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Welcome to My Poetry Corner

Here are some of my Favorite poems: (The first ones are mine, the middle are my fav's and the bottom is ones submitted by friends...)

This is ME
Close your eyes and fade away
Dreams both dark and light
Open wide, no need to hide
In awe of the glorious sight
I feel free, soft blue sky
My soul has wings, lifts up high
Soar away, my heart flies
The Strength of Tiger
A Butterfly-so delicate, so intracte
The pure peace of a morning sky
My heart beats fast
I can't hold still
My whole soul, Peace and Joy fills
My heart, the ocean waves beating the shore
This is me, This is now, This is me
-Jennifer Fishter (everyday ;))

Today 10/03
Today has been so busy, Lord
I’m too stressed to hear your word
I can’t seem to find my focus, why?
Running, the minutes are passing me by
Trees gently rustle as I walk past
I’ve no time to feel my toes on the grass
So many simple pleasure, Lord
But I go for ones I can’t afford
I take for granted things you give
Like creation, time, the life that I live
at the end of this crazy day
I find peace in my time to pray
I’m sorry for the times today
I let you down in any way
I keep holdin on to things I know
I really need to just let go
all I need, just love me Lord
tomorrow is another day
and this time I wanna live your way
today, lord, I fell again
I walked by and didn’t help a friend
I got so caught up in things so small
Like my lost car keys, a busy mall
The windows down, wind in my hair
I speed on with many cares
I take a moment and I pray
I want to live for you today
Take sometime, make someone smile
Give a hug, and stay a while
I only have one life to live
I only have one heart to give
I sigh as I fall on my bed
And relive my day inside my head
I’m sorry for the times today
I let you down in any way
I keep holdin on to things I know
I really need to just let go
all I need, just love me Lord
tomorrow is another day
and this time I wanna live your way
-Jennifer Fishter (2003)

Be True
Greater then the mighty sea
Is the love He gives to me
Held in His Love I gently cry
To think He died for such as I
I’ve made so many mistakes
But still He forgives me
And yet again I run away
Help me be True
Help me run to you
I want to give my all to you Jesus
I want to be held close to you
Help me to stay
Not to run away
In all that I do I ask you, Lord
Help me be True
As I rest and Close my eyes
A hundred thoughts pass me by
The pain and worries of this world
Enough to bring a tear to my eye
You dry my tears
As you hold me near
And wrapped up in your love
My heart cries out to you
Help me be True
Help me run to you
I want to give my all to you Jesus
I want to be held close to you
Help me to stay
Not to run away
In all that I do I ask you, Lord
Help me be True
I lie in this quiet place
Surrounded by your amazing grace
After all that I’ve done
Your loves so strong
I’m so amazed
Help me be True
Help me run to you
I want to give my all to you Jesus
I want to be held close to you
Help me to stay
Not to run away
In all that I do I ask you, Lord
Help me be True
-Jennifer Fisther (2003)

With age comes wisdom 3/02
Things that were once misunderstood
Now lie merely confused
Drama’s, so major, back in the day
Are petty compared to my prayers today
I’ve struggled, will struggle & do struggle still
I wrestle with things and I always will
-with age comes wisdom and I’m rather dumb
I’ve learned a lot, yet I am still young
Lord help me be wise in the choices I make
As I grow, teach me from my mistakes
help me be strong with a foundation firm
and serve you my best with my time on this earth
Am I a grownup? Or playing pretend?
Well, aren’t we all, in the end.
I want to know! And yet I don’t
Though somethings I’ll do, other’s I wont
I’m happy yet saddened by some things to come
I know I’ll be stronger when they are done
I’m still learning, though sometimes I teach
I wish I would practice that which I preach..
with age comes wisdom and I’m rather dumb
I’ve learned a lot, yet I am still young
Lord help me be wise in the choices I make
As I grow, teach me from my mistakes
-help me be strong with a foundation firm
and serve you my best with my time on this earth

-Jennifer Fisther (2002)

