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How can you help me?

Please read the following seven descriptions of how you can be of help to me, check the corresponding box on the page “Information Form,” and provide me with the information that applies. Thank You!

1. Jaime, come and help our organization!

Use me to further the abstinence message and the gospel in your already established organization in South Africa. If viewing this website has brought you to the conclusion that I would be a good fit and a contribution to the efforts of your organization in South Africa check the box “Jaime, come and help our organization!” This is the purpose of this site and I am eager to speak to you and, God willing, get this show on the road! Please list your contact information and a brief summary of where you think I fit into your ministry and I will be in contact with you really soon. Thank You!!!

2. Jaime, I have a contact person for you!

Put me in contact with an S.A. organization or individual that could use me. If you know of an organization or an individual that would be a good contact for me please check the box “Jaime, I have a contact person for you!” It would be great to be put in contact with anyone that lives in S.A., is involved with a church or organization in S.A., or anyone who could offer housing/resources in S.A. If you think they could help in any of the above ways or others that would be a blessing. Thanks!

3. I want to be, or know someone else who should be a part of the first S.A. team!

Let me know if you, or someone you know, would be interested in being a member of the first South Africa team! If after viewing this site you feel that you are up for the mission, vision, and adventure of Purely Committed in South Africa please check the box “I want to be a part of the first S.A. team!”, enter your information and I will be in contact with you. Keep in mind I am in desperate need of a team co-leader. Thank you for your interest, I can’t wait to chat, pray hard!

I would also appreciate it if you could inform and encourage other college/post college young adults committed to furthering this message to South Africa Team. Leave their contact info and I’ll get a hold of them. Thanks.

4. I want to be a part of Purely Committed in the US!

Help Purely Committed USA (ex. Coordinating events, administration, and accounting). If you would like to start a Chapter of Purely Committed for the college students in your area please check “I want to be a part of Purely Committed in the US!” and list your information. Purely Committed has the goal of seeing events spread nation wide, and you may be our next team coordinator. Thanks for your interest; I will be in contact with you soon and will get a coordinating guide to you shortly.

5. I Want to Donate Resources

Donate resources (ex. Curriculums, Bibles, books, games, tracks, etc.) Thank you for your willingness to donate books, Bibles, equipment, supplies, curriculums, etc. Your items will be put to good use and are appreciated by us as well as the South Africans. We are grateful for your time and effort. Please check the box “I Want to Donate Resources,” fill out your information on our form and e-mail for current mailing address. Your tax deductible receipt will be sent after we have received your donation.

6. I Want to Donate Monetarily

Your funds will allow us to spread the message of purity and demonstrate Gods love for his people in a tangible, life changing way.Please check the box “I Want to Donate Monetarily,” fill out your information and e-mail for current mailing address. Please write checks to Purely Committed (with US or South Africa in the memo line). Your tax deductible receipt will be sent after we receive your donation. We greatly appreciate your support and encouragement.

7. I want to be in Prayer for Purely Committed.

Please pray for some or all of the requests mentioned above. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

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