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[come on the journey with Bryan Adrian

QUILLER-FOR-HIRE: Short stories, blogs, poems, filmscripts, news articles, video journalism, and tramp journalism by Bryan Adrian ... follow this link

Enter the labyrinth to the STYX underworld, here, with BRYAN ADRIAN [2003] .....

The River Styx Welcomes You !!

The human fish is also known by its German defined name, the olm, or the biological term Proteus Anguinus. The human fish is gregarious and often lives past the age of 58 years. The olm is a symbol of Slovenian natural heritage. It is a predatory animal, feeding on small crabs, snails and occasionally insects. The front part of the olm's head carries sensitive chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and electroreceptors. The olm may be able to use Earth's magnetic field to orient itself.

[2003]... the rare NEWT "Proteus anguinus" !

The Human Fish, Proteus Anguinus, a troglobiont, known in Germany as “the olm,” take the journey with Bryan Adrian, 2003, across the River Styx

A landlubbing Slovenian mermaid in the capital Ljubljana?

Please let me introduce myself, I am Bryan Adrian.

Like the writer of this tale, the Proteus newt is also very playful and agile with its appendages.

At one time long ago as a teenager I use to believe in mermen and mermaids, Atlantis, and that real vampires inhabited human bodies which sprang out of the Egyptian pyramids after an intergalactic war. Resulting from a war, maybe not so different from the nuclear holocaust Israel and the current GW Bush Administration in the FEMA-embedded USA, are recklessly steering our planet towards now in 2003. The last speculated such war had such an effect that all lifeforms on earth underwent radical mutations from chain reactions of volcanic eruptions and nuclear radiation winds, circa 2000 BC, give or take 500 years.

After my recent travels through Slovenia I still do believe in the unfathomably deep waterways that approach the very center of our earth in the form of solid and plasma cold diamantine water and in the mysterious creatures that live down at sub-tectonic plate depths that even our most sophisticated U.S. Naval Intelligence technology cannot even hope to reach in the next 200 years.

We shall perhaps remain forever, or for quite a long time more, as blind as bats to the clandestine presence of this still extant Atlantis. You may or may not still believe in vampires and alien androids deftly designed to seem like perfect yet normal humans by a former ultra-advanced alien presence, but after you read of my explorations below, you will walk away knowing that one of the great mysteries of our planet lies beneath the tectonic plates of the underground caverns of Slovenia, and other parts of the world too. You may even believe as I do, after I am finished with you here, that Slovenia is one of the most alluring countries of all of those with a massive underground river matrix.

Someday I hope to encounter one of the legendary and shapely mythological Slovenian mermaids that have never yet been captured from these depths -- but that is another story -- now let me tell you now that I have your ears about the much debated "human fish".

I will eventually tell you my fish story but must first mention another one of my favorite animals in the karst cave region [apart from the Proteus anguinus human fish]. It is the Karst Cave Bear which has been long extinct. They roamed here in Slovenia long ago and were at least 30% larger than today's black bear commonly found in Europe. Another striking and differentiating factor -- the Karst Cave Bear was by and large mainly vegetarian HERBIVORE, like a Panda Bear, or an Elephant or a horse.

The mysterious Postojna cave world is a part of Slovenia that has been carved, shaped and created by water -- deep within these world-famous caves hide the much loved and multitudinous Proteus anguinus human newts [No, Newt Gingrich is NOT one of them].

Other rare fauna, living and fossil, in these regions are guanobites and Schwagerina carniolica. On rare days these two exotic species are also found in the meteor-formed common caves of the Hungarian Villany mountains, and in the Crystal caves of Beremiend [also in Hungary], and in the Dolzan Gorge of Slovenia.


The 20-kilometre-long Slovenian underworld Postojna karst cave system is a wonder of life preserved in a vast and deep underground kingdom, with disappearing lakes and rivers that vanish overnight --and pop up far away --to the astonishment of land lubbers who discover a river when they awaken -- where there had never been one before [a not uncommon occurrence in this part of the world]!

The Postojna caves are accessible without special equipment and they self regulate at a constant temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius. Visitors are taken for a tour by a special cave 'kiddy' train accompanied by experienced guides -- a visit takes only about an hour and a half.


I have been informed that not only myself, but the Masonic German writer, Goethe, was gaga over the human fish too ... he even wrote a major work titled PROTEUS and he went on to have a form of METEOR ROCK named after himself.

As of yet, there is no VOLCANIC TUFA rock named after Goethe, regretfully.