Too short 1/99
life is too short, and love to long
to soon it’s over, my dear friend is gone
sorrow is such a lonely song
Why’ld you leave me?
Forever gone
But not a tear shall wet my eye
For I know you’ve gone to heaven’s sky
Praising God, your voice lifted high
My dear friend
Forever gone
For, you are the lucky one
Already alive in heaven’s fun
Humbly before God’s only son
My friend
forever alive
My dear friend
Forever alive
-Jennifer Fisther (1999)

Much Madness is Divinest Sense (don't think to hard about this one)
Much Madness is divinest Sense--
To a discerning Eye--
Much Sense--the starkest Madness--
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail--
Assent--and you are sane--
Demur--you're straightway dangerous--
And handled with a Chain--
-Emily Dickenson (1862)

Holding Hands (haha, i love Silverstein)
Somebody said, "Let’s all hold hands,"
So Lee held hands with Jean.
And Jean also held Helen’s hand
While she held hands with Dean.
Dean’s other hand held Sharma Joy’s
While she held hands with Lee.
So tell me just how did I wind up
Holdin’ hands with me?
-Shel Silverstein

The Tyger (this one won't be everyone's cup-o-tea...i just like it cause i LOVE tigers)
Tyger! Tyger! burning Bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry!

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, and what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dar frame thy fearful symmetry?
-William Blake (1974)

Hug O' War (My PoEm!)
I will not play at tug o’ war.
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
-Shel Silverstein

Problems With Hurricanes (This one is GrEaT :o)
A camesino looked at the air
And told me:
With hurricanes its not the wind
or noise or the water.
I'll tell you he said:
it's the mangoes, avacados
Green plantains and bananas
flying into town like projectiles.

How would your family
feel if they had to tell
The generations that you
got killed by a flying

Death by drowning has honor
If the wind picked you up
and slammed you
Against a mountain boulder
This would not carry shame
to suffer a mango smashing
Your skull
or a plantain hitting your
Temple at 70 miles per hour
is the ultimate disgrace.
The campesino takes off his hat--
As a sign of respect
toward the furry of the wind
And says:
Don't worry about the noise
Don't worry about the water
Don't worry about the wind--
If you are going out
beware of mangoes
And all such beautiful
sweet things.
-Victor Cruz (1989)

I get kissed by the sun each morning
Put my feet on a hardwood floor
I get to hear my children laughing
Down the hall through the bedroom door
Sometimes I sit on my front porch swing
Just soaking up the day
I think to myself, I think to myself
This world is a beautiful place

I have been blessed
And I feel like I've found my way
I thank God for all I've been given
At the end of every day
I have been blessed
With so much more than I deserve
To be here with the ones that love me
To love them so much it hurts
I have been blessed

Across a crowded room
I know you know what I'm thinking
By the way I look at you
And when we're lying in the quiet
And no words have to be said
I think to myself, I think to myself
This love is a beautiful gift

I have been blessed
And I feel like I've found my way
I thank God for all I've been given
At the end of every day
I have been blessed
With so much more than I deserve
To be here with the ones that love me
To love them so much it hurts
I have been blessed

When I'm singing my kids to sleep
When I feel you holding me
I know

I have been blessed
And I feel like I've found my way
I thank God for all I've been given
At the end of every day
I have been blessed
With so much more than I deserve
To be here with the ones that love me
To love them so much it hurts
I have been blessed
-Martina McBride Song (i dunno who wrote it)

Here are some poems submited to this page, enjoy :o)...

Colors of my mind

Fushia, teal, burnt orange and purple
Swirling in a slash of strokes;
Combining, colliding, separating,
Ever-changing, fading, deepening,
Crimson, ecru, golden brown,
Streaking, winding, pulsating,
Converging, splashing, seeping down..
Filling all the nooks and crannies
Of my mind.
--Queen B.

If you have a nice CLEAN poem you'ld like to submit for me to consider adding to my page send it to me here

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