Ship Name            Owned       Built  G Tons   Built By
ADEN                 1908-15     1905   2482  W.Rodgers & Co, Port Glasgow  Sold to Colonial Coal & Sg Co
ALEX                 1938-43     1914   3907  Priestland, Sunderland        Sold to Casteli & Co.
ALMA                 1919-26     1894   2863  Priestland, Sunderland        Managed for Shipping Controller
ANNE THOMAS          1882-?      1882   1418  Palmers, Jarrow               Sold to Grigstad, Norway
ANTHONY RADCLIFFE    1893-1908   1893   2865  Palmers, Jarrow               Renamed BONVILSTON 1908
ASGARD               1919-20     1906   4181  Northumberland Sbldg Co Ltd   Managed for Shipping Controller
BADMINTON(1)         1910-12     1890   2269  Ropner, Stockton              Previously LLANBERIS
BADMINTON(2)         1912-14     1899   3847  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Previously SWINDON
BALA(1)              1884-1903   1884   2013  Wm Gray & Co, West Hartlepool Sold to Glanhowny SS Co
BALA(2)              1907                                                   Previously ETHEL RADCLIFFE
BALINGDALE           1949                                                   Sold to Genoa 1949
BONVILSTON           1908-17     1893   2865  Palmers, Jarrow               Sunk by torpedo 17 Oct 1917
BOVERTON             1910-28     1910   2958  John Blumer, Sunderland       Renamed LLANGORSE 1928
CATHERINE RADCLIFFE  1925-35     1925   5589  Craig, Taylor, Stockton       Abandoned after stranding 1935
CLARISSA RADCLIFFE(1)1889-97     1889   2544  Palmers, Jarrow               Sank in gale 30 Dec 1897
CLARISSA RADCLIFFE(2)1904-13     1904   4703  Ropner, Stockton              Renamed LLANOVER
CLARISSA RADCLIFFE(3)1913-17     1913   6042  Craig, Taylor, Stockton       Renamed W I RADCLIFFE
CLARISSA RADCLIFFE(4)1917-43     1915   6042  Craig, Taylor, Stockton       Previously GWENT
DOUGLAS HILL         1890-1908   1890   2171  Palmers, Newcastle            Renamed IOLO
DUNRAVEN(1)          1896-1910   1896   3333  Ropner, Stockton              Renamed SARAH RADCLIFFE
DUNRAVEN(2)          1910-17     1910   3117  Tyne Iron Sbldg, Willington   Trnaferred to Royal Navy 1917 - Sunk 1917
EMPIRE EDDYSTONE     1945               7318  W Gray, West Hartlepool       Managed Vessel
EMPIRE PROSPECT      1945               7331  Walker, Newcastle             Managed Vessel
ETHEL RADCLIFFE      1920-41     1920   5673  Craig, Taylor, Stockton       Bombed and sunk 16 May 1941
EUSTON(1)            1898-1910   1898   2728  Ropner, Stockton              Renamed GILESTON
EUSTON(2)            1910-17     1910   2841  John Blumer, Sunderland       Torpedoed & sunk 28 Oct 1917
FLIMSTON(1)          1916        1916   5751  Craig, Taylor, Stockton       Catured and bombed 18 Dec 1916
FLIMSTON(2)          1925-48     1925   4674  Bartram, Sunderland           Sold to Woodham SS Co., Cardiff
FORT LA TRAITE       1942        1942   7134  West Coast Sbldg, Vancouver   Managed Vessel
FORT MIAMI           1942        1942   7134  Vancouver Shiprepairs, Vancouver Managed Vessel
FORT RICHELIEU       1943        1943   7150  Marine Industries, Quebec     Managed Vessel
FORT REMY            1942        1942   7127  United Shipyards, Montreal    Managed Vessel
FORT RUPERT          1942        1942   7141  Grand Trunk Pacific, BC       Managed Vessel
                   & 1946-49                                                Operated by company
FORT SALEESH         1943        1943   7167  North Vancouver Shiprepairers Managed Vessel
GILESTON             1910-26     1898   2728  Ropner, Stockton              Previously EUSTON - Sold to Greece
GRANTON GLEN         1947-48     1918   2485  Manitoba Shipbuilding, Wis, USA Managed Vessel
GWENLLIAN THOMAS     1882-1905   1882   1082  Palmers, Jarrow               Sold 1905
GWENT(1)             1909-12     1901   3344  R Thomson, Sunderland         Sold 1912 to London-Piraeus SS Co
GWENT(2)             1916-17     1915   6042  Craig, Taylor, Stockton       Previously WINDSOR - Renamed CLARISSA RADCLIFFE
HAMILTON             1960        1960  13186  C Boel et Fils, Belgium       Still in service
HANLEY               1902-12     1902   3331  Joseph L Thompson, Sunderland Sold to Tom Lewis & Co
HELEMAR              1957-58             544                                Chartered from Velmont SS Co
HIGH PARK            1943        1943   7143  Davie Shipbuilding, Quebec    Managed Vessel  
IOLO(1)              1908-09     1890   2171  Palmers, Newcastle            Previously the DOUGLAS HILL - Sold to Fredk Childs
IOLO(2)              1914-16     1898   3204  Ropner, Stockton              Previously the PADDINGTON - Sunk by submarine 11 Oct 1916
IOLO(3)              1910-14     1889   1440  Ropner, Stockton              Previously the SARAH RADCLIFFE - Sold to Greece.
