Ships in Port 1881 - Cheshire	


Vessel:	"Isaac Reed"
	              Marr	Age	Sex	Birthplace
E. C. COLLEY	        M	28 	M	United States	                Master
L. S. COLLEY	        U	21 	M	United States	                1st Mate
J. MC KENNA	        M	40 	M	Nova Scotia	                Carpenter
W. H. WASHINGTON	U	45 	M	United States	                Cook
Fred LAWRENCE	        M	50 	M	Germany 	                A B Seaman
Anton THOMAS	        U	35 	M	Chile     	                A B Seaman
P. J. MC GREGORY	M	57 	M	Nat B S, Ireland                Watchman
Emma B. COLLEY	        M	27 	F	United States            	Masters Wife

Vessel:	"Fanny Tucker"
John CARLSON     	U	35 	M	New York N Y, United States	Mate
George WELSH     	U	28 	M	... Trewidland           	Carpenter
Joseph ROBERTS    	U	23 	M	Boston Mass, United States	Seaman (Passenger)
John KING       	U	25 	M	...kirk, Ireland        	Watchman Dock

Vessel:	"Korsvei"
Ole Rudolf OLSEN	U	28 	M	Eidsvold, Norway	        Master
Gunder JAKOBSEN   	M	30 	M	Porsgrund, Norway       	Mate
Samuel HOFF	        M	40 	M	Jonsberg, Norway         	2nd Mate
Olaf LARSEN	        M	37 	M	Lauervig, Norway        	A B Seaman
Karl ANDERSEN	        U	29 	M	Lauervig, Norway	        A B Seaman
Petter FREDLUND 	M	38 	M	Brevig, Norway            	A B Seaman
Marthin SYVERSEN	U	31 	M	Lillisand, Norway        	A B Seaman
Lars ANDERSEN	        M	33 	M	Brevig, Norway             	A B Seaman
Sigfrid HANSEN	        M	30 	M	Porsgrund, Norway        	Steward

Vessel:	"Sesh Dubrovachi"
Biagio TASSICK    	U	32 	M	At Ragusa, Austria         	Captain
Giovanni SPIRUH 	U	25 	M	At Ragusa, Austria      	Mate
Antonio FLUKOVICH	U	37 	M	At Ragusa, Austria       	2nd Mate
Nicola VRANICH	        U	33 	M	At Finani, Austria	        Carpenter
Antonio PRIVILEGGI	U	38 	M	At Tistria, Austria         	Cook
Bodinovich GEORGID	U	30 	M	Putt..., Austria         	A B Seaman
Paolo RABASSON	        U	31 	M	Chiacchello, Austria      	A B Seaman
Pietri ROCCHO	        M	39 	M	Istria, Austria          	A B Seaman
Berdardi SABLICK	U	42 	M	Finani, Austria            	A B Seaman
Marco SARCIEN	        U	31 	M	Ragusa, Austria           	A B Seaman
Mario MARTINERICH	U	27 	M	Fiori, Austria              	A B Seaman
Drago RADOVICH	        U	25 	M	Cattorsa, Austria               A B Seaman
Giorgio ZARAK	        U	19 	M	Erhgerrin, Austria        	A B Seaman
Radolfo KRAMER	        U	18 	M	Ragusa, Austria          	O Seaman
Nicolo MISSICH	        U	17 	M	Furrie, Austria 	        Cabin Boy

Vessel:	"Scott"
J. JOHANNESEN	        M	39 	M	Arendel, Norway 	        Master
J.A. HALVORSEN    	U	27 	M	Langestund, Norway              Mate
L. JENSEN          	M	38 	M	Arendel, Norway 	        Carpainter
P. OLSEN	        U	26 	M	Helsingberg, Sweden	        Steward
R. LUNDMARK	        U	22 	M	Vasa Finland, Russia	        A B Seaman
C. AGREN	        U	24 	M	Vasa Finland, Russia	        A B Seaman
J. PETTERSIN      	U	21 	M	Brageroi, Norway	        O S Seaman
Anders BLOIMGVIST	U	24 	M	Finland, Russia 	        O S Seaman
J. EVANS	        U	20 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire     	Boy