Charles Darwin's interesting speculations on evolution are literally standing on their heads since the re-discovery of the PROTEUS human fish of ancient Slovenia, this 'Proteus anguinus,' the little devil! The little creature clearly defied Darwin's simple and linear and all so logical 'ten-step laundry lists' of evolutionary development [as opposed to better trained scientist Louis Agassiz, a contemporary of Darwin who enraged our bearded British scribbler endlessly, with his unrelenting opposing viewpoints].

For a moment let us take a very short break and read Darwin's words to Dr. Agassiz, with whom he had a global quarrel in his day, about the human fish, Proteus, and the caves of Slovenia:

"It would be most difficult to give any rational explanation of the affinities of the blind cave-animals to the other inhabitants of the two continents on the ordinary view of their independent creation. That several of the inhabitants of the caves of the Old and New Worlds should be closely related, we might expect from the well-known relationship of most of their other productions. Far from feeling any surprise that some of the cave-animals should be very anomalous, as Agassiz has remarked in regard to the blind fish, the Amblyopsis, and as is the case with the blind Proteus with reference to the reptiles of Europe, I am only surprised that more wrecks of ancient life have not been preserved, owing to the less severe competition to which the inhabitants of these dark abodes will probably have been exposed."

Darwin inexplicably became in our time the high priest of our scientific Priesthood of Evolution [no, I am not a Creationist, nor am I a monotheist, in any sense of the word whatsoever, quite the contrary, and especially NOT an Intelligent Design pitchman, so banish such thoughts -- I admire many hypotheses of Darwin's theory of evolution, but like L. Agassiz, I do not think Darwin was altogether infallible! He made some valuable contributions and helped to get away from Biblical dogma in explaining how we all got here].


"One of the great scientists of his day, and one of the "founding fathers" of the modern American scientific tradition, Louis Agassiz remains something of a historical enigma. A great systematist and paleontologist, a renowned teacher and tireless promoter of science in America, he was also a lifelong opponent of Darwin's theory of evolution. Yet even his most critical attacks on evolution have provided evolutionary biologists with insights". In 1846, Agassiz came to the United States; in 1848 he accepted a professorship at Harvard. He immediately set about organizing and acquiring funding for a great museum of natural history. In 1859 his dream came true with the founding of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, which opened its doors in 1860. Agassiz labored for support of science in his adopted homeland; he and his colleagues urged the creation of a National Academy of Sciences, and Agassiz became a founding member in 1863. Agassiz was also appointed a regent of the Smithsonian Institution in 1863. He campaigned constantly for funds and resources for American science. Darwin, and many others after him, accepted these parallelisms as providing evidence for evolution. Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species that "this doctrine of Agassiz accords well with the theory of natural selection," and Haeckel in particular invoked the "recapitulation of phylogeny by ontogeny" in support of evolution. But Agassiz was no evolutionist; in fact, he was probably the last reputable scientist to reject evolution outright for any length of time after the publication of The Origin of Species. Agassiz continued Cuvier's catastrophism theory -- the Earth had been periodically wracked by global catastrophes, after each of which new species of animals and plants had appeared. Followers of Cuvier had suggested that the Biblical Flood was the last catastrophe. Agassiz replaced the Flood with his glaciers, which he thought had been formed instantaneously all over the world.


"My first doubts about Darwin's lucidity came when I learned that fossils cannot normally be dated by radiometric means. Volcanic rocks can be dated by radioactive decay but sedimentary rocks do not comply to this method nor do the rock fossils that are found in them. How then had the fossils been dated with such apparent accuracy? It turns out that their ages had been 'estimated' or 'interpolated' by Darwinists."

Even a recent PBS "evolution" series did not try to bother to interview bonafide scientists who have criticisms of Darwinism. To correct this deficiency, a group of 100 dissenting scientists felt compelled to issue a press release, A Scientific Dissent on Darwinism, on the day the first program was scheduled to go to air. Nobel nominee Henry "Fritz" Schaefer was among them. He encouraged open public debate of Darwin's theory:

Some defenders of Darwinism embrace standards of evidence for evolution that as scientists they would never accept in other circumstances.

We have seen this same "unscientific" approach applied to archaeology and anthropology, where "scientists" simply refuse to prove their theories yet appoint themselves as the final arbiters of "the facts". It would be naive to think that the scientists who cooperated in the production of the PBS series were unaware that there would be no counter-balancing presentation by critics of Darwin's theory.

