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New Yearīs Eve 1999 - New Year 2000

The party for the turn of the year.

(this comment will be translated later - to get the original version go to the german site)

Martina with the last preparations ... and a little sleep befor it starts ;-)

the big banquet can start ...

... we still arenīt complete, thatīs why it tastes much better ;-)

Christian, have a look on your girlfriend. Donīt eat greedily!

Donīt be surpised: I also can cook on the table.

a moment please ... ______________________ Iīve to smarten myself up.

Please ? ______________________________ No! Sorry, thatīs my kitchen!

mmmmm, it tastes wonderful

The panel of experts discusses the global situation ...

the absolute last preparation for the big bang

have your eyes fixed on:
to be continued ...

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