Vessel:	"Manila"
D. Facundo VENA 	M	43 	M	Spain                           Capitano
D. Balbino SOTO 	U	34 	M	Spain          	                1st Oficial
D. Luis MARTINEZ	M	20 	M	Isla Ete, Cuba    	        2nd Oficial
D. Juan MENENDEZ	U	21 	M	Spain     	                3rd Oficial
D. Jose GONZALEZ	M	38 	M	Spain      	                Tobrecargo
D. John DEIGHTON	M	39 	M	Inglaterra, Scotland	        1st Miaquinista
D. Charles BURBAYNE	U	40 	M	Inglaterra, Scotland	        2nd Miaquinista
D. Pedro MARTINEZ	M	45 	M	Spain           	        Carpintero
D. Adolfo MOLINA	U	32 	M	Spain	                        Practicante
D. Valentin BARTINREU	M	34 	M	Spain                     	Cocinero
D. Manuel MECINA	M	37 	M	Spain                    	1st Contramaestre
D. Guinersindo MENDEZ	M	32 	M	Spain                    	2nd Contramaestre
Juan F. REINIOZ 	M	34 	M	Spain                           Marinero
Jose' Anto. CORTA	M	20 	M	Spain                    	Marinero
Juaquin GOYA	        M	29 	M	Spain	                        Marinero
Gabriel PAZ	        M	44 	M	Spain                     	Marinero
E.Meterio OINA	        M	25 	M	Spain                    	Marinero
Anto ASCINSA	        U	27 	M	Spain                    	Marinero
Jose BRESTI	        U	23 	M	Spain                   	Marinero
Anto GAMERA	        U	31 	M	Spain                    	Marinero
Martin FARSA	        M	20 	M	Spain                    	Marinero
Eleodoro ANAVITARTE	U	35 	M	Spain                   	Marinero
Manuel SANPEDRO 	M	36 	M	Spain	                        Marinero
Anto CALOPA	        U	27 	M	Spain                    	Marinero
Esteban MARTINEZ	U	29 	M	Spain                    	Marinero
Andres GONZALEZ 	U	25 	M	Spain                     	Grumete
Jose SANTOS	        U	25 	M	Spain                    	Grumete
Jose DUQUE	        M	40 	M	Spain                    	Mayordomo
Emilio ARCAS	        M	27 	M	Spain                           Gambucero
Pedro MENDIOLA	        U	16 	M	Spain                    	Camarero
Eugenio URIBE	        U	20 	M	Spain                   	Camarero
Gregorio NARBAYRE	U	18 	M	Spain                     	Camarero
Isabelo ZEJADO  	U	18 	M	Philippines             	Camarero
Pedro BILBAO	        U	18 	M	Spain                     	Camarero
Francisco MEAZA 	M	25 	M	Spain                   	Camarero
Manuel GUISADO    	M	35 	M	Spain                    	Engrasador
Anto BRACHA	        M	34 	M	Spain                    	Calderero
Serafin BALAO	        U	30 	M	Spain                   	Fogonero
Anto VARQUEZ	        U	28 	M	Spain                   	Fogonero
Manuel SOTELO	        M	33 	M	Spain	                        Fogonero
Jose J. CHATTA    	U	28 	M	Spain                    	Palero
Anto SOTO	        M	30 	M	Spain                   	Palero
Fernando OTERO    	M	32 	M	Spain	                        Palero
Macsimino SANTAMARINE	W	30 	M	Spain                    	Nautico
Zoilo FEINO	        U	25 	M	Spain                    	Nautico

Vessel:	"Guiona"
John TEMPLE       	M	42 	M	Workington, Cumberland, England	Master
Annie TEMPLE      	M	36 	F	Quebec, Canada           	Masters Wife
Leonard Bayne TEMPLE	U	5 	M	Newport, Monmouth, England	Masters Child
Annie Winifred T. TEMPLE 	3 m	F	Seaton, Cumberland, England	Masters Child

Vessel:	"Henriette"
Christen Neilsen BULL	M	45 	M	Tonsberg, Norway	        Master
Nils Severin OLUFSEN	M	27 	M	Tonsberg, Norway	        1st Mate
Axel Christoffer LAMPE	U	31 	M	Tonsberg, Norway	        2nd Mate
Erik GUNDERSEN    	M	38 	M	Tonsberg, Norway	        Carpenter
Nils Nicolai NELSEN	M	39 	M	Tonsberg, Norway	        Boatswain
Jacob Asker RASMUSEN	M	32 	M	Tonsberg, Norway	        Cook & Steward
Johan Frederik JOHANSEN	U	35 	M	Stromstad, Sweden	        A B Seaman
Hans Christian ALEXANDERSEN U	19 	M	Tonsberg, Norway	        A B Seaman
Erik Peter ASLIOM	M	32 	M	Sundsvall, Sweden	        A B Seaman
Willian Johan ENGDAHL	U	24 	M	Ainor, Sweden    	        A B Seaman
Olaf OLSEN      	U	18 	M	Horten, Norway    	        O Seaman
Nils NILSEN	        U	17 	M	Tonsberg, Norway	        O Seaman
Bjorn Jense MADSEN	U	15 	M	Sarpsborg, Norway	        O Seaman
Sally BULL	        M	26 	F	Grimsby, Lincoln	        Masters Wife
Carl Frederik Emil BULL	 	11 	M	Laurvig, Norway 	        Masters Son