Richard Milton is a science journalist. He had been an ardent true believer in Darwinian doctrine until his investigative instincts took command. After 20 years of studying and writing about evolution he suddenly realised that there were far too many disconcerting holes in Darwin's theory. Milton decided to try to allay his doubts and prove the theory to himself by using at least the elementary methods of investigative journalism.

Milton then became a regular visitor to London's famed Natural History Museum. He painstakingly put every main tenet and classic proof of Darwinism to the test. The results shocked him. He found that Darwin's theory could not even stand up to the rigours of routine investigative journalism."

Let's take a quick look at Charles Darwin's Chapter 5 from his Origins of Species in which he quarrels with Agassiz over the blind human fish Proteus:

Let us again take one more look at Darwin's words on Proteus, from his own writings:

"It would be most difficult to give any rational explanation of the affinities of the blind cave-animals to the other inhabitants of the two continents on the ordinary view of their independent creation. That several of the inhabitants of the caves of the Old and New Worlds should be closely related, we might expect from the well-known relationship of most of their other productions. Far from feeling any surprise that some of the cave-animals should be very anomalous, as Agassiz has remarked in regard to the blind fish, the Amblyopsis, and as is the case with the blind Proteus with reference to the reptiles of Europe, I am only surprised that more wrecks of ancient life have not been preserved, owing to the less severe competition to which the inhabitants of these dark abodes will probably have been exposed."

One evolutionary branch of the human fish actually made it all the way to North America, to the eastern states where it lives in rivers and brooks right here in our own United States of Bush-Halliburton & Company [USA-BHC].

What about sex and rock[s] and roll "overs" [aquatic]?

Proteus becomes sexually mature at 14 years of age and starts to lay eggs at 16. Some live to be 100 years old and some can live without eating at all for over ten years!

The Postojna Cave system and Planinska jama cave of Slovenia are fed by the Pivka River and Unica River springs both belonging to the Black Sea, and not the Adriatic, which is much closer!

Slovenians also call their human fish the "Olm" and the "mocheril". Slovenia has perhaps the richest underground aquatic life in the world, given its relative size. Biotic and abiotic natural heritage are of equal importance for the conservation of Slovenia's biological diversity, two fine examples being Schwagerina carniolica and Pulsatilla grandis.

Digressing just a little bit, while the essence of Slovenia is still inside of me, i.e. Slovene pear brandy, either Sadjevec or Viljamovka, brand names, gets one in the mood to listen to ancient Slovene woodwind music ... the flute from Divje Babe discovered in 1995 near the Idrijca River opposite the karst cave region village of Reka, Slovenia, is dated from 43,000 BC !!! [okay, radio carbon dating is often false, so let's say at LEAST as far back as 4500 BC]. The flute was made from the tubular section of a thighbone of a cave bear cub. This flute is a Neanderthal artifact, and far too old to be a much younger Cro-Magnon flute.


So! Just what is the buzz about this karst stuff? Karst has been called kalk by some. Kalk is also called mortar, lime, creta. One also encounters ejecta blankets from crashing meteors, or volcanic tufa and gypsum and sulfur carbonate [or ash heap matter from a pre-historic nuclear strike?] which also have some of the same properties.

There are many marbleized and fossilized trees in Slovenia that are a very welcome sight to behold, especially after the sterile aluminum silicates of Dobrova! Solid limestone is much less porous than granite. Volcanic rock is very very porous. Even today, at present, no good theories explain the oddities of karst cave systems, nor their anomalies, such as the confusingly varied and "unrelated" substances called dolomite and chalk and karst and tufa and kaolin and calcium carbonate and gypsum [you may be able to tell by now that I am not a trained geologist].

The Postojna cave is located in the Maastrichtian limestone breccia at the extreme northern limit of the tectonic unit of the Inner Dinarides [Slovenian basin]. Micritic limestone and marine cretaceous cement, along with organogenic coral barrier reef, in addition to a little greenish grey marlstone, make up its solid contents, with inlays of dolomite.

Small "scallops" are often found on the karst cave walls. The water has a high level of carbonate and potassium, thus it is very hard water. Sulfur and chloride are in the water also. Ceiling "cups" which look like ulcers can be frequently observed. The mixtures of sulfur and water create cave cracks and mazes, with spots of gypsum and tuffa.

SOMETHING VERY EARTH SHATTERING HAPPENED HERE long ago in a struggle between the 3 or 4 main Secret Society Orders of our planet??


The Knights Templar had their headquarters during at least 3 of the Crusades on Cyprus, the island, near Turkey, and lived amont the Cypriots.

