Welcome to Moonblade's Anime World
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Welcome to Moonblade's
Anime World

Welcome to the wonderful world of Japanimation,(anime)

So what is so beautiful about anime...? True anime is so much more than a simple cartoon,.. It is what art is all about,.. this type of animation is so full of feelings and emotions. These beautiful works of art can bring you fully into their world. You can't help but to cheer on the heros or hate the bad guys!!
As a form of art,.. remember that in each scene that you see, there are thousands of picture cells making the movements,.. and as you take a good look at these following anime pictures,.. you must realize the magnificent work that was put into each one of these beautiful anime cells, then carefully placing them together to make these wonderful movies we lovingly call Japanimation, or anime!!

The Heroic Legend of Arislan

To Arislan's page

Ah! My Goddess

To My Goddess page

Harlock and the Queen of Millennia

To Harlock's page

Record of Lodoss War

To Lodoss page

Sailor Moon

To SailorMoon page

Other Sites of Moonblade

*** Page Music ***

Our tribute to the USA

These are mostly links to theme sites!

Links (... to all my pages)

*I have over 40!

Dee Dee's Art

(Art by CoMB's Artist Dimagi)

*Art Gallery*

Realm of Fantasy

Mythical Creatures

*Art Gallery*

City of Moonblade

Visit a Mythical City

(This is a role-playing guild I created

based on my unpublished Novel)


Temple of Moonblade (My Master home page)


Email: Dimagi1@aol.com

Thank you for your visit!