Vessel:	"Eleano"
John MC SHIELL     	W	54 	M	Newcastle On Tyne, Northumbs     First Mate
Francis WHITE      	M	51 	M	Nantes, France                   Chief Steward

Vessel:	"Golden Horn"
Ateb TEILMAN      	U	33 	M	Guidstun Or Hvidsteen, Norway	Master
Martin KARLSEN     	U	27 	M	Moss, Norway          	        Mate
Carl Otto OLSEN  	U	28 	M	Christiania, Norway   	        Second Mate
Waldmar LYTH	        M	30 	M	Christiania, Norway             Steward
Hans PEDERSEN	        M	56 	M	Drobak, Norway        	        Chaepanteur
Martenius JACOBSEN	M	38 	M	Drammen, Norway       	        Seilmager

Vessel:	"Asia"
Antonio BIZQUERT	M	43 	M	Spain	                Capain De Vapor At Sea
Francisco ALVAREZ	M	50 	M	Spain	                1st Oficial De Yr
Bernardo POUCE	        M	60 	M	Spain	                2nd Oficial De Yr
Juan MIRANDA	        U	30 	M	Spain	                3rd Oficial De Yr
Alfonso ZABALETA	U	27 	M	Spain	                Medico Oficial De Yr
Tomas FERNANDEZ	        U	38 	M	Spain	                Capellan
Baldomero VEGA	        M	33 	M	Spain	                Subrecarge
Manuel RIUS	        M	32 	M	Spain	                Auxiliar De Idem
Vincente CERAL	        U	25 	M	Spain	                Agregado
Antonio GARCIA	        U	17 	M	Spain	                Agregado
Juan Bta GARCIA	        M	40 	M	Spain	                Contra Maestre
Antonio G. ARANDA	M	45 	M	Spain	                2nd Contra Maestre
Juan Vitria BAS 	M	28 	M	Spain	                Conpintero
Antonlin E. COLAZ	M	33 	M	Spain	                Practicante
Jose MORIA	        U	38 	M	Spain	                Marinero
Jose MESA	        U	35 	M	Spain            	Marinero
Vicente SANCHEZ	        U	57 	M	Spain           	Marinero
Francisco GELABERT	U	34 	M	Spain           	Marinero
Jose B. GELABERT	U	34 	M	Spain            	Marinero
Antonio ILLOBRE	        U	32 	M	Spain            	Marinero
Francisco MORATO	U	29 	M	Spain           	Marinero
Jose ORS	        U	31 	M	Spain	                Marinero
Juan Bta LLORANT	U	24 	M	Spain            	Marinero
Miguel ORS	        U	27 	M	Spain           	Marinero
Miguel LINARY	        U	25 	M	Spain           	Marinero
Jose MARTI	        U	36 	M	Spain           	Marinero
Jose MARI	        U	30 	M	Spain             	Marinero
Julian GARAY	        U	17 	M	Spain           	Mozo
Jose ISUR	        U	24 	M	Spain            	Mozo
Gaspar LUCH	        U	22 	M	Spain            	Mozo
Vicente JERRAUDI	U	24 	M	Spain            	Mozo
Pedro LOPEZ	        U	32 	M	Spain             	Mozo
Antonio CORRIGROSA	U	38 	M	Spain             	Mozo
Juan MULET	        U	36 	M	Spain                   Mozo
Jose Franco THO...VERO	U	39 	M		                Mozo
Walter (Mr) SHERMAN	M	40 	M	Ingles, Scotland	1st Maquinsta
Charles A. HARMAN	U	30 	M	Ingles, Scotland	2nd Maquinsta
Bruno DANIN	        M	28 	M	Ingles, Scotland	3rd Maquinsta
Walter BRVOU	        U	25 	M	Ingles, Scotland	4th Maquinsta
Manuel PASQUAL    	U	30 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Manuel PAEZ	        U	31 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Augustino LOPEZ 	U	31 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Jose Marcelino REYES	U	31 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Adolfo PALMEIRO 	U	29 	M	Espaniol                Fogonero
Jose CABEDA	        U	31 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Tomas HERRERO	        U	28 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Juan De HORA	        U	29 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Jose ALCARAZ	        U	37 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Agustin GARCIA	        U	28 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Jose HARACERA	        U	32 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Edwardo BARLUESO	U	26 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Rafael CLAVER	        U	31 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Jose GERPE	        U	27 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero
Jose ZABALA	        U	30 	M	Espaniol	        Fogonero