The Hospitallers Knight Order was shortly afterward headquartered on Malta.

The Order of the Teutonic Knights had their headquarters in Transylvania during the Crusades. Later they moved to Marienburg.

Each of the three orders had mysterious connections [or a very prominent LACK of them] to "pseudo-marine" and "faux dolomite", non-crustacean deposits, which means something very significant, but I don't understand it yet and few investigators or researchers ever delve into these enigmatic puzzle pieces in a satisfactory manner.

LEGENDARY SLOVENIAN Knight Erasmus Luegger of the Slovenian Predjama Castle in the karst region is a kind of national legend learned by nearly every Slovenian school child, but he was of an "unknown" knightly order. Could he have been with a lost Atlantean order, that is not one of the three mentioned above?? [and he was clearly not a Knight of the Occult Sufi Order either].

[transcription of my notes made during my own Slovenian Museum of Natural History tour [with dictaphone in hand] of the human fish and karst cave rocks galleries, a visit made in early Dec. 2003]


--->>> these notes below written on Saturday, December 27, 2003 in a warm apartment 3-weeks later in Washington DC, as i was transcribing my narrated notes which i had made into a dictaphone in the natural museum three weeks earlier

+ -----> I fell asleep leaning against an ancient Roman column in Ljubljana on the main riverbank at 4:30 AM in the 30s [F] temperature [freezing]!!

+                    bone chilling disturbing river fog had set in

+                    walked up the river even further and found an abandoned Yugo old communist made car

+                    a lot more comfortable inside the Yugo than out in the cold -- moisture and fog all over the interior windshield from my warm breath

+ -----> reminiscing over the 19 year old delightful female Austro-Slovenian opera singer who shared stories me at the youth hostel pub last night!

+                    looking forward to seeing the human fish again tomorrow at the caves

+ -----> must do more research in the Slovenian National Research Library soon

END OF BRYAN ADRIAN'S travel essay and notes!


FURTHER BACKGROUND below has been compiled and assembled from a large number of URLs on the internet, for your perusal and examination.


* human fish is a blind cave salamander
  • sense of taste, smell, and hearing are very developed, but not as much as its sense to detect electro-magnetic fields
  • the human fish breathes through three-branched gills on either side of its head that glow bright red from hemoglobin
  • the human fish feeds on blind cave mini-shrimp, grain of sand in size
  • it lives in a secretive and nearly inaccessible living environment!

  • Observations while inspecting the famed rock and mineral collection in the Ljubljana Natural History Museum, Slovenia:

    Fauna from these karst caves are just as intriguing as the flora. Here are a few of the denizens you might find in the total black darkness.

    ** Stone marten rodents; lesser horseshoe bats; herald moths [Scoliopteryx libatrix]; Sphodrine ground beetles, sometimes in plague like numbers similar to locust invasions, aka Claemostenus schreibersi; pseudo scorpions, Neobisium spelaeum; giant cavern spiders, Meta menardi; whiskered blind bats and brown long eared blind bats; mites and beetles that eat bat shit guano, called guanobites; giant cave wood lice; today, unfortunately, swarms of water lice are infesting the caves, called Asellus aquaticus aquaticus.

    ** Bat guano is an excellent source of phosphorous. Cremating a human produces about 3.1 pounds of phosphorous from its skeleton. Guanobites of karst caves live off of bat guano excrement as their nourishment.

    ** Phosphorous is insoluble in water and ignites in air so it must be stored in water. It is soluble in ether and turpentine and some sulfur compounds.

    ** Scientists at the University of Akron, Ohio have proven that there is no special nor unusual magnetic property associated with the Slovenian karst, chert or gravel. Sediment from Postojna was tested at Pittsburgh Paleomagnetic Laboratory and it measured normal polarity, thus bearing absolutely no unusual magnetism.

    ** There is karst similar to the Slovenian karst matter in the Yunnan cave regions of southern China. Slovenians are helping to fund the exploration today of the South China karst called the Yunnan Karst Project. This includes the Yunnan Stone Forest and the caves beneath it. Yunnan is 25% karst terrain. Slovenia is 75% karst region. Unlike Slovenia, the underground streams of Yunnan are shallow. Both regions have green watered streams.

    ** The ancient Pannonian Basin is in current day Slovenia and the nearby regions of Hungary and Slovakia and was the home of the ancient Celtic tribe the Boii. Emperor Trajan divided Pannonia in two during his reign. There are ancient ties to this area in Poznan, Poland, and Bolzano, Italy, where the world's oldest mummy was rather recently unearthed under the ice.

