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Game Hints

Buried Treasure
Buried Treasure: What You Can Win

Regular spaces

Win nothing
Win Booby Prize
Win 500 neopoints
Win 2,000 neopoints
Winning Spaces

Win one dubloon coin
Win 1,000 neopoints
Win 5,000 neopoints
Win 10,000 neopoints
Win 20,000 neopoints
If you are lucky enough to win the jackpot, oh wow! Congratulations! However for many of us, winning the 20,000 neopoints prize will be more likely.

Cheese Roller Solutions

Cheese Name and Price
Spicy Juppie Cheese - 150np
Smoked Snorkle Cheese - 300np
Triple Mustard Cheese - 450np
Honey Cheese - 600np
Big Beefy Cheese - 750np
Purple Spotted Cheese - 900np
Brain Cheese - 1,050np
Alkenore Cheese - 1,200np
Mutated Cheese - 1,350np
Bubbling Blueberry Cheese - 1,500np
Tyrannian Dung Cheese - 1,650np
Quadruple Fudge Cheese - 1,800np
Brick Cheese - 1950np
Gooey Snot Cheese - 2100np
Peppermint Cheese - 2250np
Overgrown Cheese - 2400np

Cliff Hanger Solutions
Alphabetically Sorted

A buzz will never sting you
A chia who is a mocker dances without a tamborine
A chia who is a mocker dances without a tambourine
A journey of a million miles begins on the marketplace map
A kyrii will get very upset if its hair gets messed up
A miss is as good as a mister
A neopoint saved is a neopoint not enough
A scorchio is a good storyteller if it can make a Skeith listen
A tuskaninny named colin lives on terror mountain
All neopets can find a job at the employment agency
All roads lead to neopia
An air of mystery surrounds the acara
An idle mind is the best way to relax
An iron rod bends while it is hot
Ask a lot of questions but only take what is offered
Asparagus is the food of the gods

Bang and smash your way to the top in the bumper cars game
Become a BattleDome master by training on the Mystery Island
Be nice to Shoyrus or else
Be sure to visit the Neggery for some great magical neggs
Better late than never
Better to be safe than meet up with a monocerous
Bouncing around on its tail the blumaroo is quite happy
Bronto bites are all the rage and they are meaty and very easy to carry
Bruce could talk under wet cement with a mouthful of marbles
Building a neohome is a way to build a foundation for your little pets
By all means make neofriends with peophins but learn to swim first
By all means trust in neopia but tie your camel first

Carrots are so expensive these days
Catch the halter rope and it will lead you to the kau
Chia bombers are mud slinging fools
Chias are loveable little characters who are full of joy
Children should not be seen spanked or grounded
Chombies are shy and eat plants
Chombies hate fungus balls with a passion
Congratulations to everybody who helped defeat the evil monoceraptor
Count Von Roo is one of the nastier denizens of neopia
Cliffhanger is a brilliant game that will make your pet more intelligent

Dirty snow is the best way to make your battledome opponent mad
Do not bathe if there is no water
Do not be greedy and buy every single food item from the shops
Do not be in a hurry to tie what you cannot untie
Do not open a shop if you cannot smile
Do not speak of an elephante if there is no tree nearby
Do not think there are no jetsams if the water is calm
Do not try to talk to a shy peophin
Do not wake the snowager unless you want to be eaten
Doctor Sloth tried to mutate neopets but failed
Dr Death is the keeper of disowned neopets
Dr Frank Sloth is green
Dung furniture stinks like dung

Eat all day at the giant omelette but do not be greedy
Enter the lair of the beast if you dare
Every buzz is a kau in the eyes of its mother
Every neopet should have a job and a corndog
Everyone loves to drink a hot cup of borovan now and then
Experience is the comb that nature gives us when we are bald

Faerie food is food from the heavens
Faerie pancakes go great with crazy crisp tacos
Faerie poachers hang out in Faerieland with their jars wide open
Faerieland is not for pets that are afraid of heights or fluffy clouds
Faeries are quite fond of reading
Faeries bend down their wings to a seeker of knowledge
Flame the Tame is a ferocious feline fireball
Flotsams are no longer limited edition
Fly around the canyons of tyrannia shooting the evil pterodactyls and grarrls
Frolic in the snow of happy valley
Fuzios wear the coolest red shoes