Vessel:	"Antwerp"
Henry Pope SMITH	M	36 	M	Windsor Nova Scotia             Master
Douglas MORRISON	U	28 	M	Port Hawksbury Cape Breton	Mate
William ABLE	        U	40 	M	Halifax Nova Scotia	        Boatswain
Alexander FOWLER	U	30 	M	Jamaica, West Indies	        Cook
William CROSBIE	        U	30 	M	Dumfries, Scotland       	Able Seaman
A. L. MARCELLUS	        U	24 	M	Norway                     	Able Seaman
William GREEN	        U	15 	M	Cork, Ireland              	Cabin Boy
J.E. BUTLER	        U	19 	M	Weymouth Nova Scotia        	Able Seaman
John DALY	        U	19 	M	Cork, Ireland            	Ordinary Seaman
Dennis O'BRIEN    	M	33 	M	Cork, Ireland             	Able Seaman
Charles TAPP	        U	18 	M	London, Middlesex, England	Ordinary Seaman
Patrick BOOLGER 	U	23 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Able Seaman
J. INGLELOM	        U	25 	M	Sweden                    	Able Seaman
James WALSH	        U	25 	M	Cape Breton               	Able Seaman
John E. CROKER	        U	22 	M	Ireland                         Passenger
J. REES            	M	35 	M	Ireland                   	Able Seaman Sent Home By Consul

Vessel:	"Lina"
Francisco MENDESLDUA	M	44 	M	Espanol                    	Capitan
Bonifacio AGUIRRE	M	29 	M	Espanol                   	1st Piloto
Florencio CENIZA	U	21 	M	Espanol                  	2nd Piloto
Deigo ZUCHAUSTI 	M	36 	M	Espanol                   	Contramautre
Manuel GONZALEZ 	U	26 	M	Espanol                  	Marinero
Jose MOLEDO	        U	27 	M	Espanol                   	Grumete
Manuel RODRIGUEZ	U	28 	M	Espanol                  	Grumete
Manuel GARCIA	        M	30 	M	Espanol                  	Grumete
Juanguin Naga MARTINEZ	U	24 	M	Espanol                   	Marinero
Jose SALORIO	        M	32 	M	Espanol                 	Marinero
Juan Bautiste ATICA	M	42 	M	Espanol                 	Carpintero
Jou Antonio UTIDA	M	27 	M	Espanol                  	Grumete
Policarpo PALACIOS	U	17 	M	Espanol                  	Marinero
Jose ERNISTA	        M	50 	M	Espanol                 	Fogonero
Basques Mateas PATINO	U	34 	M	Espanol                   	Fogonero
Ramon GIRALDES	        M	30 	M	Espanol                    	Fogonero
Francisco CASAS	        M	34 	M	Espanol                  	Palero
Fauseano PEREZ	        M	36 	M	Espanol                  	Pe...
Tavier VENAS	        U	28 	M	Espanol                   	Mayordomo
Andres ACORTA	        M	30 	M	Espanol                  	Cocinero
Francisco VRIZAS	U	16 	M	Espanol                  	Camarero
Graviel SAGARTI 	U	16 	M	Espanol                 	Marmitor