    ROCKS of the Karst region and other unique regions of the globe:


    A troglobiont -- with two sexes and gender reproduction

    Systematics: subphylum Vertebrata, class Amphibia, order Urodela, familiy Proteidae; genus and species -- cave salamander

    Proteus anguinus is a true troglobiont. It is an amphibic salamander, living only in the Dinaric Karst, the karst areas along the Mediterranean Sea from Trieste in Italy to Herzegowina. It can only be found in this region, it is a so-called endemic species. Additional occurrences, in the Harz in Germany, in Moulis in France or in Grotte Oliero in Italy due to human intervention. During several hundred years of research numerous human fish specimen have been "relocated" for scientific purposes.

    The Proteus in the Dinaric karst is a vestige of a Tertiary familiy of amphibians. It is today nearly extinct with only six remaining genuses world wide. Proteus was known by Charles Darwin, who writes about cave animals in chapter 5 of his book The Origin of Species: Effects of Use and Disuse. He calls them "wrecks of ancient life".


    The Predjama Castle near the Caves

    A few kilometres from the entrance to Postojna cave stands one of the most picturesque buildings in the whole of Slovenia. Predjama Castle hangs dramatically in the middle of a 123 metre cliff ? a four storey structure almost arrogant in its simplicity -- unconquered and uncompromising. Although the current building dates from the end of the 16th century, a castle has stood on this site since the year 1201.

    QUILLER-FOR-HIRE: Short stories, blogs, poems, filmscripts, news articles, video journalism, and tramp journalism by Bryan Adrian ... follow this link

    It does not take much imagination to see how Predjama castle would be the ideal stronghold for a wilful, rebellious knight ? and a curious and romantic legend of this nature survives: the story of the robber baron Erazem, aka The Knight Erasmus Luegger, of the Order [Teutonic/Templar/Hospitaller--to be determined], who bravely fought Ravbar's soldiers [of the Ulrik/Ullrich/Allrich family order of warriors??] and who is today commemorated by the recently opened Erazem's Passage.

    LEFT -- The Knight Erasmus Luegger, of the Order [Teutonic/Templar/Hospitaller--to be determined].

    From his stronghold Erazem Luegger, a 15th century baron in the mould of Robin Hood [who in real life was drained of all of his blood in a treacherous ploy by a Cisterian nun in a monastery near Nottingham Woods] ... Erasmus had held out against the Austrians of his time, taunting them and raining down fruit and animals on them much like John Cleese's knights in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'. The Austrians were baffled by Baron Luegger's unlimited supply of these edibles from numerous secret passages through the karst caves beneath his castle and beyond. Erazem met a paradoxical death too, crushed by a cannonball as he sat on the toilet in his castle, having forgotten to have closed the door.

    His castle is well worth a visit, as is the underworld below the castle. It is an adventure whether you are a caver, a tourist ? or just plain curious.

    The pure H2O watershed Soca River, near Trenta, with its mysterious plant called the "Scabiosa trentae" has also held captive the interest of many scholars and noblemen throughout time, especially Dr. Julius Kugy. A large mercury mine has been in the area for millenia and over 10 blind bat species live in the surrounding karst caves. Paradoxically, the famous artifact of elegant Neanderthal artistry, the Divje Babe bone flute, was found nearby. Many battles have been fought in the surrounding mountains in which bloody slaughters took place, the most recent was during World War I. Many gloomy military cemeteries adorn the lovely forested environs.

    Watch out for those needle nosed karst cave BEETLEs, the "Leptodirus hochenwartii"!! Are those needle noses for siphoning red fluid from other organisms?

    As early as 1689 the famous chronicler Baron Valvasor wrote of the province of Carniola, mostly located in southern Austria. Baron Valvasor wrote about the fear and astonishment of local inhabitants when an immature "dragon's offspring" was found at a water source near Vrhnika. A postman, a certain Mr Hoffman, even took it home and put it on display. The Baron admitted that the so-called dragon "was only a hand span long and looked like a lizard and spoke in taverns that it was no more than an underground worm and vermin of the kind that is common in some Carniolan and Slovenian and Croatian parts. People had long forgotten about the terrifying Vrhnika monster when in 1751 an enterprising fisherman caught a 5 four-legged fish as white as virgin snow.