IOLO(4)              1917        1899   3840  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Previously the PADDINGTON(2) - Torpedoed/Sunk 17 Feb 1917
IOLO MORGANNWG       1882-1905   1882   1241  Ropner, Stockton              Sold
JANE RADCLIFFE(1)    1890-1911   1890   1830  Ropner, Stockton              Sold to Otto Weens, Mamo, Sweden
JANE RADCLIFFE(2)    1911-17     1897   4074  Ropner, Stockton              Previously the WINDSOR - Torpedoed & sunk 28 Nov 1917
KATE THOMAS          1884-85     1884   1557  Palmers, Jarrow               Lost 21 October 1895 
LADY PALMER          1890-91     1889   2752  Palmers, Jarrow               Chartered from Hall Bros, Newcastle - Sunk 1891
LLANBERIS(1)         1890-1910   1890   2269  Ropner, Stockton              Renamed BADMINTON(1)     
LLANBERIS(2)         1910-27     1897   4074  Ropner, Stockton              Previously the LLNDUDNO(1) - Sold to Richards, Longstaff & Co
LLANBERIS(3)         1927-50     1927   5055  Hawthorn Leslie, Wallsend     Sold to Basil J Mauros, Greece
LLACARVAN            1917-18     1904   4748  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Previously the W I RADCLIFFE - Torpedoed & sunk 16 May 1918
LLANCARFAN           1940-43     1937   4910  White's Marine, Hepburn       Bought from White Shipping, Newcastle - Bombed/sunk 30 May 1943
LLANDAFF(1)          1937-51     1937   4826  Bartram, Sunderland           Sold to Bornhofen, Hamburg
LLANDAFF(2)          1952-60    12501   1953  Lithgows, Glasgow             Sold to Island Shipping Co., Bermuda
LLANDILO             1928-42     4966   1928  Bartram, Sunderland           Torpedoed 2 Nov 1942
LLANDRINDOD          1900-17     3841   1900  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Torpedoed & sunk 18 May 1917
LLANDUDNO(1)         1897-1910   4074   1897  Ropner, Stockton              Renamed LLANBERIS(2)
LLANDUDNO(2)         1910-17     4186   1910  Tyne Iron Sbldg, Willington   Captured & sunk 1 August 1917
LLANFAIR             1928-40     4966   1928  Bartram, Sunderland           Torpedoed & sunk 11 October 1940
LLANGOLLEN(1)        1900-26     3842   1900  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Sold to Greece 
LLANGOLLEN(2)        1928-50     5055   1928  Hawthorn Leslie, Wallsend     Sold to Greece 
LLANGORSE(1)         1900-16     3841   1900  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Torpedoed & sunk 8 September 1916
LLANGORSE(2)         1917-26     4703   1904  Ropner, Stockton              Previously LLANOVER(2); Sold to Watts, Watts & Co.
LLANGORSE(3)         1928-30     2958   1910  John Blumer, Sunderland       Previously BOVERTON; Sold to Tallinn Sg Co., Estonia
LLANGORSE(4)         1960-66    21840   1960  Furness Sbldg, Haverton Hill  Tanker
LLANISHEN(1)         1909-17     3836   1909  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Torpedoed & lost 9 August 1917
LLANISHEN(2)         1929-41     5052   1929  Bartram, Sunderland           Bombed & sunk 23 October 1941
LLANISHEN(3)         1947-56    10735   1944  ? for Ministry of Transport   Tanker; Sold to Panama 
LLANISHEN(4)         1957-      20976   1957  Swan Hunter, Wallsend         
LLANOVER(1)          1899-1913   3840   1899  Richardsob, Duck, Stockton    Renamed PADDINGTON
LLANOVER(2)          1913-17     4703   1904  Ropner, Stockton              Previously CLARISSA RADCLIFFE; Renamed LLANGORSE(2)
LLANOVER(3)          1917        4240   1917  Pickersgill, Sunderland       Sold to Johnston Line
LLANOVER(4)          1928-42     4959   1928  Bartram, Sunderland           Torpedoed 12 May 1942
LLANOVER(5)          1949-51     7281   1944  Jones, Brunswick, Georgia, USA Sold to Liberia
LLANTRISANT(1)       1952-57     6140   1952  Bartram, Sunderland           Sold to Western Canadian SS Co, Vancouver
LLANTRISANT(2)       1957        6171   1957  Bartram, Sunderland           Sold to Greece
LLANWERN(1)          1928-41     4966   1928  Bartram, Sunderland           Bombed & sunk 26 Feb 1941
LLANWERN(2)          1949-57     4993   1937  Bartram, Sunderland           Bought from Nailsea SS Co.; Sold to Japan
LLANWERN(3)          1962        9229   1962  Bartram, Sunderland           Later renamed Captain Michael & then Agios Penteleimon
