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MSN Chat Interview with Vin Diesel on 2/14/03

DishDiva says: Welcome to MSN Live! This afternoon we are pleased to welcome Vin Diesel back to MSN Live!
DishDiva says: Vin, welcome to MSN Live! Happy Valentine's Day!
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
DishDiva says: We have so many questions from your fans so let's get started!
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I'm doing this chat because I promised, like six months ago, that I would do another chat and continue to chat.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I told you that I would talk to you all after the new year.
DishDiva says: And you are a man of your word! I love that!

sexymandi76 in Onstage_1 asks: When was your favorite Valentines day, and with whom? I'm so excited.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: That's sweet.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: When I was 17, it was Valentine's Day and I was working minimum wage and I took my girlfriend, I bought flowers for her, put on a sports coat and I got her a necklace, it was like two or three weeks worth of paychecks. The thing that made it the best, in New York you can buy tickets in Times Square and I got inexpensive tickets to "Dreamgirls" and I picked her up and we took a cab, which was a big deal at 17 years old and we went to see "Dreamgirls" which I had waited three hours to get tickets for. DishDiva says: You are such a romantic!
Vin_Diesel_Live says: It was a special thing.

princess_vindiesel_lover in Onstage_1 asks: I am wondering how much of a role your Mother plays in your life?--Also, any idea where I can obtain Multifacial or Strays? I have all of your other movies and watch them DAILY!--LOL
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Multifacial you should be able to get on Amazon. It's part of a short film collection, if they're all sold out, then I'll produce more of them and I'll re-release it. I did both of those films before "Saving Private Ryan" so I definitely want people to see those and it shows the beginning stages of my career. A $3,000 movie should be inspiring and should inspire people to be creative with limited funds.

Zanderfurious in Onstage_1 asks: Will your twin brother ever star in any of your movies?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: He's an editor. So I think the closest he would ge to a movie set would be in the directors chair if he wanted to. He's an established editor so he's happy doing what he's doing.
DishDiva says: Are you identical?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: No, we're as fraternal as they get.

pamella58 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Yes.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Sue me. (laughs)

Noneja1 in Onstage_1 asks: Noneja of Detroit, MI: now that you dream of fame has become a reality, is it all or more than you hoped for?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: That's a very very very very good question and it's actually an underrated question because if you're not doing it for the art, and if you're not doing it for the love of creating film, where people can lose themselves and escape reality for two hours and enjoy a story the way it should be told, then it might not be what it's cracked up to be.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: The reason I love what I do and being as established as I am is because it allows me to create films that I would love to see and create films I hope uphold artistic film standards. It has to be about the art, it doesn't matter how big the film is, you can always go back and do low budget films. If you get caught up with everything else, it sets you up for a breakdown, disaster. I have a poor-man's mentality, growing up without money. One of the things I find myself doing is going about things backwards, or doing things the wrong way because of that mentality. I don't treat myself to things, I think of my house as an office, I think you have to be productive as possible in a 24 hour day.

DishDiva says: You're in a really good mood today, Vin.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Yes! Well I'm still realing. I just got word that Judi Dench is going to play the role of Aereon in the "Cronicles of Riddick." I saw her play and they gave me the guest mezzanine box. When I got there I walked into the ground level and I stood the first act because I didn't want to miss any of it because when I walked in the play had just started. She's now doing the movie and it's so exciting. She's so amazing.

Francina12 in Onstage_1 asks: Are you realy a cool person like in you're movies?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: You know what, I used to pride myself on being cool because I didn't have anything else. I didn't have money, I wasn't a pretty boy, I didn't get all A+'s in school. So I prided myself on coolness because it was the cheapest thing to have. (laughs)

KatScratch4 in Onstage_1 asks: Vin with all the rumors and tabloids about who you are dating, are you single? Taken?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: With all those highly entertaining rumors, that are more entertaining to me than anybody else because they're so preposterous, I am single.

livinwith_Endo in Onstage_1 asks: I’ve heard that you want a family someday. Are you waiting for something specific, or are you just living one dream at a time?
DishDiva says: If you'd to see the play with Judi Dench the play is "The Breathe of Life."
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I'm living one dream at a time. I appricate questions that have built in answers like that, thank you darling.

blackfootbob2 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Vin.... I'm a Native American from Issaquah, WA....Do you think women find the "Bad Boy" image a turn on more often than not?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I think the "bad boy" image is a vague description. I think that women like men that are independent and confident and men that are unique and unafraid to be original or individual. I think bad boy image describes anyone that dances to his own beat, then I would imagine... The reality is, it doesn't matter if you are a movie star or a bouncer, you just never know. I'd be in a better position to advise when I'm married with kids.

xanders1nonli in Onstage_1 asks: Out of all the rumors about you, which one do you think is the most outrageous?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: There were a lot of them. They're all outrageous.
DishDiva says: Is it true you went skiing with Mariah Carey?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Never went skiing with her, does she ski?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: You know first of all I don't ski. We all know I snowboard.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: That's rule number 1 in the cool manual. (laughs)
DishDiva says: Because that's cooler, right?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Hang up the skis and get a snowboard.

