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Awake Again

Awake Again

You once again awake from a small slumber of 3 hours or so. You stand and notice you were lying upon the ground of sand. Shaking your head to get the sand out of your head, you glance about the place where you stand. Fear starts to arise within your body as you look around the place. You then put the fear in the back of your head, trying to fight it. You then start to walk down the slope with caution. Glancing here and there as you walk, you stop dead in your tracks. Noticing that of a Shelepaord your eyes widen. Staring at the Sheleopard that is light and very nimble which is covered with a spotted coat. I voice then echoes throughout your head as you stare upon the odd beast: "She is the type of the temptations of the flesh. FEAR HER!!!" You shake your head and try to focus what is ahead of you. You notice that she has not noticed you, nor has she withdrawn from your sight or the path. So you decide to turn around and travel the other way. As you start to walk away you then notice that if a lion before you. Not only a lion but also then a Shewolf walk next to the lion and they both stares you down with hunger within their eyes. The Lion looked to be a lion of pride, with its head held high. You start to walk backwards as the fear starts to rise within your head and body. Not noticing where you were going, you lose your stepping and fall. You seem to roll for hours as you roll down the hillside into the valley. Reaching the bottom you look from where you fell and notice all the trees, and yet you hit not one of them. As you stand up and brush your self off, you notice a tall man before you. Out of now where you scream: "Have pity on me!" He then answers you in a calm voice: " For I am Virgil, and I shall guide thee into the eternal world." Looking at him oddly from his steadiness within this odd world you answer: "Virgil? Ok, I guess I'll fallow you then." He then starts to walk away on a path that you have never seen before. So you start to walk along the path behind Virgil untill you walk about 3 miles. You notice a large dark hillside. Looking up the hillside you notice a magnanimous one in front of you. It is that of a female. A female that beauty astounds you as she speaks among you: "One need be afraid only those things that have power to do one harm, of others not, for they are not fearful. I am made by god, thanks be to him, such that your misery touches me not, nor dost the flame of this burning assail me. My name is that of Beatrice. I shall send thee to thy biding." Virgil then speak back to her: "To the gates of hell, M'lady." She then fades from your sight. As she does you hear her voice once again: "As you wish, travel along this path of which thy are on, to the top thy must go, and there thy shall find thy wish. Farewell mortals, we shall met once again." She is then no more within your sight, as her voice is too. Virgil then starts up the path. You fallow behind him as he walks ahead of you. Stopping before the cave that the lady was talking about you read the writing on top of the cave......................

