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Dee Dee's Art


Welcome, to my world of characters & art. All artwork on this page are my ® creations, unless otherwise stated. This page is dedicated to all who have given me so much encouragement,.. My wonderful Mom & Dad, My soul brother David, and best friend Lisa, ,.. and to all my awesome co-workers in the Everglade's National Park!  when I worked there.


** If you wish to use ANY of this work,.. you MUST link to this page. thank you.**

If you feel like sketching,.. GO FOR IT!!

Many of my characters were made in this way. This is a simple note paper that became my sketch book,..

Older art using Pencil or Markers

Jeannia Theo Nightsong

Pencil Line Drawings

Danial Teashia


Creestel Drizzt
This is my version of
a character in a large
series of fantastic
fanasty Novels by
R.A. Salvitor.

Newer work colorized with computer art program

Ariana Kreel Viyia


Josh Eilistraee Lolth

Even Newer!

Chreestel in color! Gregg & Amber Maria Maria close up


Can I Keep her? This is unfinished still, but I had to show it! Shimmer Shinayne Shinayne close up


Teashia in color!

Older work, Mystical Creatures

Twilight Tiffon Sugar Amber & Smokey


Dragon Shirt Invatation

Fan art by me

Capt. Harlock & Startfire
This is my character Starfire,
and Capt. Harlock who
is not one of my characters.
The original creator
and artist is
Leiji Matsumoto.
Capt. Harlock.
The original creator
and artist is
Leiji Matsumoto.


Ducks Pronghorn

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If you like what you see and would like to see more,
please check out my Elfwood art page for more!

Dee Dee's Elfwood art page


My Other Links

*** Page Music ***

Pages and web sites made by Myself, ... Dee Dee! (Dimagi)

My tribute to the USA

These are mostly links to theme sites!

Dee Dee's personal page

(Get to know me.)

Links (... to all my pages)

*I have over 40!

Shark Valley, Everglades National Park

*I'm lucky enough to work there!*


*Add a laugh to your day*


(Japanese animation)

*Art Gallery*

Realm of Fantasy

Mythical Creatures

*Art Gallery*

City of Moonblade

Visit a Mythical City

(This is a role-playing guild I created

based on my unpublished Novel)


Temple of Moonblade (My Master home page)