Vessel:	"S S City Of Baltimore"
Robt. N. JONES	        M	41 	M	Ireland                  	3rd Mate
Raham Khan MAHOMAT KHAN	U	45 	M	Bombay                   	A B Seaman
Alli Khan ROGEY KHAN	U	28 	M	Bombay                  	A B Seaman
Dawood (SK) SUMSOODEEN	U	31 	M	Bombay                          A B Seaman
Ameen (SK) BAKA	        U	27 	M	Bombay                   	A B Seaman
Goolab Khan HYDER KHAN	U	25 	M	Bombay                  	A B Seaman
Eussoof (SK) EBRAM (SK)	U	33 	M	Bombay                   	A B Seaman
Enos (SK) OOSMAN (SK)	U	24 	M	Bombay                    	A B Seaman
Hassoon (SK) ABBOR GUFFOON U	27 	M	Bombay                      	A B Seaman
Sumforden MANOM SALLIA	U	29 	M	Bombay                   	A B Seaman
Husson (SK) ISMAL (SK)	U	19 	M	Bombay                  	A B Seaman
Ameer Khan BAWA KHAN	U	22 	M	Bombay                  	A B Seaman
Mahomed Tege (SK) BABO	U	31 	M	Bombay                   	A B Seaman
Moobamh (SK) MARROO (SK) U	35 	M	Bombay                  	A B Seaman
Sultyman (SK) ABBALLA (SK) U	25 	M	Bombay                  	O Seaman
Antonia FERNANDO	U	23 	M	Bombay                  	O Seaman
Ebram (SK) AMON (SK)	U	20 	M	Bombay                  	O Seaman
Ellssof Khan HUSSIN KHAN U	22 	M	Bombay                  	O Seaman
Edram Khan KALLIA KHAN	U	24 	M	Bombay	                        Fireman
Ebram (SK) IEWAR (SK)	U	26 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Muder (SK) ISMAL (SK)	U	22 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Allu (SK) LUGLOODEN	U	27 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Mehaboob KHAN       	U	29 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Boodhen (SK) TWEHAR MUHD U	30 	M	Bombay                   	Fireman
Nuelrin (SK) ISMAN (SK)	U	21 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Aller (SK) AHMED SAB	U	33 	M	Bombay	                        Fireman
Nabid (SK) NUBEE (SK)	U	22 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Ameer (SK) IMAIL	U	33 	M	Bombay                   	Fireman
Ahmusuet SHOUAHNED	U	28 	M	Bombay	                        Fireman
Hussin (SK) EBRAM (SK)	U	25 	M	Bombay	                        Fireman
Oomer (SK) MARRANDEN (SK) U	24 	M	Bombay                   	Fireman
Dawood (SK) EBRAHIM (SK) U	32 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Allu (SK) ABDULLA (SK)	U	34 	M	Bombay                   	Fireman
Abdoomen (SK) ALLU (SK)	U	38 	M	Bombay                   	Fireman
Hagee MOHAMED	        U	21 	M	Bombay                    	Fireman
Vassel MAHOMED      	U	34 	M	Bombay                   	Fireman
Ahmed (SK) MAHOMED SOPPER U	26 	M	Bombay	                        Fireman
Emain (SK) MAHOMED (SK)	U	22 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Nudan (SK) IILAS AHMED	U	26 	M	Bombay                    	Fireman
Ebraim (SK) MOHEDEEN (SK) U	22 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Piedadi QUINHO      	U	24 	M	Bombay	                        Fireman
Edward MANDES	        U	25 	M	Bombay	                        Fireman
Sunwadan PULHIAN	U	30 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Seedes SATAN	        U	31 	M	Bombay                  	Fireman
Wm. LEWIS	        M	50 	M	Ireland	                        Night Watchman Dock

Vessel:	"North Holland"
James WARD         	U	19 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Fireman Dock

Vessel:	"Edmund Richardson"
David JONES             M	33 	M	Newquay, Cardigan, Walesm       Master
Wm.Graham MC DOUGALL	U	24 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Mate
J. HAWKSLEY	        U	29 	M	Birmingham, Warwick, England	A B Seaman
E. SMITH	        U	23 	M	Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, Eng	A B Seaman
Wm. ROWLANDS	        U	41 	M	Newburgh, Anglesey, Wales	A B Seaman
Rd. RUSSELL	        U	19 	M	Scotland                  	O Seaman
G. DONNIGETTA	        U	20 	M	France                  	Steward
E. BALSER	        M	35 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Watchman Dock

Vessel:	"Andromeda"
Louis FERNANDEZ 	U	18 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Boy

Vessel:	"Gladiator"
Thomas O'GRADY    	U	28 	M	Ireland                   	Waterman Dock

Vessel:	"Alexandra"
Alfred Leigh SADLER	M	26 	M	Witton Northwich, Cheshire, Eng	Master (Barge)
John WOODTHORPE   	M	25 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Mate (Barge)

