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You awake from a deep slumber. As you slowly sit up rubbing your eyes in pain from opening them for not of a long time. You stand from which you once laid stretching your legs and arms as they crackle and pop. You then look down from whence you once laid and notice that it is that of a hole within a trunk of a black tree. The bark of the tree is black as if it had no soul, as black as the night. Looking upward as you stretch you notice the sky is that of blackness as the tree, without stars, clouds or a moon. Wondering as your eyes adjust to the darkness that surrounds you: "Where the hell am I?" You then notice a faint trail below your feat that leads throughout the trees. Walking along the path with caution you hear that of twigs breaking under your feet with every step. The path leads you to a hill to which you stop and stare at. For the trees upon the hill are not reaching towards the sky as the others are, but grew straight out from the ground. Yet as the seem to reach out towards you, you notice that they do not seem to of been pushed over, but actually grew that way by nature. You slowly make your way up the hill around the trees that seem to confuse you. As you reach the top of the hill fear seems to strike you as lighting from above. Looking about the valley before you, you seem to fear for your life as the sight of the many Dark Trees you see before you. You then notice that the leafs of the tree are as black as the trunks, and yet you knew not of that until now, as if you never noticed. You then see a small stump just a few feet from you. Making your way to the stump you sit upon it in fear who knows what. Relaxing your legs from the long walk which has lead you here, you try to clear your head from the fear that has over taken you. As start to calm down you look upon the darkness that is below your feet. Looking upon it in confusion you reach for it. Your hand seems to slid through the ground with little force as you take a handful of the earth. Noticing how the odd earth seems to slide throughout your fingers you then know it is sand. Standing up and throwing the sand to the ground in disgust pain shots throughout your head. The pain causes you to fall to the ground from the lack of strength in you legs as the pain starts to grow. Gripping your head to stop the pain, it seems to grow stronger as if a hammer is hitting your head. Slowly you fall into a slumber as it engulfs you.