    When he tossed them out of the net they started "screaming and squealing." People were used to fishermen's tales even then and did not get particulary excited about them. Of course we should not swallow hook, line and sinker all the apocraphal stories of dragon's offspring and squealing fish and in this day and age we can be absolutely sure that in both cases only one creature was responsible for all the excitement - our dear little Proteus anguinus.

    In terms of the construction of its body the human fish is a member of a family of amphibians, Proteidae. The family comprises only two genera: Proteus, with one species living in the water of the Dinaric Karst in the area from Slovenia to Herzegovina, and the other Necturus, indigenous to surface waters in North America along the eastern states.

    The human fish, or known locally in Slovenian as "mocheril," (etymologically, 'that which burrows into wetness'), is the only cave amphibian classified and is the largest of true cave animals -- that is -- those that can not hope to survive outside of the caves.

    One of the main characteristics of amphibians is metamorphosis; the larvae of tadpole living in water and breathing with gills develop into adult animals which leave the aquatic environment and then breathe with lungs like a land animal. But the human fish appears not to complete this metamorphosis. It reaches sexual maturity as a larva. So far, science has still not entirely explained "neoteny," as this phenomenon is called. But one thing is certain, namely, that this peculiarity is somehow connected with the production of the hormone thyroxine, in spite of the fact that proteus does not react to the substance in the way other amphibians do. Scientists have attempted in vain many times to force the unfortunate proteus to metamorphosize. The animal breathes all its life through gills although it also has rudimentary lungs.

    The famous 18th century Swedish scientist Karl von Linn鍊 (Linnaeus), whom many refer to as the "father of systematics", regarded the human fish as a larva. He did not include proteus in his natural order as an independent animal species and for this he made a colossal mistake. In 1772 he was challenged by Giovanni A. Scopoli, a physician at the Idrija mercury mine and a well-known natural scientist, who wrote to him: "Respected Linnaeus, to whom I sent the picture, is of the opinion that it is the larva of some lizard." And he added: "...mihi videtur genus singulare... I feel that the mocheril is a separate animal genus." And he was right!

    Scopoli could not keep his enthusiasm about the discovery of this new animal species to himself. He sent several human fish preserved in alcohol to scientists all over the world. He studied the human fish, drew them and was preparing to make his great discovery public. In the meantime, a Viennese doctor and zoologist, J. N. Laurenti, admired the completely unknown animal which Scopoli had sent to a friend living in Klagenfurt. Before the meticulous natural scientist from Idrija could announce his discovery, Laurenti beat him to the punch and entered history books from that day onward as the grand discoverer of a new animal species, our human fish.

    He called it "Proteus anguinus" after the shepherd of all beings of the sea, the Greek sea god Proteus, son of the uber sea-god Poseidon -- and his wife the nymph Naiad.

    Scopoli was left empty-handed while Laurenti won the fame of the first discovery without even being certain where his "discovery" had come from. He named Cerknisko Jezero (Lake Cerknisko) as the place of his discovery which at the time enjoyed the fame of an Austro-Hungarian Loch Ness "monster". Despite his haste the scientific name which Laurenti chose for the local "Nessie" has stuck.


    Aberration of Nature ??

    Completely adapted to eternal darkness, the human fish hides in the depths of underground sources far from our inquisitive gaze. The pale skin of the human fish contains no pigment and the tiny eyes can be seen only at the fetus stage. Later the eyes atrophy and skin grows over them. Approximately 25 cm long, [the length of an average human penis] with a flat tail surrounded by a skin-like fin used for swimming -- it is snake-like and for this is has the Latin species name anguinus ("anguis" means snake). It can also move using two pairs of legs - the front ones have three digits and the hind ones two. The entire body is sensitive to light and magnetic plasma. It breathes in three ways. It has an excellent sense of smell and it also has a highly specialised sense for electromagnetic plasmas which could partly explain its orientation abilities in the total darkness of the cave. On either side of its body, at the back of its head, there are three pairs of extended gills which have excellent blood circulation and are therefore of a very bright red colour. In addition, it has simple lungs, and when out of water it also breathes through its skin -- we must not forget -- that almost absolute humidity prevails in the cave environment.

    It eats small animals, such as cave shrimps, amphipods and the larvae of various insects. Sometimes, under the cover of the night, human fish swim to the cave exit where they hunt for small surface water animals. Cannibalism is conceivable in starving mocherils if there is no other food around, but a full-grown animal can naturaly only atack very very small larval prey, as its blunt muzzle and small teeth make it no ferocious predator. Proteus has always caused great fascination since it can remain in captivity without food for an incredibly long period [up to 10 years without food!]. Reliable and documented reports by various observers are known about their ability to go without food, the longest such period having gone on for the least 12 years. We know proteus' metabolism must be extremely deccelerated since the human fish reaches sexual maturity only at the age of 16 to 18 years and it may even live to reach the old age of 100!

