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What do you think?

Well I'd like to thank everyone for your response from this site. I really appreciate your support. Many of you have left messages about starting a Vin Diesel Fan Club, and I am beginning to seriously think about it. What I need from you is feedback.

I will need to have at least 30 fans to email me and let me know what your feelings are about this. Give me answers to questions like...What will we name the fan club?
Who would be willing to help gather data and information?
What kind of incentives would there be for being part of the fan club?
Could we get him to help us in some way?

I love maintaining this site, but I would need some help if we started a fan club. We would need to have some sort of chain of order. I could be the President and I would need someone to be Vice President, we need a secretary (this could be the person to gather all data and info on existing and new members as well as help prepare a newsletter.) If we decided to get really upscale we could get tee-shirts and donate a portion of the proceeds to a charity or something.

I need your help to get this started if you are interested email me at:

I think this would be a great thing to start! Let's see what we can do! Also please include in your email if you would be interested in taking up an office of the fan club and why. Once I have all submissions I will respond to you letting you know the status. Please note that if someone else has already volunteered you may have other options.