Vessel:	"Knight Commander"
John DAVIES     	M	44 	M	Runcorn, Cheshire, England	Master Mariner
John MARLES       	M	50 	M	Birkenhead, Cheshire, England	Engineer
William JONES     	M	38 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Able Seaman
William PARRY      	M	31 	M	Birkenhead, Cheshire, England	Foreman
John BANNBRIDGE 	M	39 	M	Ormskirk, Lancashire, England	Able Seaman
Thomas MARLES      	M	26 	M	Birkenhead, Cheshire, England	Fireman
George BRIGS      	M	36 	M	Rugby, Northampton, England	Fireman
Joseph BENNETT     	U	22 	M	Birkenhead, Cheshire, England	Boy

Vessel:	"New York"
Owen WILLIAMS      	M	65 	M	Amlwch, Anglesey, Wales 	Shipkeeper Dock

Vessel:	"Stanley"
Henry BECK       	M	46 	M	Rochdale, Lancashire, England	Mate (Barge)
Harry BECK	        U	12 	M	Bhead, Cheshire, England	Boy (Barge)

Vessel:	"Planet"
Charles SLOGGETT	M	54 	M	Camelford, Cornwall, England	Master
Thomas ALLEN	        M	29 	M	Ardrossan, Ayr, Scotland	Lamp Trimmer
Charles JONES	        M	32 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Engine Driver
Timothy LEHANE          M	30 	M	Cork Carrig Hill          	A B Seaman
John Edward ROBERTS	M	34 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	A B Seaman
Joseph Henry HALLIGAN	M	25 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	A B Seaman
Charles Oliver FARNHAM	M	30 	M	State Of New York Buffalo	A B Seaman
George OGILVEY     	M	35 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	A B Seaman

Vessel:	"Jane Grey"
Owen OWENS          	M	37 	M	Amlwch, Anglesey, Wales 	Master
Thos. JONES	        U	33 	M	Amlwch, Anglesey, Wales 	Mate
Wm. JONES	        M	34 	M	Amlwch, Anglesey, Wales 	A Seaman
Wm. WILLIAMS	        M	25 	M	Amlwch, Anglesey, Wales 	A Seaman
Wm. PRITCHARD	        U	16 	M	Amlwch, Anglesey, Wales 	Cook

Vessel:	"Glenafton"
William PATERSON	U	74 	M	Clare Co Clare, Ireland 	Shipkeeper Dock

Vessel:	"S S Valparaiso"
Alexander PRENTICE	M	38 	M	Ireland                   	4th Officer

Vessel:	"Maggie"
Samuel HIND        	U	16 	M	Barnton, Cheshire, England	Mate (B)

Vessel:	"S S Mira"
Arthur ROGERS      	U	23 	M	Truro, Cornwall, England	Second Officer
Eli BOX            	M	20 	M	Calcutta, India          	Captains Boy
Francisco FERNANDEZ	M	35 	M	Portugal Goa, East Indies       Steward Ship
  CHOKERSI	        W	20 	F	Assam Shillong             	Aizah
Tong MONGOLOO	        W	30 	M	Bengal Buacoola, India    	Curry Cook Ship
Lucy AHMATE	        M	35 	F	Bengal Kabberstan         	Aizah
Samuel COUCHER	        M	24 	M	Bengal Kabberstan         	Native Servant Dom

Vessel:	"Newman Hall"
John William ACTON	U	18 	M	Tarpoley, Cheshire, England	Apprentice
Edwin ACTON	        U	18 	M	Hull, York, England       	Apprentice

Vessel:	"Magnificent"
George SCHWARTZ 	U	43 	M	Bremen, Germany          	Shipkeeper

Vessel:	"Princess Louise"
John ROBERTS      	M	65 	M	Whitehaven, Cumberland, England	Ship Keeper

Vessel:	"Steam Hopper Barge C"
Richard CROSS      	M	40 	M	Runcorn, Cheshire, England	Master
Samuel HOGG	        M	58 	M	Belfast Co Antrim, Ireland	Mate
John Robert HUGHES	U	23 	M	Aigburth Parish Of, Lancashire	Engineer
John WILLIAMS    	U	30 	M	Bangor, Caernarvon, Wales	Able Seaman
William CROSS	        M	41 	M	Runcorn, Cheshire, England	Able Seaman

Vessel:	"Fairy Of London"
Edward OWEN      	U	25 	M	Bangor, Caernarvon, Wales	Mate
Thomas WILLIAMS 	U	26 	M	Conway, Caernarvon, Wales	A B Seaman
Richard EDWARDS 	U	26 	M	Redwharf, Anglesey, Wales	A B Seaman