    A special chapter in the history of research into the human fish deals with the mysterious question of the animal's reproduction. Divers have swum through hundreds of miles and fathoms of siphons and underground lakes and researchers have turned countless stones but so far nobody has seen where or how the life of this mysterious creature begins. We can only assume that proteus reproduces deep deep deep down in the peaceful and inaccessible watercourses of the karst underground, as far away as ancient Atlantis.



    Proteus does not have a single enemy in its natural environment and an adult animal can swim freely in the underwater labyrinths without having to fear the slightest danger. But proteus does have one malignant enemy, the worst and most ruthless of all -- man.

    Due to the difficulty of access to the true habitat of proteus in the karst underworld, and the high number of caves that have still to be discovered and perhaps never will be, it is completely impossible to estimate the size of the proteus population, both white and black. This represents a considerable obstacle but we know that Slovenia is the richest in underground aquatic animal life in relative terms -- and even in terms of absolute figures it does not lag behind areas ten times larger, such as Croatia. A few years ago you had to watch your every step to avoid treading on human fish in the Kocevje caves of Slovenia. Today not one remains. Dumping all sorts of filth onto the surface of the Karst region is extremely risky, for precipitation washes poisons underground in unpredictable directions. Proteus has for a long time been on the list of the Washington CITES convention which prohibits trade in rare wild animals. But unscrupulous dealers do not give a second thought to this and the human fish has been shot up to the top of the endangered list and appears regularly on pricey lists in Italian and Parisian shops for wealthy aquariumists. Even biologists and many other scientists from all over the world use this disreputable method to acquire human fish specimens for their research.



    There also exists an even rarer Black Human Fish!!

    This is a Bryan Adrian Presentation ...

    The Skocjanske jame caves have an extremely complex system of cave passages running a total length of 5.8 km. The difference between the lowest and the highest points in the caves is about 209 meters. The caves are the biggest and best known natural phenomenon within this classical Karst area. With the shifting of sink holes in the geological past, numerous collapsed dolines have formed at the contact point where flysch meets limestone under the caverns.

    With their depth of 163 meters, Velika dolina and Mala dolina charm even the most hedonistic of visitors. The finest view of both dolines is from an observation point near their natural bridge formation and the cave that separates them. The caves, with an immense underground gorge and halls, are the beginning of the Skocjan underground system.

    The height of the gorge exceeds 100 meters at several points. The caves probably have the biggest cave hall in Europe, measuring 12,000 square meters (1.2 hectares) in cross section. The Reka river runs underground for almost 40 kilometres, to the sources of the Timav River in the Gulf of Trieste.


    Within the Park’s protected area there are three smaller villages featuring typical karst architecture: Skocjan, Betanja, and Matavun. The entire village of Skocjan is especially interesting. It was once a fort and with its village square and the church of Sv. Kancijan (St. Canzian) after whom the caves were named it is considered a “settlement monument”. There are several archaeological sites in the territory of the Park from various archaeological periods including settlements, burial grounds and cave sites.

    Because of their special value they are included under the protection of the cultural heritage act. Other points of interest are several stone houses with stone wells, portals, barns for wheat threshing and storage, water mills, ice pits, and a cemetery with crumbling tombstones.

    Because of the nearby Skocjanske jame caves and their extraordinary significance for the natural heritage wonders of the world, in 1986 the Skocjanske jame were included on UNESCOs World Heritage List. The Republic of Slovenia pledged to ensure the protection of the Skocjanske jame area and therefore adopted the Skocjanske jame Regional Park Act. The Park is managed by the Park Skocjanske jame Public Service Agency, located in Skocjan, Slovenia.

    The Skocjanske jame Regional Park is situated in the south-western part of Slovenia, in the region called Kras, or Karst. Kras is the area where researchers first began discovering typical karst formations, karst caves and other karst features, and is therefore also referred to as the original, or classical, Karst. The internationally accepted term used in karstology for a steep-sided and flat-floored depression -- a doline or dolina -- owes its origins to the dolines of the Skocjan area (Velika and Mala dolina), where the Reka river disappears underground yet another time.


    Observations while inspecting the famed rock and mineral collection in the Ljubljana Natural History Museum, Slovenia:

    Two main families of karst cave bats are Rhinolophus ferrumequinum and R. hipposideros.

