on the main page of the website under the heading (Compound, Plot 67 Towe Quarter). Pauline pocketed 2 million cfa and used a lawyer from Solomon Chambers in Kumba to write false documents, using her office at Mines & Power to commit the theft. There is a chapter in my book on the actions of Pauline Kono, describing how she advised Enow Brillian in all facets of the scam. (I wonder if Pauline remembers the day I begged for her help as a human being, and she turned and walked away?  I do! ). All I have to say to Pauline at this time is “SHAME on you Pauline Kono”. You greeted me into your house at Sikolo and even gave me a chicken to take home and kill for supper, then you stole from me. All the while pretending to welcome me into your family. Then you were caught and did everything you could to cover your actions. (Read Investigations, main page. Death Threats, Madam Agbor).
“Pauline Kono, you are a thief, a liar & a cheat”.


Forces of law execute unarmed students during protest at Buea University.

Pictures of Violence from Buea

Varsity Strike: How Police Tortured, Looted And Raped In Buea

Crisis Report:  Gendarmes,  UB Students Battle Over Slain Comrades Corpse

Is this how the innocent in Cameroon can be treated by the police? YES!

Read the story of one of the most shameful and barbarous acts in recent times to come from the forces of law in Cameroon!


Police Brutality And Human Rights Abuse

Witnesses Testify How Policeman 'Roasted' Suspect


This Cameroonian loverboy, Tenekeu Hubert / Ben, has been busy cheating and stealing from women in Hong Kong. Making promises of love to separate the women from there savings. If you have any information, it can be sent to this site. Read the story and visit the site of one of the victims, Annie.


Letter from Annie Lee. 419 in Hong Kong


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