MANCHESTER           1890-1912   2072   1890  Wm Gray, West Hartlepool      Sold to Artaza, Spain
MARIA N ROUSSOS      1925-29     3129   1909  Wm Gray, West Hartlepool      Chartered
MARY THOMAS          1889-1908   2159   1889  Palmer, Newcastle             Sold to Glanhowny Steamship Co
NOVALISI             1941-46     3204   1920  R Thompson, Sunderland        Chartered
PADDINGTON(1)        1898-1913   3903   1898  Ropner, Stockton              Renamed IOLO(2)
PADDINGTON(2)        1913-17     3840   1913  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Previously LLANOVER(1); Renamed IOLO
PADDINGTON(3)        1917        5084   1906  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Previously SWINDON; Torpedoed & sunk 21 July 1917
PATAGONIA(1)         1906-13     5084   1906  Richardson, Duck, Stockton    Renamed SWINDON
PATAGONIA(2)         1913-15     6011   1913  Craig Taylor, Stockton        Torpedoed 15 September 1915
PENISTONE            1913-18     4139   1913  Craig Taylor, Stockton        Torpedoed 11 October 1918
PETERSTON(1)         1892-1913   2768   1892  Thomas Turnbull, Whitby       Sold to Artaza, Spain
PETERSTON(2)         1925-48     4680   1925  Bartram, Sunderland           Sold to Gowan Shipping Co.
PICTON               1906-27     5084   1906  Richardson Duck, Stockton     Sold to Williams & Mordey, Cardiff
PLM17                1922        4008   ????  Smiths Dock, Middlesborough   Managed
POSSIDON             1921-33     3744   1909  W Gray, West Hartlepool       Chartered
RADCLIFFE TRADER     1980-DATE    622   1956  Noord Nederlandse, Groningen  Ex Stag Line Silloth Trader
RADCLIFFE VENTURER   1980-DATE    504   1964  NV Bodewes Schps, Martenshoek Ex Baltic Schooner Assn, Cayman Is 
SAMSKERN             1944        7210   ????  Bethlehem Fairfield, Baltimore Managed
SARAH RADCLIFFE(1)   1889-1910   1440   1889  Ropner, Stockton              Renamed Iolo(3)
SARAH RADCLIFFE)2)   1910-16     3333   1896  Ropner, Stockton              Previously DUNRAVEN(1) - Sunk 11 Nov 1916
SENTA                1941-45     3785   1919  Union Ironworks, California   Chartered from Ministry of War Transport
STOLT LLANDAFF       1971-81    15585   1971  NV Boelwerf, Tamise           Leased from Stolt Corpn
SWINDON(1)           1899-1912   3847   1899  Richardson Duck, Stockton     Renamed BADMINTON
SWINDON(2)           1913-17     5084   1906  Richardson Duck, Stockton     Previously PATAGONIA(1); Renamed PADDINGTON(3)
SWINDON(3)           1917-17     4240   1917  Pickersgill, Sunderland       Sold to Johnston Line
TORVANGER            1942        6568   1920  Westfal-hausen, Norway        Chartered from Ministry of War Transport
VARANGBERG           1941-46     2842   1915  Great Lakes Eng Wks, Oregon   Chartered from Ministry of War Transport
VERA RADCLIFFE       1925-44     5587   1925  Craig Taylor, Stockton        Sold to the Government and sunk as block ship Normandy Beaches
WALTER THOMAS        1884-1901   2213   1884  Palmers, Jarrow               Sunk 12 July 1901
WASHINGTON           1907-17     5079   1907  Richardson Duck, Stockton     Torpedoed 3 May 1917 
WIMBORNE(1)          1898-1910   3466   1898  Richardson Duck, Stockton     Lost 7 November 1910 
WIMBORNE(2)          1911-36     6078   1911  Craig Taylor, Stockton        Sold to Halcyon Lign, Rotterdam
WINDSOR(1)           1897-1911   4074   1897  Ropner, Stockton              Renamed JANE RADCLIFFE(2)
WINDSOR(2)           1911-15     6055   1911  Craig Taylor, Stockton        Sunk by gunfire 21 October 1915
WINDSOR(3)           1915-16     6042   1915  Craig Taylor, Stockton        Renamed GWENT(2)
W I RADCLIFFE(1)     1886-1903   2076   1886  Palmers, Newcastle            Sold to Aberporth SS Co., Cardiff (Jenkins Bros)
W I RADCLIFFE(2)     1904-17     4748   1904  Richardson Duck, Stockton     Renamed LLANCARVAN
W I RADCLIFFE(3)     1917-35     6042   1913  Craig Taylor, Stockton        Previously CLARISSA RADCLIFFE(3); Sold to Eusthattion, Piraeus
WYNNSTAY             1884 1902   1541   1884  Palmers, Jarrow               Sold to Overgaard, Norway
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