Moonblade's Temple of Beauty and Song
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Moonblade's Temple
Beauty and Song

Welcome, please make yourself comfortable, sit by the fire, and enjoy our gifts to you. These, our gifts, are of music and things of great beauty. In our eyes, there are many different types of beauty,....... For it can make your eyes tear with it's wondrous grace,....
or it can make one's heart sing strong with joy, and laughter,.... yes,....even laughter is beautiful,..... making one forget the troubles of the day,....and sometimes, can be reborn happy memories.....So come now, and take rest with us, and take pleasure in our gifts to you,.............

(Due to the outstanding requests for the music on our pages, from now on, if you see the symble below, right click on the symble if you want the music.)
Thanks for stopping by.

*** Page Music ***

Our Gifts to you!

Our tribute to the USA

Below, are master links to theme sites, so please enjoy!

Links (To ALL our pages)
Everglades National Park Info & Photos!
Realms of Fantasy

Beauty of the Ocean
Laughter, let us put a smile on your face!
Moonblade's Anime page
The City of Moonblade (The Role Playing City (Guild/Forum))
Poetry (A smile and a tear)
Who am I?...(Dee Dee, the auther)

Thank you for your visit,... Please come again,...(We're always adding new stuff!) Please have a wonderful LIFE!!

Our Coming Gifts to You,...
  • Animations,...(Disney, and other fine work)
  • Butterfly World Photo Gallery
  • Recipes,...(Oh,... soooo tasty

Our Favorite Links,...(Not our own)

Fantasy Realms,...(Fantastic artworks of fantasy, mermaids, dragons, animation, and lots more!)
Kenny & Ruth's Artwork Pages,...(Fantastic links to a lot of beautiful stuff)
The Rose,...(A very lovely set of romantic links)
Free Form Fantasy Role Playing (learn the basics of AOL Role Playing)
STAR WARS EPISODE I - THE MUSIC (Here's a grand page for all you Star Wars Phantom Menace fans out there!)
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

Please sign our guest book!

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Guestbook by GuestWorld

Write us!!
And just say hi,... or share ideas or info!!


If you wish to link to us, we'd be very honored! and if so, try one of our banners if you like.



Thank you again for your visit. Please come again.

Our tribute to the USA