Vessel:	"Heatherbell"
Mic. MANNUS        	M	50 	M	Ireland                  	Shipkeeper

Vessel:	"Will"
William ONION    	U	16 	M	Burmuda, West Indies       	Mate Dock

Vessel:	"George"
Peter ROBINSON    	M	33 	M	Winsford, Cheshire, England	Master (Dock)

Vessel:	"Reliance"
Frederick FURFEY	U	24 	M	Hartford Nr Northwich, Chesh	Mate (Dock)

Vessel:	"Sarah Ann"
George BETTLEY	        M	62 	M	Worcester, Worcester, England	Master

Vessel:	"Governor"
Charles MALEY     	M	40 	M	St Martins, Jersey, Channel Is	Master (Dock)
Richard FOULKES     	U	30 	M	Flint, Flint, Wales        	Mate

Vessel:	"B Hopper"
Robert ROBERTS     	M	47 	M	Towyn Merionethshire, Wales	Master

Vessel:	"Fanny"
Robert PALIN       	M	60 	M	Barnton, Cheshire, England	Master
John PALIN	        M	27 	M	Witton, Cheshire, England	Mate
Elizabeth PALIN 	M	58 	F	Witton, Cheshire, England	Masters Wife

Vessel:	"S S Iris"
Richard HARRISON	M	34 	M	Barnton, Cheshire, England	Mate (Barge)

Vessel:	"William"
John BEBBINGTON 	M	28 	M	Runcorn, Cheshire, England	Master (B)

Vessel:	"Jackall"
William E. TARBURTON	U	19 	M	Warrington, Lancashire, England	Mate

Vessel:	"Henry"
John LORD	        U	26 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Mate

Vessel:	"Lilac"
John BORROWS     	M	57 	M	Warton, Cheshire, England	Master
Catherine BORROWS	M	52 	F	Northwich, Cheshire, England	Masters Wife

Vessel:	"Earl Powis"
Thomas WOODS       	M	52 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Master

Vessel:	"Mary"
William FOULKES  	M	30 	M	Runcorn, Cheshire, England	Master
Mary Maria FOULKES	M	29 	F	Manchester, Lancashire, Eng	Masters Wife
Alice FOULKES	        U	9 	F	Manchester, Lancashire, Eng	Masters Daughter Scholar

Vessel:	"Ranger"
James FRYER	        M	40 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Master
Henry HOUGHTON    	M	62 	M	Garston, Lancashire, England	Mate
John BIRKINHEAD 	M	42 	M	Garston, Lancashire, England	Eingneer
John DERLINGTON 	M	46 	M	Garston, Lancashire, England	Eingneer
Thomas James BIRCHALL	M	28 	M	Garston, Lancashire, England	Fireman

Vessel:	"Mary"
Ellis IRELAND       	M	36 	M	Speke, Lancashire, England	Master
John FOSTER	        M	41 	M	Northwich, Cheshire, England	Mate
John IRELAND	        U	14 	M	Garston, Lancashire, England	O Seaman

Vessel:	"Advancement"
William D. SOUTH	U	29 	M	Montrose, Forfar, Scotland	First Mate
Matthew GRIERSON	U	26 	M	Dumfries, Dumfries, Scotland	2nd Mate
David CUMMINGS	        M	68 	M	Dumfries, Dumfries, Scotland	Ship Keeper Dock
Thomas G. GORTON	U	18 	M	Manchester, Lancashire, England	O Seaman
Joseph CROMPTON 	U	17 	M	Cork, Cork City Of, Ireland	O Seaman
Thomas WARMSLEY 	U	21 	M	Manchester, Lancashire, England	O Seaman

Vessel:	"Mary Jane"
Robert WAREING     	M	48 	M	Aintree, Lancashire, England	Master
Jeffy WAREING	        U	19 	M	Birkenhead, Cheshire, England	Mate
Thomas WAREING	        U	14 	M	Birkenhead, Cheshire, England	Boy Cook

Vessel:	"Armenian-S S"
Antonio MAHILOVCH	U	31 	M	Austria                  	Fireman
Frank YAKOVITCH 	U	24 	M	Austria                   	Fireman

Vessel:	"S S Mizpah"
James SMITH       	M	38 	M	Banffshire, Scotland       	Chief Engineer
James DAKERS       	U	24 	M	Forfarshire, Scotland      	Second Mate
Henry KENNEDEY   	U	25 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Carpenter
Thomas FORSTER	        U	26 	M	Dublin, Ireland         	Boatswain
Michael GRACE	        M	27 	M	Dublin, Ireland           	A B Seaman
Thomas MORGAN	        M	  	M	                        	Watchman

