

Bryan Adrian --New York City Deputy Editor for this London publication "ELECTRONIC WHIP" -- and a writer/ contributor.


Welcome to The Electronic whip ===========

The International Political On-Line Electronic Magazine

Editor: A. Khiri (London) Deputy Editor: Bryan Adrian (New York)

In response to "Clinton A Leader" by Brian Dunaway
The Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation by David Hoffman
Clinton a Leader by Andy Straw
The Franklin Coverup By John W. DeCamp
Media Mania by William Bradley
The Omnibus Counter-Terrorism Bill by James R. Elwood
Vince Foster: The Tip of the Iceberg by Wayne G. Walker, Ph.D.,
"Who Will Put a Stake Through the God of War?" by Bryan Adrian
Clinton The Full Press Briefing by Dr. Mike Mccurry

The Moral Foundations of Society by Margaret Thatcher
The United Nations Hear the Spirit of the People

Israel After Rabin: David Dolan in Jerusalem
No Peace No Land by Gerald M. Steinberg
King Abdullah Of Saudi Arabia
Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons Programme by the International
Committee for the Release of Mordechai Vanunu
Golan Myth And Facts by Dr. Aaron Lerner
Peace Begins At Home by Likud Chairman MK Binyamin Netanyahu
Israel and the Occupied Territories by Dr. Jai Maharaj
Rabin Isn't the Democrat that Begin Was By Dr. Aaron Lerner
Mohmmad Hamid Abu Al-NasrShaikh Mohammad Hamid
Abu Al-Nasr, the Supreme Guide of the Ikhwan, died on Saturday,
20 January, 1996, in the early morning.
He had been in a state of intermittent coma for some weeks. He
was almost 83 when he surrendered his soul to his creator in the
Al-Aml hospital, Cairo.

A Holy Day of Atonement  by Minister Louis Farrakhan

Organ Transplants Fatwa by Dr. Zaki Badawi

Bryan Adrian 1996 feature essays in ELECTRONIC WHIP LONDON/NYC



God of War




 Times Square Call to STRIKE








Special Section
Rabin The Soldier For Peace Transcript From CNN's Live Coverage
Attentive Thoughts by Jupiter M. Windgate
Old Baggage by Jupiter M. Windgate
Head Room by Jupiter M. Windgate
Not Just Bosnia by Omar Bin Yaakob
History of Chechnya by Lester D. K. Chow

The Electronic Whip front page


FAOA's attempt at creating a credible list of links for serious research. We're kind of using the brute force approach -- more is better, but we're emphasizing available substance. We're now up to 1082 links. No particular endorsements and no guarantees that all URLs are still active! Last modified: 2 June 1999. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Want to add your site to our list? E-mail FAOA Webmaster.

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The Electronic Whip

Erica Benis Terrorism Home Page


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Israeli Foreign Ministery gopher

Jerusalem 1 gopher

Office of International Criminal Justice

Patterns of Global Terrorism - 1996

State Department terrorist profiles

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Terrorist Groups Profiles

The Counter-Terrorism Page

The Shadow World

The Terrorist Profile Weekly Home Page.

WIRE - Political Risk

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Kim-Spy Intelligence Resources
MILNET (Open Source Military Information Database)
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Brookings Institution
CIA World Factbook 1996
Foreign Affairs Magazine
Gallup Organisation
Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) (National Defense University)
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National Security Institute 
RAND Home Page
SAIC - Strategic Assessment Center
Stanford Center for International Security and Arms Control
The Strategic Studies Institute(U.S. Army War College)

Western Europe

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An Phoblacht/Republican News(Sinn Féin)
Der Spiegel--German Weekly Magazine
Sinn Fein - Northern Ireland

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1999, Foreign Area Officer Association
Herndon, Virginia
Maintained by LTC Steve Gotowicki.




Terrorism related web sites: http://mprofaca.cro.net/news062a.html

 The Electronic Whip

Patterns of Global Terrorism - 1996
State Department terrorist profiles
Counterintelligence and CounterTerrorism Home Page
Counterterrorism Intel links
Erica Benis Terrorism Home Page
International Security Network (IntSecNet / DEFSEC)
Islamic Militant Movements
Israeli Foreign Ministry gopher
Jerusalem 1 gopher
Office of International Criminal Justice
Patterns of Global Terrorism - 1996
State Department terrorist profiles
Terrorism & Counter terrorism







Alvin Plantinga, a philosophy professor at Notre Dame, says that despite the surface discord, these electronic exchanges will ultimately help people from many religions understand the common ideas that bind them together. "One of the sustaining causes of religious disagreement has been the sense of strangeness, of pure unfamiliarity," he says. "The communications revolution will not wash out the important differences, but we will learn to grade our differences in order of importance." Rached Ghannouchi, an Arab philosopher from North Africa, argues in a Webzine called The Electronic Whip that it is imperative that the inhabitants of the small, networked village the world has become find a way to understand one another. "Otherwise," he says, rather apocalyptically, "we are all doomed to annihilation."





Depleted Uranium In The Gulf

by Hugh Livingstone


The Electronic Whip

"Depleted Uranium" in Gulf War 1

I am enclosing information about the use of depleted uranium during the Gulf War. This part of an investigative project that we are doing at The Edge. As well as summarising a lot of the existing information on DU, we have also gained new information from our visits to Iraq. Last May, during my visit to Iraq, I spoke to a number of doctors and environmentalists concerned about the possible hazards of DU weapons. These individuals are part of the Iraqi Society for Environmental Protection and Improvement, who are attempting to investigate the possible effects of DU in Iraq.

As you will see, some of the information forms part of our current exhibition at The Edge, From Nuclear Bombs to Nuclear Bullets. The exhibition also features the work of Carole Gallagher, who has documented the effects of the US nuclear weapons testing program on the population of Utah.

Our part of the exhibition marks the beginning of our project to find out more about the testing, combat use, and possible health hazards of DU weapons. The exhibition will be added to as we get new information to present. We are also building up a collection of source documents and reports relating to DU. The possible hazards of DU use are a matter of considerable controversy - I would appreciate your comments on what we have managed to find out so far....


Search Results for Electronic Whip
 - Encyclopædia Britannica

The Electronic Whip International political magazine with emphasis on issues
related to terrorism, discrimination and international justice. ...

www.britannica.com/search?query=whip& submit=Find&source=MWTAB - 40k -
Cached - Similar pages





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