Garon loves an endless challenging maze
Give the wheel of excitement a spin or two or three
Get three times the taste with the triple dog
Grarrg is the tyrannian battle master that takes no slack
Grarrls are ferocious creatures or at least they try to be
Great neopets are not always wise

Happy Gadgadsbogen Day
Have you told your friends about the greatest site on earth
Have you trained your pet for the Battledome

If a pteri and lenny were to race neither would win
If at first you do not succeed play the ice caves puzzle again
If you go too slow try to keep your worms in a tin
If you live with lupes you will learn to howl
If you see a man riding a wooden stick ask him why
If you want to have lots of adventures then adopt a wocky
If your hedge needs trimming call a chomby
If your totem is made of wax do not walk in the sun
It is always better to give than to receive
It makes total sense to have a dung carpet in your dung neohome

Jetsams are the meanest Neopets to ever swim the Neopian sea
Jarbjarb likes to watch the tyrannian sunset while eating a ransaurus steak
Jubjubs defend themselves with their deafening screech

Kacheeks have mastered the art of picking flowers
Kacheekers is a two player game
Kaus love to sing although they only know a single note
Kauvara mixes up potions like no other
Keep your broken toys clean
Keep your pet company with a neopet pet
Kikoughela is a fancy word for cough medicine
Koi invented the robotic fish
Korbats are creatures of the night
Kougras are said to bring very good luck
Krawk have been known to be as strong as full grown neopets
Kyrii take special pride in their fur
Kyruggi is the grand elder in the tyrannian town hall

Let every zafara take care of it's own tail
Listen to your pet or your tongue will keep you deaf
Look out for the moehog transmogrification potion lurking around
Love your neopet but do not hug it too much

Make certain your pet is well equipped before entering the battledome
Magical ice weapons are from the ice cave walls
Maybe the missing link is really missing
Meercas are talented pranksters that take pride in their tails
Meercas are to blame for all the stolen fuzzles
Meercas despise red neggs
Mika and Carassa Want You To Buy Their Junk
Mister pickles has a terrible tigersquash habit
Moogi is a true poogle racer
Most Wild Kikos Swim in Kiko Lake
Mr black makes the best shopkeeper
Myncies come from large families and eat their dinner up in the trees
Myncies love to hug their plushies and eat sap on a stick

Never underestimate the power of streaky bacon
Neopets battledome is not for the weak or sensitive
Neopian inflation is a fact of life
Nimmos are very spiritual beings
No news is impossible
Number six is on the run

Oh where is the tooth faerie when you need her
Only ask of the Queen Faerie what you really need
Only mad gelerts and englishmen go out in the noonday sun
Only real card sharks play cheat

Pet rocks make the most playful of petpets
Please wipe your feet before you enter the Scorchio den
Plesio is the captain of the tyrannian sea division
Put all of your neopoints on poogle number two
Poogle five is very chubby but is lightning quick
Poogle number five always wins unless he trips over a hurdle
Poogles have extremely sharp teeth and they are cuddly
Poogles look the best in frozen collars

Quiggles spend all day splashing around in the pool at the neolodge


Scorchios like hot places
Scratch my back and i will scratch yours
Skeiths are strong but very lazy
Snowbeasts love to attack grundos with mud snowballs
Some neggs will bring you big disappointment
Some neggs will bring you big neopoints
Some neohomes are made with mud and dung and straw
Space slushies are just the thing on a cold winter day
Sticks n stones are like the greatest band ever
Stego is a baby stegosaurus that all neopets love
Store all of your Neopian trading cards in your neodeck
Super Glue is forever

