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Bridesmaids Blog
Tuesday, 13 July 2004
I am so frustrated with this wedding planner I downloaded online that I have decided that I will make my own. So that should be something to occupy a couple days at work. Max has the conference coming up very soon, and so he is working hard and late and early, which also means he is grumpy and stressed. Which translates to me being grumpy and stressed also , and 2 grumpy stressed people don't get along very well at times. And of course there is also the fact that i am not going to the conference with him. So i will be on my own in the house for a week or so. Man i know i am going to have trouble sleeping. I dont think there has been a more than 1 night apart in over 2 years. So i will miss him horribly. but i cant help thinking after "hell week" it will be a nice vacation from it. But then he gets back and we get to go on vacation yea~~~~~ I still dont know what we are doing. i think we might end up going to Hershey Park and then maybe up to Michelle's (Max's sister). Well thats about all i got the energy for right now.

Posted by dc2/stars at 8:54 AM EDT
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Monday, 12 July 2004
I found a Picture OH MY!!!
I have been looking for a picture of my dress all morning. I finally found it. Its not the greatest pic in the world but hey... I will post the picture sometime to day somewhere. Other than that not too much is going on. The weekend went by way too fast. We went to Micheal's and looked around didnt really fine much but possible bowls for the centerpieces. I need to find a place that sells mirror that can go under the centerpeices. We have also decided that we will put squishy in the bowl on the head table so that he can be a part of the party also. I know how stupid but he is part of our family and we love him and talk to him way too much. Ha. Maybe i will post later. lots on my mind. I am gonna go play some spider solitare now ...see ya

Posted by dc2/stars at 12:25 PM EDT
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Friday, 9 July 2004
Now that thats out of the way we can move on.
Alrighty. so this is where i am going to do my bitchin and moaning and all that other good stuff about the wedding. So far i have gotten some stuff done.
1) i have reserved and put a deposit down on the ceremony and reception halls. (including foo)
2) we have choosen a date (May 28th, 2005), theme (wish upon a star...) and colors (silver and shades of blue)
3) I have chosen and bought my dress. I love David's Bridal. I have no shame in saying that my dress is gorgeous and i got it on Sale.
4) I have gotten most of my accesories. including my cathederal train to dress up my dress, my shoes, my necklace, earings, and slip.
5) the DJ, Bakers and florist have all been contacted and appointments will follow.

so now with the stuff that has been floating in my head:

1) the favors-
>we want personalized m&m's in treasure chest boxes with our names inscribed on them. i will put up a picture of that on the bridesmaids page.
>we also want to do personalized CD's with a compilation of our favorite songs. which means i have to come up with 6-10 of my favorite songs appropriate enough for my grandmother to listen to, we will also be custom labeling the cds and creating a custom insert for the cover. (max will probably be doing most of that but its still floating in my head.
2) the centerpieces- We have decided on these finally. We will be using a large tubular vase of some sort, lining the bottom with sparkly blue marbles, filling with water, inserting some kind of small fish (which is another thing to decide on) and topping it off with a floating candle of some type.
3) all of the dances and what songs we could play for them (mother/son dance, father/daughter dance, ect.)
thats all i got on my mind.

Posted by dc2/stars at 2:42 PM EDT
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First Entry
Hewo. Okay first of all if you dont know me go to my wedding site:
If you are a bridesmaid and you are reading this then you have already been to my bridesmaid site:

Posted by dc2/stars at 2:04 PM EDT
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