(Owned mainly by Swan, Hunter Ltd & Wigham Richardson Ltd)

NAME OF SHIP        OWNED        BUILT      BUILDER         G TONS      NOTES

HOPECASTLE          1937-42      1937       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  5178      Torpedoed & sunk by U509 off Canary Is. 28.10.1942 (Convoy SL125) (5 crew lost)
HOPECRAG            1929-38      1929       SWAN, HUNTER (S)  4007      Sold 
HOPECRAG(2)         1963-66      1963       BARCLAY, CURLE    9858      Taken over by Common Bros.
HOPECREST           1918-19      1918       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  2373      Sold to Wm. Cory & Sons
HOPECREST(2)        1935-51      1935       BARCLAY, CURLE    5099      Sold to Germany
HOPECREST(3)        1961-66      1961       BARCLAY, CURLE    9859      Taken over by Common Bros.
HOPECROWN           1937-50      1937       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  5180      Sold to Stephens, Sutton & Co, Newcastle
HOPEDENE            1929-38      1929       SWAN, HUNTER (S)  4010      Sold to Stag Line
HOPELAND            1923-27      1923       BARCLAY, CURLE    4284      Sold
HOPELYN             1918-22      1918       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  2348      Lost 19.10.1922 Scrobie Is. off Norfolk
HOPEMOUNT           1904-15      1904       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  3300      Sunk by submarine gunfire 13.6.1915 off Lundy Is. 
HOPEMOUNT(2)        1929-45      1929       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  7434      Tanker - Sold to Anglo Saxon Petroleum (Shell)
HOPEMOUNT(3)        1953-63      1953       SWAN, HUNTER (W) 12438      Tanker - Sold to Liberia
HOPEPEAK            1938-52      1938       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  5179      Sold to Germany
HOPEPEAK(2)         1963-66      1963       BARCLAY, CURLE    9858      Taken over by Common Bros.
HOPERANGE           1932-37      1924       BARCLAY, CURLE    4960      Ex SWANLEY (Harris & Dixon, London) - Sold
HOPERANGE(2)        1939-63      1939       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  5177      Sold
HOPERIDGE           1939-63      1939       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  5221      Sold
HOPESTAR            1936-48      1936       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  5267      Lost 14.11.1948 off Halifax, Nova Scotia (All 40 crew lost)
HOPETARN            1939-43      1939       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  5231      Torpedoed & sunk by U198 off South Africa 29.5.1943 (6 crew lost)
HOPETOR             1927 &       1925       BARCLAY, CURLE    4980      Ex CITY OF STOCKHOLM (Hall Line) - Sold 1927 to 
                                                                        Howard. Tenens, London
                    1932-37                                             Repurchased 1932 - Sold to South America Saint Line, Cardiff
NEPTUNIAN           1925-40      1925       SWAN, HUNTER (W)  5155      War Loss 7.9.1940
NB: Swan, Hunter (W) = Swan, Hunter Ltd, Wallsend-on-Tyne; Swan, Hunter (S) = Swan, Hunter Ltd, Southwick, Sunderland
    Barclay, Curle = Barclay, Curle & Co.Ltd, Clydeside (subsidiary of Swan, Hunter)

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