    The Ceska caves have much basalt.

    Large amounts of calcite and fluorite are deposited at the Selski dolini location.

    Lazulite Tirolian karst cave rocks abound in the border area between south Austria and northern Slovenia, as do anhydrites.

    Smithsonite, a meteor rock fragmentation, is not nearly as sightly as karst -- the smithsonite looks like rock bits from a piece of hardened ugly Swiss cheese and then splattered with cheap white lead paint.

    Mining is nothing alien to Slovenia -- there is the Slovene Museum of Coal Mining in Velenje, the Mezica lead and zinc mine, the Idrija mercury mine, and the ancient quicksilver mine on Anthony Road there, the largest quicksilver mine "of all times".

    Faenza, Italy -- Famous in 1400s for its faience ceramics.

    The Algarve Coast of Portugal has the same volcanic shoreline rock formations as the bizarre Irish volcanic shore cliffs.

    The Natural History Museum of Ljubljana Slovenia has a large mineral and rock collection donated from Baron Sigmund Zois. Zoisite is named after him, a calcium-aluminum-silicate with the formula Ca2Pl3[O/OH/SiO4/Si2O7].

    Sinkholes of Croatia.

    Lake Cerknica of Slovenia ? just a sinkhole? This is a deep underwater lake that at times just completely disappears! Does it make a journey to the center of the earth?

    Nearby the Postojna caves are the Otok caves, and the Planina caves.

    Buda caves of Hungary. [near Budapest]

    The Slovenian karst region is very different from the Ozarks of Mark Twain's Missouri which contains lots of kaolin clay and chert.

    The Dol?an Gorge of Slovenia holds many fossils and petrified mollusks and numerous remains of tiny Schwagerina carniolica, in addition to quartz sandstone and black limestone.

    Karst in salt plugs is relatively common. Many salt caves are in Israel. The meteoric waters in karst caves in southeastern Iran have salt plugs and much salt water, despite being in the middle of a desert.

    Hertfordshire England, Templar Order still there today, some impressive deep caves there.

    Dales area of Yorkshire, England. Many cave passageways [Easegill caverns; Gaping Gill system; Notts Pot; Ireby Fell cavern].

    Solid limestone is much less porous than granite.

    Even today, at present, no good theories explain the oddities of karst cave systems, nor their anomalies.

    The Derbyshire quarries look like dusty cement and are heavily iron stained.

    Roofless caves in the Salzburg area of Austria. Karst of the Hungarian-Transylvanian Carpathians.

    Travertine also comes from this karst cave area.

    In 1866 many Slovenians migrated to Brockway, Minnesota.

    Divaca, Slovenia sits atop the Slovene fault and is near Dane.

    Most of the soils of Hungary are well supplied with magnesium. The caves of Hungary, unlike those of Slovenia, show much evidence of common meteor collision origins. Some of them can be very prosaic -- and also hypogenic. The meteor crashes in Transylvania and Hungary have formed large craters, or faculae, and these in turn have produced karst caves. Karst eats away at other rock it rests on [much like gypsum] and lowers each decade the surface of the earth in the region in which it is deposited.

    Iran is part of the Himalayan-Tibetan Middle Belt.

    Velden am Worthesee, Carinthian southern Austria, part of the karst region also; many beautiful lakes and mountain valleys. It is not so far from Villach, where the Carinthian Ethnic Minorities Studies Institute is located near the former monastery of Ossiach.

    The ?kocjanske jame Regional Park, which is situated in the Divača municipality, extends over an area of 413 hectares and encompasses the area of the caves, the surface above the caves, and the system of collapsed dolines [and the Reka river gorge] to the bridge in ?koflje.

    The boundary of the Park runs along the Kozina-Divača highway on the west, embraces part of the Divača Kras on the north, and in the south-eastern direction extends to the foothills of the flysch hills of Brkini. When the metamorphosis of a river passes from flysch to limestone it is called "contact karst," and the ?kocjanske jame caves which are located in such a passage, are a unique example of this karst feature.

    Together with the extensive system of caves the Park embraces collapsed dolines and individual cultural monuments, and the Park makes up a typical karst "architecture". The unusual climatic conditions in the dolines and at the cave entrances account for the blended presence of both Alpine and Mediterranean flora. The unique concentration of plant and animal species cohabiting in such an extremely small space gives this area a significant value in terms of biotic diversity. The employees of the Park and the local inhabitants pay special attention to the protection of the natural ecosystems and archaeological sites.

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