Take your pet to tyrammet for a fabulous time
Terror Mountain is home to the infamous Ski Lodge
The advent calendar is only open in december
The Alien Aisha Vending Machine serves great good
The barking of Lupes does not hurt the clouds
The battledome is near but the way is icy
The beader has a beaming smile
The beast that lives in the tyrannian mountains
welcomes all visitors with a sharp smile
The best thing to spend on your neopet is time
The big spender is an international jet setter
The Bruce is from Snowy Valley High School
The bluna was first sighted under the ice caps of tyrannia
The Cybunny is the fastest neopet ever
The Grarrl will roar and ten eggs will hatch into baby grarrls
The healing springs mends your wounds after battle
The hidden tower is for big spenders only
The lair of the beast is cold and dark inside
The library faerie tends to the crossword puzzle
The kindhearted faerie queen rules faerieland with a big smile
The meat of a sporkle is bitter and inedible
The meerca is super fast making it difficult to catch
The Neopedia is a good place to start your Neopian Adventures
The Neopian Hospital will help get your pet on the road to recovery
The pen is mightier than the pencil
The pound is not the place to keep streaky bacon
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The Snow Faerie Quest is for those that can brave the cold
The Snowager sleeps most of its life
The sunken city of Maraqua has some great hidden treasures
The tatsu population was almost reduced to extinction
The techo is a tree acrobat
The tyrannian jungle is full of thick muddle and mash
The tyrannian volcano is the hottest place in neopia
The wheel of mediocrity is officially the most second rate game around
The whisper of an acara can be heard farther than the roar of a wocky
The wise aisha has long ears and a short tongue
There is nothing like a tall glass of slime potion
There is only one ryshu and there is only one techo master
To know and to act are one and the same
Today is your lucky day
Tornado rings and cement mixers are unstoppable
Treat your usul well and it will be useful
Tyrannia is the prehistoric kingdom miles beneath the surface of neopia
Tyrannians will eat everything and anything

Uggaroo follows footsteps to find food for his family
Uggaroo gets tricky with his coconut shells
Uggsul invites you to play a game or two of tyranu evavu
Under a tattered cloak you will generally find doctor sloth
Unis just love looking at their reflection


We never know the worth of items till the wishing well is dry

Whack a beast and win some major points
When an Elephante is in trouble even a Nimmo will kick him
When eating a radioactive negg remember the pet who planted it
When friends ask about the battledome say there is no tomorrow
When the blind lead the blind get out of the way
When there is smoke there is pollution
Why beg for stuff when you can make money at the wheel of excitement
With the right training Tuskaninnies can become quite fearsome fighters


Yes boy ice cream sell out all of their shows
You can lead a kau to water but you cannot make it drink
You cannot teach an old grarrl mathematics
You cannot wake a Bruce who is pretending to be asleep
You know the soup kitchen is a great place to go
You know you can create a free homepage for your pet
You know you should never talk to Bruce even when his mouth is full
You probably do not want to know what that odor is
You really have to be well trained if you want to own a wild reptillior
You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on
You should try to raise your hit points
Your neopet will need a mint after eating a chili cheese dog with onions
Your pet deserves a nice stay at the neolodge


Deck Swabber Solutions

Stage 1: make all squares yellow
Level 1: 64 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 2: 60 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 3: 60 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 4: 48 squares

8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1

Level 5: 52 squares

7 , 8-10 ,11,12,13,14,15-17,18
6 , 9 ,##,55,54,##, 26 ,19
5 , ### ,##,56,53,##, ### ,20
4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ,52,51, 50 ,21
39, 40 ,41,42,47,48, 49 ,22
38, ## ,##,43,46,##,#####,23
37, 34 ,##,44,43,##, 27 ,24
36,35-33,32,31,30,29, 28-26,27

Stage 2: make all squares yellow BUT if you step on a square that is already yellow it will turn brown
Level 1: 64 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 2: 60 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 3: 60 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 4: 48 squares

8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1

Level 5: 52 squares ( you'll have to be careful on this level by avoiding the enemy because you have to jump into the squares with water in it)

7 , 8 ,11,12,13,14,15,16
6 , 9 ,10,55,56,##,18,17
5 ,##,##,54,53,##,19,20
4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ,32,31,30,21

Haunted House Solution

1) Continue down the road
2) Stay in the car
3) Run from the car in terror
4) Continue along the path, avoiding the old houses
5) Keep asking questions
6) Head up to the house to look for the woman's baby
7) Investigate the noise in the bushes
8) Descend the steps into the dark cellar
9) Try to break down the boards
10) Read the book on history
11) Run back up the stairs
12) Continue along the corridor
13) Continue
14) Shine your torch in his face
15) Run down the right corridor
16) You have successfully passed!

Pick Your Own Prizes

Berry Prizes
Blue Bomberry
Nutritional Blockberry
Purple Felberry
Red Chiaberry
Super Juicy Berry
Tyrannian Rockberries

Booby Prizes
Bit of Barbed Wire
Half Eaten Berry
Old Boot
Piece of Wool
Pile of Dung
Rotten Berry

I'm getting tired of putting stuff in here lol. I'll come back in a little bit to add the rest.
