Avaricious & The Prodigal
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Avaricious & The Prodigal

As you look about the place where you stand you notice that of many more people then you have seen in once before. They struck against each other and then there each wheeled round, rolling back crying: "Why holdest thou?!" and "Why flingest thou away?!" You then turn to Virgil and ask: "And who might these people be?" He replies: "Each and all of these were so asquinted in mind in the first life that they made no spending in it with due measures. Clearly enough thier voices bays it forth, when they come to the two points of the circle where the contrary fault divides them. These were the clerks who have no hairy coverings on their heads, and popes and cardinals in whom avarice practices its excess." You nod your head to him as if you understood what he had just spoken to you, and yet it was almost all Greek to you. You then continue along the path to a bank. The bank is above a fount that bubbles up and pours out through a trench, which proceeds from it. You then notice that the water is far darker then perse. You also notice a stream, which flows down gray slopes into a marsh. Virgil then speaks: "Styx.....Is that of this marsh." As he says this to you, you are glancing about the marsh. Seeing muddy people within the marsh, all naked and with looks of hurt. They were smiting each other, not with hand only, but with head, chest, and feet, mangling one another piecemeal with their teeth. "Now thou seest the souls of those whom anger overcame, and also I will that thou believe for certain that under the water are folk who sigh, and make this water bubble at the surface, as thine eyes tell thee wherever they turn. Fixed in the slime they say 'Sullen were in the sweet air that is gladdened by the sun, bearing within ourselves the sluggish fume; now we are sullen in the black mire.' This hymn they gurgle in there throats, for they cannot speak within entire words." Virgil says as you walk towards the Styx.