DishDiva says: Look for Vin's new film "A Man Apart" to open in April.
DishDiva says: We are here with Vin Diesel in Miami Beach, Florida!

miss_suga_dumpling in Onstage_1 asks: HOW OFTEN DO U WORK OUT TO KEEP YOUR BODY IN SHAPE?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: There was a time I used to work out every day. When I was bouncing I worked out once or twice a day for many years. Being athletic was my only sense of immediate gratification. Now I like to stay as neutral as possible and only work out once I know what the character calls for. Like "Boiler Room" where you don't need to be in too much shape. (English accent) So it depends on the character.

LHSPED in Onstage_1 asks: How do maintain a relationship with your dog when you travel around so much? My dogs get sooo mad at me when I'm gone.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I try to take my dog whenever I can. My dog is a world traveler, and spent many months in the winter in Prague, and has been to Mexico. He will also be with me in Canada when I shoot "Chronicles of Riddick."

MDuvdfc in Onstage_1 asks: So Vin, what is the ideal "Vin Diesel" role?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Hannibal Barca who is referred to as Hannibal; The Conquerer. David Franzone who wrote Gladiator and Amistad, is writing a script as we speak. There's a book by Ross Leckie which is an amazing book about Hannibal and it's an amazing read!
KatScratch4 in Onstage_1 asks: All women go nuts for Vin. I speak from experience with my own Vin site. Do you ever get tired of all the attention people throw at you?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: That's a good question. If you have your own Vin Diesel website, I've seen some of those sites and you're all doing well. I haven't put up a site because the fan sites are so good and I think sites are more appropriate when made by fans. The attention is strange for me because I spent my whole life being an extrovert in Manhattan looking for attention. It's very insightful of you to image how awkward it would feel at some times. But it's always good energy and it allows me to be more fortunate than other celebrities. People who understand what I do are usually brilliant. I will read a fan letter or will read a message board post and their writing is better than what I see in Hollywood. They're great, they're really great.

XG33 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you speak Italian, like some say you do?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: (Italian accent) Si molto bene! Le Italiano que parle nonrepresente le Italiano que sono.

SubDermalGirl in Onstage_1 asks: The monologue at the end of Multi-Facial was my favorite part of the movie. Was it an emotional moment for you as an actor?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Very much so. Very much so. Maybe you can answer where everyone else can get Multifacial. Maybe you want to sell your copy? (laughs)

DishDiva says: mamaluv says: Vin, what is "A Man Apart" about?
DishDiva says: Why did you take this role? Have you ever felt that kind of loss?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: A Man Apart is the psychoanalytical breakdown of a man who loses his wife. A wife that represents everything to him. It's the profile of a man crippled by the loss of his wife and the loss of love. I thought it was a interesting spin on a tragic love story that I thought would be easy to identify with. I took the role because it was a darker role than most roles I do and it was an interesting character study. Unlike other actors I can't climb in and out of a character's emotional place. If I'm melancholy during the role, I'm melancholy the whole day and it can be challenging to do for three months. I channeled that emotion to the point it was uncomfortable at times.

VinLover03 in Onstage_1 asks: Did you like having a beard for "A Man Apart" ? I think you look hot with one!
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Thank you. There's a significance to that gradual look in "A Man Apart" and it charts his coming undone. So there's a purpose behind it all that's interesting. I like that, actors like that, masks to use to incorporate their character.

PR_diesel in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Vin, for all the Spanish girls out there, we want how many classes of Salsa you tock to dance as well as you did in your movie A Man Apart? Or it just came naturally?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I took a few classes to touch up, but I had been dancing Salsa for years before. That's a character trait that runs in the family. My mother is a Mambo dancer, that's what my parents do for fun. So I love dancing Salsa so it was fun to be able to incorporate it in the film. The most important thing it represented for my character was that it was something that he and his wife did, a private moment between husband and wife that is beautiful. And I think Salsa dancing unlike other dancing celebrates that bond between man and woman.

Ntonzaka in Onstage_1 asks: What type of preparations, if any, did you have to do in order to get into this particular character?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I had to work with true life DEA agents to understand their occupation, since it was such an integral part of the film. The street stuff I had.

DaniInAtlantaLuvsVin in Onstage_1 asks: Hi, Vin are you happy w/ AMA finally being released?& Will you be my Valentine?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Yes I am happy that it's being released but I'm equally happy that time put into this film to make it as good as it can be. It's a testiment to everyone involved, they worked very, very hard and never gave up to make it the best film. Even with bootleg copies out there because people wanted to see it. My sister was in Ghana doing some venture a couple of weeks ago and while she was in her car someone came up to her in her car with a copy of "Diablo." It's surreal.

DishDiva says: Well, Vin, thank you for spending Valentine's Day with us. Can't imagine another man we would enjoyed spending this afternoon with.
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Awww. You're sweet.
DishDiva says: From all of your fans from around the world, just one question. . .Will you be our Valentine?
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I'd be honored! Happy Valentine's Day.
DishDiva says: Catch Vin Diesel April 4 in "AMan Apart."
Vin_Diesel_Live says: I'll see you April 4th!
Vin_Diesel_Live says: Let's get together and do a chat again soon!