Vessel:	"Rowena"
John CREGAN        	U	20 	M	Scotland                  	Second Mate
James SINCLAIR	        M	54 	M	Scotland                 	Carpenter
James FULLERTON 	W	36 	M	Scotland	                Sailmaker
John BLAIR	        M	28 	M	Scotland	                Steward
David KEITH	        U	15 	M	Scotland	                Apprentice
James FALCOMER	        U	15 	M	Scotland	                Apprentice
Ellen DOUGLAS	        U	19 	F	Scotland	                Passenger (No Trade Or Profession)

Vessel:	"Hope"
John ASHLEY	        M	39 	M	Delamere, Cheshire, England     Captain

Vessel:	"Arthur"
William IRELAND 	M	41 	M	Wilderspool, Lancashire, Eng    Captain
John CARTER	        M	25 	M	Barnton, Cheshire, England	Mate

Vessel:	"William"
John WEEDALL      	U	18 	M	Winsford, Cheshire, England	Mate ((Waterman))
Richard (Mr) WEEDALL	M	51 	M	

Vessel:	"Bancroft"
Joseph CAMPBELL 	M	25 	M	Chester, Cheshire, England	Master

Vessel:	"Lord Stanley"
Frederick Joseph WHITEHEAD M	22 	M	Northwich, Cheshire, England	Mate
Edith WHITEHEAD 	M	23 	F	Northwich, Cheshire, England	Passenger Mates Wife
Fanny Gandy WHITEHEAD	U	2 	F	Northwich, Cheshire, England	Passenger Mates Daughter

Vessel:	"Elizabeth Worthington"

Joseph HOLMES      	M	38 	M	Ulverstone, Lancashire, England	Master
Robert WILSON	        M	26 	M	Ulverstone, Lancashire, England	Mate
William Anderson BROUGH	U	19 	M	Millom, Cumberland, England	O Seaman
Charles FOSTER	        U	15 	M	Connahs Quay, Flint, Wales	O Seaman

Vessel:	"Criterion"
Charles ASPINALL	M	21 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Mate (Watermans)
Annie Amelia ASPINALL	M	23 	F	Birkenhead, Cheshire, England	Mates Wife (Watermans)

Vessel:	"Mary Jane"
Samuel HULSE       	M	64 	M	Winsford, Cheshire, England	Master
Alfred BROOKS      	U	20 	M	Tranmere, Cheshire, England	Mate

Vessel:	"James"
John WEEDALL       	M	57 	M	Witton Northwich, Cheshire, Eng	Master
Mary Ann WEEDALL	M	48 	F	Witton Northwich, Cheshire, Eng	Masters Wife
Aurther WEEDALL 	U	14 	M	Witton Northwich, Cheshire, Eng	Mate
Elizabeth WEEDALL	U	9 	F	Witton Northwich, Cheshire, Eng	Masters Daughter
George WEEDALL	        U	8 	M	Witton Northwich, Cheshire, Eng	Masters Son
Anne WEEDALL	        U	6 	F	Witton Northwich, Cheshire, Eng	Masters Daughter

Vessel:	"Admiral"
Samuel HARRISON         M	40 	M	Rock Channel, Cheshire, England	Engineer

Vessel:	"Queen"
George BARLOW      	M	42 	M	Chester, Cheshire, England      Captain

Vessel:	"Mark"
James WEEDLE     	U	17 	M	Winsford, Cheshire, England 	Mate

Vessel:	"Frank"
William HOUGH	        W	36 	M	Sankey Bridge Warrington, Ches	Mariner Master
Thomas BRUSILL    	W	36 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England  Mariner Mate
Gorge CARTER       	M	31 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England  Mariner A B

Vessel:	"Carp"
John ONION         	U	19 	M	Bermuda                    	Mate

Vessel:	"Lord Raglan"
Charles ABRAHAM    	M	51 	M	Northwich, Cheshire, England	Captain
John ABRAHAM	        U	15 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	Boy

Vessel:	"Gipsy"
Samuel WEEDALL      	U	17 	M	Northwich, Cheshire, England    Mate

Vessel:	"Newell"
Robert MILLS	        M	49 	M	Winsford, Cheshire, England	Waterman Master
John Robert MILLS	U	18 	M	Winsford, Cheshire, England	Mate
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